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Posts posted by jcooke

  1. Did you really have to mention your girlfriend 4 times in a way too large post just to ask whether the community is dead or not?


    Read between the lines mate. This is not a post about a 'terrible community'. This is a post about 'OMG I have a girlfriend who plays star wars games'.


    Of course the community is terrible. This is the only 'English' EU pvp server left. In an MMO.


    Gz on the bird though.

  2. Well, I love that age always matters when it comes to this... :p


    Have seen plenty of 18+ act more immature than a 14 year old player, so I would just recommend that you take that off the list, and instead try and do some regular warzone with the players you intend on recruiting :D


    Anyhow, good luck with dem arenas!


    I tend to only join guilds/groups that are 18+, not because at 18 one magically becomes mature but because it feels creepy playing with children.

  3. Title kinda says it all. Wouldn't this kinda alleviate the problem of getting eight team members in the first place as well as add a strategic element to capping objectives?


    Keep 8v8 for pugs, 5v5 Ranked WZs and then obviously Arenas. I'd have preferred 3v3 arenas but BW seem to have an obsession with the number 4 (and its multiples) so 3v3 and most likely 5v5 WZs are out.

  4. My own 2p here for what it's worth. Over the past couple of weeks I've played both imp and pub sides both 10-29 and above (not max level) and the difference is baffling. I've won and lost with both but the ratio is heavily skewed in republics favour. I'd never before have advocated picking one side over another but then I'd never seen the Tomb Of Freedon Nadd in all its bad glory.


    I'm sure running with a group will net you an easier time but if you are leveling and solo queuing, imp is hazardous to your health.

  5. I think you misunderstood me in that. The OP said he could get top tier PvP gear in a day. Granted we established I slipped a 0 in my calculation but further established a basic set of Partisan gear takes at least 24 hours to earn and your calculation of 2-3 weeks for a basic set of Conquerer gear seems accurate if the perfect storm was played out.


    I very possibly do have the wrong end of the stick. And seeing as its only us keeping this thing alive, I'm gonna quietly sneak out the back door.

  6. No you didn't OP did and I think one other in this thread...


    From earlier...


    I believe you have overshot the mark by around 730,000 comms, correct me if I'm wrong. Divide all your figures by ten and you'll be closer to the mark. So it's possible, but unlikely to do in a week. Partisan can be done in a night, full conq perhaps 2-3 weeks.


    Getting tired of repeating myself to people who can neither read nor do basic maths.

  7. I see what you are talking about I apologize I multiplied by 30 not 3 so it is 101,525 WZ Comms much more manageable so @ 147/10min it only takes 70 hours of winning and maxing your comms. That seems very doable in q day yes?


    Never said it would take a day. My estimate was 2-3 weeks for conq, much much less for basic partisan.

  8. naw he's counting each RWZ comm as 3 WZ comms, the math works


    I pre-converted them so no, still absolutely wrong. Look its not a big deal, but it really is around 90k tops for full conq and not 850k as quoted. And as an above poster pointed out I didn't factor in mods etc because that is a variable and will differ from spec to spec.

  9. Nope those are very accurate numbers do the math yourself. Partisan gear is relatively cheap but Conquerer is expensive even for the RWZ Comms. RWZ Comms are 3x the number of WZ Comms. Partisan would even be hard pressed to earn in a day.


    Run the numbers yourself because people think I have to do a couple WZs don't even really need to fight in said WZs and I'll get the 147 WZ Comms when in reality earning NO medals gives you no comms. Losing the WZ grants you half what you would have earned if you won. Your earned Comms cap based on medals earned, time and margin of victory.


    On average a WZ lasts 20 minutes so that means 5 per hour if you instaqueue which usually means joined in progress. I honestly don't believe that a Partisan can be earned in 1 day.


    But maybe I'm missing out on this because I work 10 hrs a day and I got a wife and kids so...


    Partisan gear clocks in at around 10k. Conq is about 80k full set. So you are way out sorry.

  10. Top rated gear in 1 week? Prove it cause last time I checked to get the Conquerer set costs 822,650 WZ Comms.


    Now Lets suppose you had your comms maxxed when you reached 55 so you have 2750 WZ Comms and 4500 RWZ Comms. So that means you only need to earn 684900 more WZ Comms to get your Conq Set! Now lets assume you win every mach and earn every MVP vote earning you 147 per WZ. Also you get 200 WZ Comms and 100 RWZ Comms for the Dailies and 300 of each for the weeekly. So each week you earn 1700 WZ Comms against the 684900 you still need so that puts you at 683200 still to go. @ 147 per WZ you can earn a complete set in 4,648 WZs. Now If you can Win every WZ in 10 minutes that means in only took you 46480 minutes to earn your Comms or 775 hrs. 24 Hrs a day x 7 days = 168 hrs in a week.....


    So um yeah how do you do that again? Earn TOP TIER PVP GEAR IN 1 WEEK? Ok ok assuming you don't get wife aggro and you have the vacation time or don't work you can complete your top tier PvP gear in 4.6 Weeks exactly...So sorry it takes you 87 days to get your PvE piece but you are 1 HARD CORE PvPer if you can get a complete set in 1 week man!


    I believe you have overshot the mark by around 730,000 comms, correct me if I'm wrong. Divide all your figures by ten and you'll be closer to the mark. So it's possible, but unlikely to do in a week. Partisan can be done in a night, full conq perhaps 2-3 weeks.

  11. Ok thats smashing mate.


    On a second but related note, are there any Empire guilds recruiting? Preferably UK based or mainly English speaking. Would rather not join one of these F2P cluster****s for the sake of the 10% XP. I have endgame PvP experience with various guilds but that was over a year ago. Just looking for a helpful bunch who will point me in the right direction with the possibility of joining them for premades when I'm geared at 55.


    Edit: Sorted.

  12. Hi folks, just resubbed today with the intention of getting back into the PvP scene I left behind early last year. Seems to be a vibrant community on TOFN but I have a few questions before I begin the road to 55.


    1. Whats the most active times for PvP?

    2. What % of non-English chat is there on the fleet and in WZ's?

    3. Is one faction stomping the other or is it fairly even?

    4. Is there a healthy number of guilds and premades one could aspire to?

    5. Any particular class to avoid?



  13. Been tanking since picking AC and doing ok. Currently using Doc as healer, mobs go down but it's slow. Due to future guild needs I am re-speccing to DPS through the Focus tree (for the 'lolsmash' build - PvP). Not really interested in tips on the build as I've a fair idea of what i'm doing but i need to know if anyone has any experience as leveling and questing as Guardian DPS?


    Do I go with scourge or rusk tanking? Or stick with Doc? I kinda like the idea of scourge but i really want the quickest way to get these mobs down so that my dailies at level 50 take up as little time as possible.



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