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Posts posted by curzen

  1. Between this and other games it's just not enough for me to warrant a subscription. Free/Preferred will do. I'll reconsider when EA is serious again and continues class stories in an actual expansion.
  2. Hey everyone,


    There is clearly some frustration around this but I believe there are also some misconceptions about Cathar and our intent for subscribers so I wanted to hopefully clarify some of that for you. One thing we have stressed before and one thing we will continue to do with the Cartel Market is to use it for customization and convenience options. Another goal we have stressed for the Cartel Market is to not use it as a method for pay to win.


    Game Update 2.1 does introduce entirely new customization options, like the Cathar, which will require Cartel Coins in order to gain access to. Although I understand your frustration around this, we always take into consideration when pricing Cartel Market items that all subscribers receive a monthly grant of Cartel Coins. For example, if you are currently a subscriber who has a security key active on your account, you will be able to outright purchase Cathar with just one month’s worth of Cartel Coins. We also try to give you as much notice as possible around new features like this so that if it is your desire to purchase these unlocks, you will be able to do so solely through saving your monthly Cartel Coin grant.


    What I think is a misconception is that this is setting a precedence that we are going to take things away from subscribers. I cannot stress enough that this is simply not something we ever intend to do. The features and functions that you pay for right now as a subscriber will remain in place. We would not, for example, suddenly require you to pay for an unlock to run more Flashpoints. On the flipside of this though, the intent of the Cartel Market is to continually add new and fun cosmetic and convenience features and in some circumstances, subscribers will have to pay Cartel Coins to access these as well. I just want to specifically call out that we will keep these cosmetic as we would certainly not want to place any of our players at a disadvantage for not spending money, AKA not implementing pay-to-win.


    One thing I do want to call out for Game Update 2.1, which you will see more details on in the future (from both us and from fan sites) is that subscribers will see a substantial discount on some of the features being implemented in Game Update 2.1, such as Appearance Designer. Not only was your monthly grant kept in mind when pricing the items themselves, but overall things are far cheaper for you as a subscriber than a free-to-play or preferred status player.


    I know that just the principle that subscribers are being charged for Cathar is causing some of your frustrations, but I hope that I could at least explain a bit about why and to help alleviate any concerns that we would ever take something away from subscribers.




    Hey you, I don't really care how you try to whitewash it as a minor customization. We both know that many subscribers have been hooked to the cartel crack and will blow the grant on packs just as they used to. Locking Cathar away is a sleazy attempt to sell more cartel coins to subscribers. Don't care about White Knighting it as not being EAware's fault that users don't show self constraint. You calculate the anticipated sales with that in mind.

  3. People on this forum really need to get it through their thick heads that any hope of more class specific stories died the day this game went f2p.


    They laid off almost all of the writers, folks, because people showed that they were too impatient to pay a monthly sub while the dev team did the extremely time consuming task of making new story content. Class stories take a ton of time and lots of money to produce. Then players burn through that content incredibly fast and whine that there's nothing to do. The only feasible way to get any story content at all are planets like Makeb, if for nothing else it's just faster and cheaper to put Imp and Rep storylines together than it is to have eight different class stories, with all of the writing, animation, voice acting, etc...


    Don't like Makeb? Unsub now. Because this is what the future of this game looks like.


    in other words, initially unsustainable business model where content could not be produced cost effective in a timely manner. enjoy a gutted game from here on that has only a passing resemblance to what you enjoyed the first 50 levels. got it!


    edit: I accidentally a word

  4. The Cathar has been promised and talked about since June 2012 it was said they will be coming with F2P and then for it to be with patch 2.0, still there is no sign of the race, now there is speculation that it will be released as part of the barber shop in which you can only get with cartel coins... Is BW/EA going to screw the subscribers over yet again by not allowing us free access to the Cathar race when or if they ever get off their back ends and put them into the game like it has been promised along time ago.


    Please remember BW/EA we subscribers are what is paying your salary stop screwing with us and give us subscribers some love with the game.


    and same sex romance options have been promised since right after launch in late 2011 and they are still nowhere to be seen.

  5. This is a 10$ expansion...


    other examples of expansions are:

    http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/From_Ashes 9,99$

    http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Mass_Effect_3:_Leviathan 9,99$

    http://www.callofduty.com/blackops2/dlc/dlc1-revolution 14,99$

    http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Dragonborn 19,99$

    http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/The_Elder_Scrolls_V:_Dawnguard 19,99$

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_of_Warcraft:_Cataclysm 39,99$ (at release)


    so... we got our perspectives straight yet?


    For a 10$ DLC/Expansion this is pretty decent.


    Makeb delivers an amount of content any other relevant MMO receives as a free content patch, one among money per expansion.

  6. my subscription runs out tomorrow. the game is too linear in pretty much every respect, if you don't do Operations all you can do is level alts or grind dailies, given how linear leveling is playing alts was no fun, the personal storyline for my character felt like forced roleplaying for dummies, for optimum char progress you are forced to either go max dark or light side, the playable races aren't varied enough, lfg tool and many other basic staple MMO tools are missing. the game just wasn't as much fun as I hoped it would be. Was nice to level to 50 once and I wish I could have played more Flashpoints (server was too dead for that) but I feel like I have beaten the game and I'm just throwing my money away at this point if I'd continue my subscription.
  7. The game is bad and BioWare should feel bad for having released such junk. Server transfers, whenever they may happen, and other quality of life updates will give this game baseline playability, but to make it a competitive product that can stand up to MMOs currently on the market or about to be released changes would have to go so deep and content would have to be churned out on such a massive scale to make up for the current shortcomings, it just won't happen.


    Seriously now, just look at the E3 announcements. A raised level cap, likely to be in the 2 to 5 level range, one planet, one operation, one warzone, one spacemission. One week of play to get done with leveling and unless you'll grind that Operation it's apparently back to do a handful of daily missions.

    That's it? I should pay 15$ for that every month? I won't.


    BioWare has let me down enough with high flying announcements pertaining to this game which didn't come true. From fully interactive Flashpoints of which Black Talon and Esseles have remained the only ones, to my personal story which will be so damn interactive that it's still effectively the same outcomes as for anyone else playing the same class, to monthly content updates which haven't happened. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice - well it will remain at once, I cancelled.


    You guys had buckets of money, six years for development and 6 months after going live to make a good game and can't retain subscribers worth a damn. You blew it.

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