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Posts posted by Fu-Manchu

  1. Yes, I appreciate the active patching and the fact that BioWare is trying to eep things moving forward with fixing problems with the game. But I am up at night. Patching every frigging night this week is TOO much. I'm really sick and tired of this, BioWare. Patch once a week. Maybe twice a week. No matter what's going on with the game, patching constantly likethis is NOT the answer.


    There has to be a better one.


    This one STINKS!


    EDIT: To be clearer, I am complaining about the servers being down for 8 or 10 hours a night, 3 nights in a row. It shouldn;t be necessary for them to be down for this long. If it is, BioWare needs to bring it some programmers with more experience in implementation, because no other MMO I have ever played has ever done this. Once a week to restart and maintain servers? Sure. 3 days in a row for 8 to 10 hours a night? Never, in the 15 or so MMO's I have been a part of the launch of has a game company done this.


    So I'm complaining. I get to do that. I'm a paying customer. With out feedback, BW won't change. I want them to do so. Therefore.....


    Like some cheese? The last few nights Bioware has gone out of their way to fix some major problems and eliminate various exploits. I'd gladly sit out for a couple of days if it meant I was getting a better product in which to play. I didn't say patiently mind you. Big difference. I prefer a proactive company going out of their way to make things better versus a regimented pattern to appease a few stragglers.

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