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Posts posted by pyropete

  1. This server is pretty much it for largest population.


    Thanks.. I am on Bastion and it's dead here. It's going to cost me abt $80 to tranfer all my chars :( I do want them all with me. :)

  2. You're going to lose your strongholds and decos, but, if you do make this 90$ transfer, put everything into your legacy storage and don't be in your stronghold when transferring.


    I took everything out of legacy storage and bought one more bank tab for every char, and emptied legacy storage to personal storage of my 9 chars. I will make sure they are all on fleet. Thanks for that..

  3. I want to customize my companions!!!! All of them.. That's it! I would play a lot more if I could do things like that..



    ALSO, I would love to move to a more active server. I have 9 level 65 characters so it would really take a long time to transfer them all.. Can we just have an option to purchase a "acct wide transfer"? My server is DEAD so it's no fun to play. There is nobody to talk to ever.

  4. Anyone know the answer to this? Can I transfer all 8 of my chars to a more popular server (my server is dead too).

    If I xfer all 8 will I still keep the benefits of my legacy? All the presence I have from maxing out all companions on all 8 chars?


    I was probably going to wait for a server merger because I don't want to mess anything up if I were to xfer chars (not even sure if they offer it right now?). Knowing me I would screw it all up and lose all sorts of perks because I didn't transfer them correctly.

  5. Cant it come back where you can get companion outfits completing missions I know its adaptive armor now and I know u can buy armor but just liked it the way it was can we get it back?


    I have been waiting for this forever as well. I hate seeing the same Lana with every other player in game. Please activate customization for swtorfe NPCs!

  6. I wouldn't mind the option to replay it at a higher difficulty (hard mode?) for cosmetic rewards. Other games have the option and it doesn't seem hard to do since everything is phased.



    AGREE.... They kind of did that with the whole "recruit companions" missions where you had to go through heroic skyforge (also playable as non-heroic). If they did this for other stuff that would be awesome.


    I had good times in the skyforge or whatever it's called. Planning on running my other chars through it.

  7. While it is quite a jump, there is a simple (at least for now) solution...


    Buy grade 8 items for 800 credits, and trade them in on the Jawa exchange vendor for grade 9 items at a 1:1 ratio.


    Just be sure to buy and exchange before 4.2 when the Jawa exchange vendor is removed.


    They are going to remove Jawa vendors? I have all three in my stronghold and about 1000 of those token things to trade for mats... ugh... Wonder if they will give me something for those if I forget to spend them all. I like not having to buy mats from the GTN.

  8. While it is quite a jump, there is a simple (at least for now) solution...


    Buy grade 8 items for 800 credits, and trade them in on the Jawa exchange vendor for grade 9 items at a 1:1 ratio.


    Just be sure to buy and exchange before 4.2 when the Jawa exchange vendor is removed.


    They are going to remove Jawa vendors? I have all three in my stronghold and about 300-400 of those token things to trade for mats... ugh... Wonder if they will give me something for those if I forget to spend them all. I like not having to buy mats from the GTN.

  9. Next week there will be a full patch with crafting fixes, but I don't know if it will include this. Luckily I have max crafting for everything, but it's still a pain in the but having to keep going to different chars.
  10. yeah this bug is BS, FIX ARTIFACE BW



    Message from GM below...


    Hey folks!


    The team has identified a fix for the Missing Schematic issue, and it will be resolved in a bug fix patch next week.





    I don't know if it will include this BOP issue though. Let's hope it does.

  11. One time when re-installing windows I had installed 32bit by accident. I couldn't figure out why my games were always crashing when I hit a load screen (I thought I had installed 64).. Finally figured it out when I did some thorough web searches that I should check and make sure, and lo and behold I installed the wrong one. re-installed 64 and perfect!
  12. I also spent time gearing my companions, but I had a crafter and would normally go with all blue mods so it didn't hit me in the pocket book..


    I LOVE the new changes because I like using companions that didn't go with my character. Like a DPS with a Jedi Shadow doesn't work well. Now I can use my fav companions with my char!


    What did I lose? Well I had EVERY companion in the game at max (10,000) and they were VERY powerful at low levels. They could solo everything, including heroics until about level 40, and I could send only my companion at a player in world PVP while sitting back behind a rock some 100yds away and laugh.

  13. Hey guys recently I've started playing swtor again. I want to make a jedi shadow. What are your favorite armors for a jedi shadow?


    One of them I have Kreia's Robes (assassin), and the shadow I have a skimpy uniform with knee-high boots. She's a Twilek though and doesn't need much clothing to look good.

  14. Was it just me or is Kylo Ren a weak sith? He had trouble getting the saber to go back to him when it was dropped on the ground. He just seems like a weak sith to me (like Luke was in ESB)


    Also, I didn't like the movie that much. It seemed rushed, and nothing was really going on that made much of a difference.


    They went away from clones being storm troopers, no space battles and I am not a huge fan of the lead lady. Seemed that Han Solo wasn't in it much either. No Luke..... Very disappointing movie.

  15. It says Bind on Pickup ... which is just stupid. That was the case back with Rakata Relic, but I thought that they moved away from that model. IIRC, Ruusan relics were BoE. I am hoping this is a mistake.


    Were you able to see if some of them down the skill tree (weaker versions) were BOE? I haven't had a chance to check.

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