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Posts posted by Cosi

  1. i am not convince that cross server would help with the waiting time.

    Look at other game that have cross server LFG like wow, wait time is still around 40min to an hour for DPS. I think it's mainly a problem of tank/heal/dps ratio. And wow is a game where player can change spec on the spot, so, in theory, there is no shortage of POTENTIAL heal or tank.


    i think what could help lower queue is double spec, couple with the ability to queue on multiple role but i don't expect miracle, sometimes, player just don't want to spec heal to help their fellow players. go figure.


    Dps queue times in WoW are down to 8-12 minutes for lvl 85 dungeons (both heroic and regular). LFR can take 20-30 min, but that's still nothing in comparison to getting a group together in Warhammer or vanilla LotRO (2-5 hours of sitting in cities spamming for more healers, even when I played a tank). You are correct about the ratio of tank/dps/heals being a factor with longer queue times in heroics though. The thing that fixed the queue times is reawrding players who solo queued as tanks or healers and stayed til the end of the dungeon. There's BoA satchel as a reward at the end of the dungeon with gold and a random reward (a flask, a companion, very rare chance at a mount) for tanks and healers. It's the only reason I'd consider tanking a pug. The satchel is only available for heroics at the level cap, but at the same time that seems to be the only point where queue times ever went over 15 min. SWTOR should do something similar to reward tanks and healers.


    I do think it needs to be cross-server in addition to rewarding tanks and healers, esp. for flashpoints below the level cap. A sinlgle server LFG tool is going to be useless below the level cap after the initial rush since there is a smaller pool of players to choose from as more and more people hit the level cap.

  2. I agree with everything except for the PvE bonus for PvP. PvE players would then feel forced to participate in a part of the game they may not enjoy. Give a PvP bonus instead to encourage those that enjoy PvP more incentive to participate. I enjoy PvP personally under the condition that it's completely separate from PvE. I enjoyed PvP in Warhmmer and I've heard a lot of good things about DAoC, just want that separation between PvE and PvP. If you want to mix PvE and PvP go roll on a PvP server. This PvP planet would be on both server types. I am looking forward to having a spot to go PvP on a PvE server, as long as it's done well.


    EDIT: "Optional" questing shouldn't be implemented either. If you want to quest while PvP flagged, roll on a PvP server.

  3. WoW tried that...same as Rift did...they both finally went to cross server ones. Why?..because the player base wanted one which had a high chance of them getting a grp in a timely manner when they had other RL issues to deal with and could not afford to stay in the game for hours on end waiting for a group.


    That is why I want cross-server LFD instead of a server-based one. Plus there are only so many people at lower levels that want to run flashpoints and it'll get harder and harder to find a group for low lvl stuff as more and more people reach max lvl. I like how I can level mostly through dungeons in WoW, it's my favorite part of the game.

  4. I'm glad they are at least giving us a chance to hit either one. Might or might not get up that high, we'll see. It's much better than the original thing.


    The main thing that got me upset is the "most loyal players" in the original promotion. Someone playing on day 1 that plays casually can easily be more loyal than someone that powerlevels to 50. I could care less what the reward was, just that it basically said that casual players are not valued customers even if they pre-ordered on the first day and have been subbed since release.

  5. I have two 50s and working on my third... so I got my 30 days. However, I feel sorry for everyone that has been playing since release and didn't get free time because they are (A) alt-aholics, (B) don't have a lot of time to play, or © just like to go slow and complete EVERYTHING. If I was in your shoes, I'd be super angry.


    They should have taken the high road by rewarding all loyal customers who paid for the game and have paid their subscription fees continuously since launch.


    Instead, they took the low road by trying to bait their most unhappy customers (those that are already at end-game content) into sticking around a little longer.




    I'm both B and C, might mix in a little of A as well. Been here since release but level very very slowly. It really makes no sense to claim that someone that powerlevled to 50 a few weeks ago is more loyal than someone who started the day it was released.

  6. I need cross-server legacies so that I don't have to quest on every server I play on. It's fun questing the first time, just don't like being forced to start from cratch on my legacy when I play on one of my other servers.


    This game really needs a cross-realm dungeon finder and addons (except for recount).

  7. I can't wait for them to implement cross-server LFG. I've done the whole advertising in zone-wide chat channels in major cities for 5 hours (no exaggeration) just to find a group before and I'm beyond sick of it. I've had to do that in every game I've played except for WoW. /1 "LFM for <dungeon> need 1 tank 1 healer" does not build a community. It just leads to people sitting around doing nothing in major cities while waiting for a group and unless you are at the level cap it can be very rare to find a dungeon group. As more and more people reach the level cap (it's ok when a game is new but gets progressively harder to find low lvl dungeon groups as time goes on.


    With the dungeon finder I could go out into the world (instead of staying in a major city) and do other things while waiting for the queue to pop. Plus I can actually level primarily through dungeons, and as someone that enjoys a good dungeon I think it's an awesome thing.

  8. The part that pisses me off is they FORCE you to choose a "legacy" name.


    Haven't deecided on a name or don't want to bother with it right now?


    TOO BAD! Because we're going to shove the damn pop-up in your face every time you change zones ( very annoying when trying to get to/from your ship in spaceports ), turn around, fart, or sneeze wrong!


    Because, once again, EAware touts the crap out of this game as being about CHOICE, but will be damned if they actually give you any.


