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Posts posted by Leitha_Ithil

  1. I just hope I can help Senya in her fight against Vaylin :eek:


    Maybe - with all the light vs dark stuff going on - we can choose between Senya and Vaylin in the end. I would really love to see Vaylin as a companion for my dark side characters and Senya for light.

  2. Hab das gleiche Problem.

    Englischer Client, kann weder bei der Charaktererstellung noch im InGame-Chat die - ich nenn sie mal - französischen Sonderzeichen (accents) ^, `, ´ verwenden.

    ° hingegen geht z.B.

  3. Having the same issue on my vanguard and it's even worse: black-blue dyed Underworld-Demolisher-Armor

    character selection => no dye displayed

    log in => still no dye displayed, but ...

    ... after any loading screen => dye displayed

    ... after another loading screen => dye gone again

    ... and so on ...

    ... log out, when dye is not displayed ingame => dye is displayed in character selection

    ... log out, when dye is displayed ingame => no dye on character selection


    ... it swaps after every! loading screen and logout, not login though

  4. Jarring Strike (Concealment) no longer seems to be granted when the target has interupt-immunity/ boss-immunity. Tried it multiple times on the "Acolyte of Fear" on Oricon.

    Used to work before the last patch (2.8.1) as far as I can remember.

    Anyone else experienced this bug?

  5. doing that and playing as much as i can outside work it's taken me exactly 8 days to get 1mil. I can now buy 1 mod on GTN. At this rate it will take me months to get fitted and this is before the aesthetics come to play. (mounts, pets, flashy sabers, etc..) i've unsubbed a couple times just due to it being such a chore.


    why on earth do you need to buy this stuff? I can see, why s.o. would buy one or two mods in order to optimize his gear and not take a whole token only because he lacks the mod ... but equiping a whole char by buying the stuff on the GTN? Why?

    Do HM Op's and get the stuff yourself.

    Or, if you can't handle the hardmodes, why would you need 72/ 78 gear? (( To do Flashpoints? Really? Still ... there are commendations to collect. ))

  6. Since it has become more and more difficult to keep all toons up to date with their equip, legacy armor has become a must to players with ten or more level 55 characters.

    Thing is, I (and many others, too) don't want all their toons to look alike due to the same armor.

    My idea:

    What we have ingame so far:

    Appearance of armor pieces can be changed => dye slot

    Armor can look different on republic and imperial side => rakata, columi, battlemaster, war hero ... etc.


    Now, I had the idea that there might be a possibility of taking out the appearance of a specific part of armor and put it into another part (still chest to chest, legs to legs etc.). So, similar to the dye slots there would be an appearance slot. One could, for example, take a random chestpiece (e.g. one from the cartel market) and put its "appearance" - in form of a module - into a piece of legacy armor.

    This way, we can create our very own legacy set from different parts of armor, everyone as he pleases.


    But what if there is a female counselor and a male sorcerer?

    This is, where the different appearance on either side comes in. If a piece of armor, that has been modified like this, is send to the opposing side, there is the possibility of doing the same procedure with a different kind of apperance (until then, it might not be useable).

    So in conclusion there would be a legacy armor that looks very individual on either side.


    But since this mechanic somehow would have a slightly negative impact on the cartel market (one would no longer have to unlock certain things in the collections for different characters due to the legacy) the extraction could be paid not with credits but with a moderate amount of cartel coins.

  7. So basically....what you're saying is.......

    "We have some more stuff in the cartel market - get your wallets ready",

    "We've fixed some codex issues and some achievements"

    "However the game breaking bug for all you Sages & Sorcerers - yer, you know the one.....where suddenly you are ineffective in OP's, PvP etc - well, although we're apparently had this locked down for ages now we still aren't going to roll it out for fear of you guys actually being useful again!"


    Just put the fix on the cartel market, seriously. I'll give you real money for it - up to my current balance which is thousands of coins.


    Have u ever thought about the idea that there might be more than one department involved in developing this game? How is an artdesigner going to help with your problem, when he lays down his work on new cartel-market items?

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