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Posts posted by Kakarote

  1. Hey question for ya. Why is it that every time PTS comes online with an update the download speeds are terrible? When a live patch is downloaded I get 10-20MB/sec. With the PTS update it's been fluctuating between 1-4MB/sec.
  2. You will wear one tactical item which will most likely be a new item slot. This doesn't replace set bonuses at all, it is in addition to your set bonus. Think of tacticals like any other item (boots, relic, chest) it just happens to have a special effect on it (like extra power / utility to a skill, etc).




    Will these Tactical items be legacy items as well or will they be bound to character?

  3. It's going to make playing the game the focus, not gearing. I'm thrilled that they're (hopefully) finally seeing that.


    I agree Tux at the same time though we needs something to chase. Having exclusive vanity armor sets that aren't Cartel Market items but same high end quality for different sides of the game Operation, PVP, and the new PVE story experience would go a long way. Examples would be like the TFB/Scum Nightmare sets that looked great and had some special effects that glowed on them. I still wear the Republic Belt that glows to this day on my Vanguard from those vendors. It was also really cool when they had the new Cartel Market items drop at the end of each Gods Of The Machine Boss when they were released which also dropped in Story Mode. More of these old systems that the developers used would be an amazing addition for players to get excited for and to chase.

  4. You guys did an excellent job this time around on the vendor rewards for the new Umbaran Flashpoint. However I was really excited by the new legacy armor with the Umbaran Flashpoint and was going to grind out the new currency to get them all but I've changed my mind because when you put a dye in the armor it looks terrible with the silver/blue that's on all the pieces have on it not changing to the dye. Is it a bug?


    I still don't see why several armor sets that come out have these issues. If it's because of them having more than 2 colors then code it where those extra colors are in the primary or secondary slot for dyes as well when you dye your armor. Would be nice to get this changed on this armor set to get people to continue to grind out all of the items on the vendor other than just getting the stronghold.

  5. MAN, what A great question. Let me see if I can get you AN answer to that :rak_03:.


    For starters, with 5.3 you can now have an additional Stronghold unlocked (up to a max of 6). Next, pricing:

    • Stronghold unlock: 2,500 CC or 2,500,000 Credits
    • Room 1 - Interior Expansion: 1,400 CC or 2,000,000 Credits
    • Room 2 - Rooftop Garden: 800 CC or 975,000 Credits
    • Room 3 - Deepwater Sanctuary (South): 1,150 CC or 1,450,000 Credits
    • Room 4 - Deepwater Sanctuary (North): 1,150 CC or 1,450,000 Credits


    There ya go!




    Eric how about Guild Stronghold Cost? Also will Guilds ever be able to have multiple Strongholds unlocked? I'm sure guilds would love it especially with how the donate to guild options work within the stronghold system. We'd have some amazing strongholds as guilds to display!

  6. After talking with the team, currently this is my error in the patch notes. It is intended that non-final bosses are dropping Prototype and Artifact gear (not unassembled, which is my error). However, given the feedback of this thread (and the one you linked) the team is looking at improving this experience in the future.


    Apologies for the confusion. I will let you know of any potential changes to this in the future and I will get the patchnotes updated.




    I understand that you want to try and keep the 248 Legendary Items for the most part to the new Iokath Operation when you release Master Mode for the new Operation. Having a random 246 drop that is not a token drop and could also not even be for any classes you brought into the operation is crazy. Reminds me of when the game first launched and Smuggler gear would drop with no smugglers in the entire raid group during EV. One suggestion I'd like to make is bring back the old NIM OP vendors that were outside of S and V and TFB on the fleet and have 246 purple token drops from the old NIM Bosses to turn into the vendors. Several outfits on those old NIM OP vendors were great and it solves you bringing in a Artifact 246 rating vendor for token turn in.

  7. I did not use my Heroic Moment for the trash groups but my health did get pretty low at times, it wasn't easy but once I got it done the rest went easy.


    So in your assessment from testing multiple Heroics do you think most players which include ones who are leveling on the planet could solo the heroics you have tested so far? Take in mind that a lot of players who are currently leveling don't have certain abilities that we have at 60-65 and might not have Heroic abilities also.


    I'm just curious if these changes were thought out or not when it applies to ALL level range of players just not end game level 60-65 players.


    Thanks for all your testing :)

  8. "Not Afraid Enough" complete on my fresh boosted Level 60 turned 65 with orange gear missing mods and a rank 1 Elara.


    Hardest part was the Elites and their Grav Round. I combatted this by keeping my group pulls to 3-5 using Elara's CC and Defensive Cooldowns. The Voranitikus was a joke and for the second part all I did was click the consoles and Hold the Line away from the enemies since they weren't required to fight.


    For the Final Boss, I used Heroic Moment and quickly killed the silver and then easily took down the champion.


    I agree the Champion Voranitikus was very easy since it was one on one. What was your health at the end of each mob pull % wise? Did you have to use your Heroic Ability for the mobs? I take it you were using your companion ability bar to select each target to cc?

  9. Reno what I've noticed is as you get to the later planets like Hoth and up the NPC's in those Heroics hit way harder and do more specials. As a DPS spec player with a healing companion on those planets when 3+Gold/Siver Elite mobs are involved and you aren't on a class who can CC it becomes very difficult to survive.


    One test which you might try is on the planet Voss with the Heroic "Not Afraid Enough" on the Republic side. Most of those mobs have 4+ NPC. Good luck :)

  10. Hello I have for the last 30 minutes been trying to log into the game on the Harbinger Server. 15/16 of my toons are located in our guilds Yavin Stronghold. I've tried loading into all of those toons and I get the spinning circle with no load bar. However when I load into my only toon which is not currently located in the Yavin Guild Stronghold that toon does load properly in game. Also creating a new toon seems to work. Several of my guildies are experiencing the same issue.


    Any fix would be appreciated.

  11. ArchangelLBC that is by far the best reply I've ever seen on gunnery commando being valuable in PVE content. You hit everything :). To the original poster. It's all about Rotation Rotation Rotation and ammo management. I never hammer shot at all which is where I think most "gunnery" commandos lose dps because of them unable to manage their ammo so they hammershot. Fully geared and "optimizing" your gear with the right stats is what makes our dps able to compete with Sentinels and other high dps classes. Also our area dmg is one of the biggest reasons to bring our class to operations alone. Especially in EC for Kephess and dealing with trash mobs in general.


    If you cannot sustain good dps as a gunnery commando after the 1.3 update then it's the player not the class. If your guild or people you raid with have that bad of a perception of commando gunnery then I suggest finding another guild or people to raid with.

  12. Gotcha. Well I will say this i maybe miss once in the entire fight with my accuracy where it's at now. Having surge at least 75-76 makes a huge difference though compared to 72-73 i noticed on surge. I only have one campaign piece which is the my bracer but I guess i'll start getting my aim on par with yours once I start getting more campaign gear. You might consider using 3 Accuracy augments to get you to 100 percent accuracy if you don't want to lose the surge. That's what I did on my suit.
  13. Hey flying what is your accuracy at with your toon? Mine is at around 98.81 percent. With full blackhole items in my gear I have 2212 aim, 1000 power, 33.71 ranged crit, 34.88 tech crit, with a crit multiplier of 76.36. My dps on the operation dummy ranges from 1600-1730 in gunnery spec 7-31-3. I've been playing with the battlemaster 103 power relics and my Campaign elemental dmg relic and it comes out to about the same dps but the Campaign is more consistent.
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