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Posts posted by robjordanlives

  1. I find your story dubious.


    Did you guys even play in the same server before? If you guys were on different servers and only became a group later, then it's a possibility.

    At this point, server transfer will likely kill non highest pop servers.


    Dude it isn't a murder mystery lol.

    Me and my friends played back in the day. I got burned out and left. They played on a bit after me. In that time they transfered to another server but then dropped off a few at a time til they were gone too.


    We still play other games together (destiny 2, Division 2, Diablo 3, etc).


    I have been feeling nostalgic for some swtor goodness lately so I said we should get the band back together. I popped on to find my toons on SS while they ended up on SF. I posted this thread looking for help and why it happened. CS told me no on the discounted transfers and a couple of peeps posted info thathelped me figure out what happened.

    That's it. No conspiracy lol.

    Like I said, I will just play out this month and wait til there is a sale on transfers before coming back. Not paying $50 to transfer over lol. No biggie.


    Thanks for the help guys!

  2. That is why I asked if they moved while you were out. There was a long running 90CC transfer cost that ended after the server mergers (About a month after the last merges i think). So they may have moved most of their toons for what it will cost to move one of yours.


    Yeah got ahold of one of those knuckleheads and that is exactly what happened. Would have saved me some grief had they told me they moved after I left but they "forgot" lol.

    Ah well. Will see what happens.

  3. Did they all move when you were not playing or did they all make new toons on SF?


    We all decided to come back a couple of weeks ago. They logged on and found their toons on SF while most of mine were on SS. Figure about 6 of my 23 toons are what I want to transfer and it just is too much at 1k a pop.


    Best part is that they didn't even read the ticket, got told "you created toons on SS you are stuck. Moves don't happen automatically." lol Uh these servers didn't even exist back when I stopped (much less started) playing.


    It is all on you.


    The server transfer you are talking about was years ago and you chose not to play during this time despite months of warnings being published and sent out.

    The last server merge none of us got a choice it just happened and our servers merged into one of two new servers the only choice to move that you keep going on about was the first time this was done and as I said, years ago.

    100% on you.



    OK man, I am a bad bad video game player and they are punishing me for not playing when I got burned out.

    When I played I went through merges before (was sent to harbinger from Davik's estate, then other servers being merged with harby later) but there was help being handed out from CS to make things easier for friends to play together.


    But at the end of the day I am not yelling and hollering about it just posted about it and asked some Q's. Got shut down so will leave after this month is up and wait for another sale no biggie, just kinda nostalgic about some swtor runs that is all.

  4. Just heard back from my ticket. They basically told me no pay the full price. So I will finish out my month of sub and then wait to come back when they have a sale on transfers again. Sucks but not going to pay 6k coins to play when I didn't choose what server I was going to end up on. If I did and it ended up the wrong one then I would have paid as it would have been on me.

    Thanks for the help and suggestions guys, hopefully see you in a few months or so (sale soon plz! lol).

  5. I assume you must have some reason for wanting to play on SF rather than SS, but wouldn't just be easier to stay on SS? Which way would require the most character transfers? (you to SF or them to SS)

    Both servers are located in the same place, so about the only real difference may be in population at various times of day.


    They all want to play on the server with the most pop and the majority of their toons are on SF. So I am kinda stuck.

  6. Hmmm thanks for the suggestions guys. I am going to send a ticket and see if I can get some love. hopefully the fact I didn't get to choose the server will work in my favor.

    If not then I probably will just play out this month to shake off some rust then wait to come back til there is a transfer sale or something. I will make some more toons and I was not looking to transfer all of my current ones but I have ones with stuff I would rather not lose for sentimental reasons (Tionese shells, First Rancor that was available, rare weapons ect).

  7. I missed founder status by hours (Just saying that to show I played a lot back in the day) but I haven't played since 2017 and that was 2 months. My friends and I are returning and setting up shop on star forge. All my toons were sent to SS. At 1000 coins a pop that is going to be pretty expensive just to move a couple (I have 23) over. Is there anyway to get a discount or bulk pack or ?
  8. I am leaving next month when my sub runs out.

    I have not actually logged into the game for about a month, due to just having no interest in doing so.

    I have 22 toons, 17 of which are maxed.

    What I would like to see is more content to do beginning, mid and endgame. Not sure I will see that though. The content has been light lately. I have been playing a long time (missed founder status by 3 hours) and maybe it is just time to move on. I have been playing a lot of Elite: Dangerous and digging that a lot.

    I hope to be back but am definitely going to be gone til there is more to do.

  9. While I am annoyed at the nerf of certs and blue n green mats, the jawa junk needed to be toned down. What I don't like is the way this went down. I have been playing this game a long time (missed founder by 3 hours) and have spent more than I like to think about in the CM. I have stopped spending any money on CC til the complainers are squashed by Bioware or they throw the subs a bone.

    Not because I am trying to "punish" Bioware, but because I don't like things changing after I bought them. The only reason I bought the hypercrate of these packs was for the slot machine (not because of mats because I don't bother to craft after 55) but because of the rep and certs. Rep maxed early and I was looking forward to getting some of the gear I have max rep for but no certs to buy. Now it is not even worth it.


    Anyway the complainers should give it up because Bioware is either already going to do something soon about this or they are not and you are wasting your time in either case.

  10. Why? In the OP's case, it's not like they deliberately flagged for PvP, so why not just use the PvP queue. It's not against the rules to do it after all, it's just a douche move, right? Kind of like what the player in question did to the OP. It's not against the rules, just a douche move. I say one good douche move deserves another.