    They really need to make the last name optional, esp. since it applies to all my characters and it may not make sense for some of them. I pretty much never use a last name in any game and I don't like being forced to have one.

  9. I think your best bet would be to simply PVP through the level range of a zone and then head to the zone and spend an hour or so doing the class quests for that zone, then rinse and repeat.


    For Example:


    Nar Shadda is levels 20-24 so you would pvp from level 20-24 and then when you hit 24, you head to nar shadda and do all your class quests at once.



    I like that idea, although I'm tempted to wait a bit longer than that (maybe 30 to do the 20-24 zone?). I will be doing the quest on another toon of the same class, just a matter of whether to do the quest on both characters.

  10. I'm thinking of leveling a toon purely through warzones once I get done questing on coruscant. Is there anything major I am missing out on other than light side and dark side points? I'll be questing on other toons and experiencing the story on those toons, just thought I'd try something different. I wouldn't be doing the pve endgame on this toon, just pvp (both warzones and Ilum).
  11. A few things. No dual spec and no lfd are two things I'd like changed, and the sooner the better. The #1 issue for me is...


    The UI. I can't custmize it much at all. No UI scaling, can't move most of the windows around. Ideally they will add at least some support for addons. Perhaps add an option for changing the UI color as well (bare minimum add red, but ideally add even more color options).

  12. While I'm not a fan of the super-automatic WoW-like LFG tool, a basic LFG is a must (basic LFG tool - window pane showing all the people on a server wishing to group up for a certain instance). Social interaction my arse, all the lack of a LFG does is make me not play Flashpoints because I don't have the time to wait around for half an hour to do an instance that's just as long. More importantly, even when I do have the time, I'm off questing, because you know, story, fun, actually playing the game and all that.


    30 min to find a group is nothing... try 2-5 hours of spamming chat channels in cities in some games. It seiously took that long to find a grind group as an EQ1 ranger, a tank in warhammer (for pve), and a champ in LotRO. I'll take 30 min queues where I can go out questing while I wait any day of the week over spamming chat channels while standing around in cities for literally hours on end.


    Another negative effect of no LFD tool is that it won't be long til more players hit end gme and that it'll get harder and harder to find groups for lower level dungeons. I think that's very unfortunate for those of us that enjoy doing dungeons at all levels.

  13. The problem I have with level brackets is that queue times in the lower lvl brackets will slow down. Tier 2 (lvl 12-21 originally) and Tier 3 (lvl 22-31 originally) scenario (warzone) queues in Warhammer died out really fast. I enjoyed leveling through scenarios in Warhammer and would like to do that in this game with warzones. As scenario pops slowed down in Warhammer's tier 2 and tier 3, I simply stopped leveling alts. They would need a way to keep warzone pops happening at lower levels in order for me to support level brackets. Other than that, I fully support adding level brackets for pvp. I'm glad they have bolster, but still, a range of 40 lvls in the same warzone seems pretty ridiculous.
  14. I agree with the OP on most issues, although I am wary of dmg meters because of the abuse I see. I like the concept of dmg meters, and I do agree with the need for a combat log. I do want to be able to see how I'm doing and find ways to improve. I just don't like seeing people spam dmg meters, go out of their way to top the dmg charts by acting like an idiot (pulling ahead of the tank, not using cc "because it lowers their dmg numbers", etc.), or using it to berate others (I actually did hear someone complain about how the healer's dmg was terrible one time... wth?). If they can fix the abuse then I'd fully support having dmg meters, but tbh I think it's a community problem that I'm not sure Bioware can solve.
  15. A lot of the "old guard" of the MMORPG genre seems to believe that the more inconvenient and obtuse an MMO is, the better. They like that it weeds out the people who think an MMO doesn't need to be that much more needlessly complicated than any other video game.


    They like to use phrases like "work for" and "put the time and effort into", because fun is secondary to them. They enjoy working in their video games, and they get a lot of satisfaction out of seeing people struggling with things that they themselves were able to deal with relatively easily due to their considerable experience with the genre.


    The introduction of a dual spec feature is threatening to them because it allows people who aren't as dedicated and devoted to the genre as they are to succeed in the game and experiment with different specs. A lot of them have had years and years of MMO experience, and early on in the genre's history, if you wanted to play a different kind of character you had to roll one and "put the time and effort in" to level them up.


    Dual spec means one player with a single character might be able to learn all three roles in much less time. They don't like that. They want respecializing into different roles to be a drawn-out experience requiring a lot of work and effort - requiring either a lot of currency farming to afford the respecs or the creation and leveling of entire new characters, just like they had to do once upon a time.


    So true, but it doesn't apply to all of us. I wouldn't make it a sweeping generalization but those people are out there. Playing an MMO like EQ1 back in the day felt like a second job and that was one factor why I quit. I already have one job, don't want a second one. Games should be fun and I think some old school players seem to forget that.

  16. I'm considering changing mains to an imperial agent or bounty hunter because I can't show my character's head. Why are we forced to wear a hood?! It's too bad, I really liked the inquisitor's healing style :(


    Play a twi'lek then since hoods are disabled on them. I typically hide my helm in most MMOs and I'm glad I can do that as a jedi.


    Perhaps they should add another option on whether or not to hide the hood on chest armor in addition to the existing option to hide your helm. That way those that want to show the hood can and those of us that don't can hide it.

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