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Posts posted by mrmaska

  1. First off I think harrassment is def needed, but I do wonder how effective it is some times. I'm currently 65 valor and have over 670 expertise, and frankly if you aren't geared very well you have no effect on me. At the stage of play I see daily a healer Is marked and if visible range dps try to zerg down every time. In a huttball match, if I heal myself one third of the time while kiting two dps and at the end come up with 500k plus healing do that math. My team is still getting a ton of heals. To some my comments up, harrasment is for random groups, orginized play they focus fire and move on..
  2. I'm valor 63 atm and have yet to get credit for a win ever. So now I play to lose. My self esteem has plummeted drastically. All seriousness aside. I never have problems with not getting credit. All joking aside, I. Won two today and didn't get credit, this is frustrating where's they dev responses to this?
  3. I'm valor 63 atm and have yet to get credit for a win ever. So now I play to lose. My self esteem has plummeted drastically. All seriousness aside. I never have problems with not getting credit. All joking aside, I. Won two today and didn't get credit, this is frustrating where's they dev responses to this?
  4. They are still horribly messed up due to the fact, you get stuck with level 12 scrubs and the whole other team has level 40+s... its still broke, they just fixed one of the main issues.


    People like you will never be satisfied, your a fault finder and that's what you do best.

  5. I still have faith in you bw, I will not be easily shaken from ever little mishap... that being said I leveled a character only in warzones since level ten all the way to 50 as soon as I hit 50 I was lvl 50 valor, that took me over nine days play time just pvping. I'm currently lvl 55 and your telling me that was all in vain? Its bad enough I'm out geared by people who are rank 30 to 40 valor cause you made me buy bags and sell the greens all the way to 50. People say you rank 55 where's your gear? I can accept that I through 50 levels of valor away on greens in bags, cause I love pvp. I dare say I'm a freakin hardcore pvper. But hear me out oh great and mighty pvp gods have mercy and cast lightning bolts of rollbacks at the fakes and fonnies. With your mighty hands oh pvp gods give us retribution! Serious tho without a rollback you are breaking our ( my fellow hardcore brothers). Hearts. P.s. have mercy don't ruin this game.
  6. For too long you have lived in a paradise of victory without effort, of success without resistance, of achievement without talent, and prosperity without risk.


    Tomorrow, the facade will be ripped away and you will be exposed for what you are. I will dine on your supple carebear flesh and quench my fiery thirst with your ever more abundantly falling tears.


    Finally, you will be removed from your ivory tower and placed into the arena with foes the likes of which you have never faced...gladiators of equal power to your own. Your mind must numb at the thought of entering battle without certain victory. Your heart must race at the thought of your utter lack of the slightest modicum of skillful play resulting in the truth being known.


    Enjoy your final day of unchecked power while you can, for tomorrow you die.


    I read this and laughed, true that man!!

  7. I'm not a griever, but over the years I'm ganked hear and there. I have been ganked as well over the years by people who love to sit on corpses, but you know what, that is pvp and I like it that way, guards are good tho, trying to kill a lowbie before guard gets you sounds fun, and luring a ganker toward a guard sounds good to. That's my interpretaion of nuetral town anyhow.
  8. I leveled in warzones all the way to 50, currently valor lvl 53 with 1 piece of champion gear and 14bags straight with nothing.. no complaining here I like pvp for what it is and whatever it takes if everyones on equal ground. But the only issue I have is I see these skirmishers with tons of champion stuff all decked out, and hear I sit lvl53 with one piece. That's doesn't seem right.
  9. Ive grinded plenty of games dozens of hours a day. And this game too. To buy one item with those commendations would take 20 bags, and you can get maybe 5-7 bags per day through grinding warzones plus 2 from dailies.


    So in mayble 4 months ill have all the gear? When others get better gear all free with lucky dip.


    This game doesnt reward any effort what so ever. Its pure luck based.


    Hmm exactly how many dozens of hours per day? I hope at least three :p

  10. Healing in acid is for baddies. If your that good you can use the fire.... baddie. Seriously I heal in warzones and see the acid baddies taking a bath all the time, so I pull them with my sorceror ability.
  11. A pve player should not out gear a pvp player in pvp elements and the like. There has to be a stat to seperate this. People complain without thinking it through. We live in a politically correct world it seems, jake says to tim, hey tim your gear is not fair you can't wear that, I can't Kill you as often as you kill me. Tim says to jake, I spent months getting this gear what do you expect? Jake says to tim, I expect to have equal gear even if this is my first day pvping, also you have to let me kill you cause I'm not so good. No offense, but some of you guys are a bunch of jake azzes.
  12. Totaly lame idea, there needs to be something new. Sick of the same ole stuff. Next thing you know there will be rich baddies paying for good player to carry them, to pretend to be bad azz. Sound familiar? There should be serious rewards for killing in the world, and a small loss for ganking lowbies. Anything but a wow makeover.
  13. Alright guys, first id like to say no matter how good someone is at pvp they bound to make mastakes.. One for instance is try to dps a member of your own team in the heat of battle, or even perhaps run the huttball all the way to your goal side instead of the enemies for the point. Yesterday I ran the wrong way and even threw the ball to a co player expecting a great victory point.. I won't labor on I'm sure there's many who have done it. Post a pvp confession!!!!
  14. Warzone are ment for group play, 1vs1 some other class will devour the other, that's the way it goes. Find that pocket withing groups so you'll increase your chances at being successful and living longer, peeps are more likely to assist with a kill or cc so you can get away, and even some times... heal you. Lol. GL
  15. Warzone are ment for group play, 1vs1 some other class will devour the other, that's the way it goes. Find that pocket withing groups so you'll increase your chances at being successful and living longer, peeps are more likely to assist with a kill or cc so you can get away, and even some times... heal you. Lol. GL
  16. Warzone are ment for group play, 1vs1 some other class will devour the other, that's the way it goes. Find that pocket withing groups so you'll increase your chances at being successful and living longer, peeps are more likely to assist with a kill or cc so you can get away, and even some times... heal you. Lol. GL
  17. So you are healing, getting commendations for healing. DPS people are dpsing, getting commendations for dpsing. You as a healer want to get dps commendations without actually doing any damage? Way to go bro.


    You sir are a baddy, you shouldn't post on forums, its about. Equal participation, I look at it like this I dps my whole team with a ton of heals, so I should receive equal rewards based on equal participation.

  18. This is not a game changing nerf. It effected a non-crafting crew skill, which is as far from being game changing as you can be. Get over it; besides, I make plenty of credits running TH missions, slicing is not the only gathering profession that netted lockboxes.


    says you, you must not know everyone has a different temperment level:/

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