    So punish others that have nothing to do with what happened to him? Two wrongs make a right?

    Forgot this was the forums and "douche moves" are the only right ones. Reminds me why I post so rarely.



    In any case, the zoning in and out of the GSF tutorial is faster and affects no one.

  11. you can always que for pvp and quit out once it pops. that gets rid of unwanted pvp flags


    Instead of doing this, which will annoy people trying to get a warzone done, why not start up the GSF training level and exit as soon as you get in? Gets rid of the pvp flag and doesn't affect anyone else. As an added bonus it is even faster.

  12. I also play on a gaming laptop.

    My specs are a bit better but comparable:


    ASUS 750JW



    16gb ram

    GTX 765M

    250gb Samsung SSD + 1tb HD


    I don't have the fps data but I know from casual monitoring that I get higher. You might try turning the shadows down as they are a big performance dip in this game. I think they look terrible so I put them on minimal.


    But definitely tinker with settings. Setting "Prefer Max performance" in the nvidia control panel, checking to see what is running in the background, etc all helps.

  13. On my lvl 23 Van Assault spec. and got the pop for mando raiders. Zoned in to see a 23 Guard tank, 30 dps commando, and a 28 commando "healer." It started off smoothly except for that the tank seemed to get melted even on trash. After the first tank wipe on the first big dog pull, I examine the tank's gear and to my surprise it is pretty current.

    Then I start watching the "healer" and figure it out. He switches out of healer cell and into plasma at every fight. Also tosses 1 or 2 heals MAX a fight total. And they are very underwhelming. His kolto bombs neither leave residue nor a HoT effect if stood in like they should if he was actually in healer tree.

    If the lvl 30 was really any good this would not have been a problem but his gear was terrible and I consistently pulled aggro from him we attacked same thing. About only good thing is that he followed kill order.


    Back to "healer." I whisp him and asked him what tree he really was in and he replied with "wut?" I told him that based from his performance I knew he was not in the right tree and that I knew he chose healer for gf to lessen wait time. He replied "Yeah. So?"

    Clearly dealing with a winner here.


    Tank seemed like a good guy just not been here yet so I was giving him info on the pulls and bosses. He asked why he was dying so much and I said because the healer was a dps mando in disguise. At this point healer does not even acknowledge this and simply stays in healie cell from now on but never uses hammer shots to heal or build supercharge.


    Somehow we finish the fp and the final boss drops both a chest and a lightsaber that is an upgrade for tank.....and of course our "healer" needs on both and drops group. So being terrible wasn't good enough he had to add ninja to his glowing resume.


    I guessed the tank was pretty new if he did not know the mechanics of hammer station (I have 21 chars so I do) so I offered him some creds to help make up for the nin-tard but he turned me down and said it was ok. Tank will be someone I will enjoy grouping with in the future I think.

  14. Athis SM on my level 22 Sin tank. Had a good Op healer also 22, a 25 mara and a 25 sorc.


    Looking at the levels I figured easy run. I gear myself to the nines in moddable gear because I am a bit of a gear whore lol. Healer was decently geared as well and I almost didn't look at the 25's because well they are pretty high for this and so it should be a steam roll.

    Then perusing their life totals I realized I had about double theirs. Sin tanks tend to have high lifetotals but this was a bit much so I looked at their gear and marveled at the random assortment of crap they are wearing. Mostly stuff from lvl 10-15 with the mara wearing cunning green pants and using 2 green sabers from 17 and 19 iirc. Kicker was that one was willpower. Sin was wearing all greens from level 15. Like he bought a set at that level and decided he didn't need better.


    Still I was game since they are higher level and I was confident that I could soak up damage with the good healer putting fresh bandaids on as needed. Nope. These guys jump n attack first, ignore kill order and go for the CC'd mob like it is made of pizza rolls or something.

    Some friendly hints were met with ridicule and more of the same. They then started running from group to group so fast I could not start to kick one. I finally got the kick on the sorc and the mara for some reason decided to drop group too. We were at the pond fighting the 5 dogs and 2 silvers there and the op n I took them out by ourselves til two new dps showed up and we cleared the rest with little effort.


    I don't expect perfection from low level flash points here. I am far from perfect. But it isn't my job to take the abuse of some ******* when we are all trying to enjoy ourselves.


    Good times.

  15. it doesn't work that way.


    piloting one is 90%

    piloting 2 is 100%

    piloting 3 is 110%


    all legacy speeders have a 90/100/110 built in regardless of tool tip. When it says "requires piloting 1" it will give only a 90%, not the 110% (which you'll gave at level 35 with legacy)


    It does actually work that way for the RoF speeder. It is always 110% regardless of speeder training.

  16. My thoughts.


    Is the lack of content annoying? Yes but I went and tried different stuff. I found PVP actually fun and am gearing up the toon I am going to pvp more with and getting Valor. I never PVP'd beyond enough to get a couple relics at 55 so this is a change for me.


    Are the bugs annoying? Yes but really the fleet and Quick Travel cooldowns being off is pretty minor. For those that can't even log in that would frustrate me too so I feel for you there.


    What I am getting at is the game is full of crap to do. Go datacron hunting. Get those last couple of codexes from the planets. Try something different/PVP/PVE/GSF/Roll new toon.


    Or let your sub laps for awhile till you get your fire back/more stuff happens.

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