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Posts posted by Commander_Ponce

  1. im back baby! the best merc/mando healer this game has ever seen, and now im looking for a raid group to join. if you have something bad to say about me its probably cause im better than you. if you want me to join your raid group hit me up in game or in this post. i will be accepting applicants for a short time so please line up and no fighting over me, thanks.

    yours truly,


  2. Bump

    some people messaged me stating there interest, if you could get back to me with a time,that is if you still wanted to do the run. would greatly appreciate it. otherwise i'm still looking for a group to carry me through dread palace, and still offering 20 mil for the mount

  3. i feel ashamed having to ask this as i have traditionally considered myself better than some SM warrior that buys all his achievements. but now im like a fat kid to icecream, i really want this bad and am willing to pay 20mil for it. i quit the game before my guild went 5/5 dp but im currently 4/5 dp NiM pre nerf as a healer but can dps if you just want to bench me. post on here if your interested. (can raid anytime) PUB SIDE ONLY.
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