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Posts posted by Lecivius

  1. What are you queuing for? If Veteran FPs are you actual marked as healer or does the rest of the group just expect you to heal?

    Also when you changed your role setting, where you queued at the time? There sometimes seem to be an issue that changes while being queued don't take properly. Same for changing your role while in a group and not being the leader of the group.


    In ANY FP, I queue as a healer. In ACTIVITIES I show DPS only. I also set that in Loot Preferences. I was not queued at the time.


    On my ticket, I am told


    "Hi Lecivius,


    I am Alexandre, from Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Customer Service


    I am sorry to learn that you are always keyed as a Healer in any Group Finder despite being Telekenetic Sage.


    The system can leasd you indeed to be very ofte keyed as healer.

    Too many DPS go for Group finder and healers and tanks are more often needed,

    In roder to group a max of people so they can play if there is no natural healers, the sytem will take the classes that can potantailly heal, and dps, such as the sith inquisitor, the sage, etc.."


    So the system will set you to whatever it needs, irregardless of what you are. In my case, I am stuck on heals 24/7. That is SO FUBAR as to defy explanation. It not only has me completely screwed, but anyone I group with as well. If the system is going to define your roles, why offer any path other than what is desired by the game queues?

  2. Same here, but rather strangely







    They were all at 700/700 before patch, and I rejoined recently, figured I could level pass not purchasing that 500000 upgrade, which I certainly do not have the money for if I were to purchase it on all required characters... credits sinks are insane for ordinary players. Guess crafting is indeed just DEAD...


    I effectively spent 4 weeks on getting most of those crafting skills to level 700 from 600 on a lot of characters/alts. Now wasted time and mission credits...


    I have all the skills maxed on various toons, and I am seeing the same thing.

  3. WZ pvp has broken this game. I've cancelled until this gets eliminated or fixed. It is REAL easy to "game" a WZ. It's not cheating, but a group or guild using voip will dominate a PUG. And doing Huttball 150 times a day ( 6 times in a F'n row this morning for me) is about as much fun as going to the dentist.


    End game has died. And it only took a little over 2 months.

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