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Posts posted by voidheart

  1. Is there any engine like hero engine? Maybe devs should change the engine in the expansion (if there is an expansion on the horizon ofc :)

    I dont know what the problem with this engine but someting wrong thats for sure. Perhaps its just need more polishing i mean look at the new Flashpoint Lost Island its beautiful i like it a lot. Otherwise its driving me crazy sometimes nothing wrong with it however the other day its laggy foggy blurry :) max fps is 15.

  2. I think Bioware should give us raidwide combatlogs. With 3 difficult operations pugs will go story mode or hard mode and i assume those are not that hard they can finnish the ops easily and if a boss dies everyone is happy.


    If you go with your guild to do nightmare you can improve your dps/heal and you just getting better.


    I vote for public combat logs, or else SW:TOR's playerbase shall not evolve. I dont wanna be dumb :D

  3. I have a lvl50 sniper i've just got lvl60 BM i have full Champ gear with Battlemaster mainhand.

    Im playing Engi/Lethality now in PVP and MM/Lethality in PVE.


    In PVP i've tried all the specc full MM full Engi full Leth bla..bla.


    Now the Engi/Leth suits me the best for PVP something like this http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/imperial_agent/sniper/#::efe4fef2e2f2e3fef2ef20ef2e2f3e3fef2ef ofc you can change it to get shorter Flash Bang or put 2 point to Adhesive Corrosives for a buffed Corrosives Grenade but it should be enough with buffed Interrogation Probe and Slip Away.


    I think the strength of this build is that you start slowly and you go crazy after a few second especially when you pop up your cd's. I just love when an unsuspicious opponent starts to panic and they trying to run or heal themself. They dont expect such a burst dmg in their faces.


    Here's what you can do: Start with a Relic and Adrenal im using the power ones then Target Acquired followed by Corrosive Grenade Corrosive Dart Interrogation Probe. Drop cover cast Explosive Probe and Cull and you should be ready for Distraction if its a healer. Series Of Shot if he/she still stands and Takedown.


    Gunslingers are pain in the *** when they pop up but if you can survive their first attack you can Slip Away and kite them while you dot them up.


    Sorry for the bad English :)

  4. My main is a lvl50 Sniper/Marksman. I never wanted a melee class with lightsaber.. well maybe a caster (Inquisitor/Consular).


    I can totally accept the agent in the SW role. I like the Imperial feeling behind it. And i like the rogue agent style like Jack Bauer :D


    Sure the class need a little care like better energy regen or some out of cover skill but i think it's a great class to play with.

  5. I am personally having a great time with this game and although it is a little buggy, I haven't had any glaring issues. While I haven't had any problems with customer service myself, I have seen so many people on the forums complaining about it that I am scared that this game might die. I don't want this game to die and I have been defending BW in most cases (maybe because I'm just a "fanboi") but seeing and hearing from other people about the customer service really worries me. It almost feels like BW doesn't care about their players. I don't know all the facts and again, I personally have had no problems but from other people, I'm worried to say the least. If this customer service is as bad as people say it is, maybe this game deserves to die.


    If you like this game then shut up, jeez do u really need feed the fire?

  6. Ok guys everyone should stop whining about EGA. Today you will get an invite but if you dont just STOP.

    Read what they said.

    “We are targeting Star Wars: The Old Republic to be one of the biggest launches of holiday 2011,” said Dr. Ray Muzyka, Group General Manager and Co-Founder, BioWare and Senior Vice President, Electronic Arts. “Our teams at BioWare and EA, along with our partners at LucasArts, are laser-focused on creating a high quality game, but just as importantly, they are resolute in delivering a high quality service. We are taking all of the necessary steps to make sure The Old Republic has a thriving community built on a stable online foundation from day one, including limiting supply at launch to ensure that players easily transition into the servers. So whether you’re waiting to join the Empire or the Republic, pre-order now to ensure you can enter the galaxy at launch!”




    They just want to do things right and you cant blame them for that. Imagine that if they let into the game all of us u would whine about how crappy the servers "OMG 1 WEEK QUE" etc.

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