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Posts posted by Dionlight

  1. Neutral rant:


    I'd say that neither side is more powerful because each side has faults that equalize each other out.


    Dark side force users, I feel, is a misnomer. The "Dark side" feeds on hate, anger and fear.

    The Light side, in the same way, feeds on knowledge and peace.


    Sadly, there are jedi who think that the Light side is stronger than the Dark side will ever be because they are reckless. The Sith, in turn, think the Dark side is stronger than the Light because they are too passive( I can't think of the word right now but it's something close to this).


    Both the Jedi and Sith code are followed too strictly which causes some backlash on which side is greater. Sith kill each other, Jedi think about helping others if it benefits the cause( KOTOR storyline).


    I would love nothing more for the Light Side to be the strongest path of the Force but I just feel that with holding the use of force powers such as "Grip","Lightning" and "invulnerability" makes them feel weak at times.


    *Grip - Stasis

    Lightning- Electric Judgement

    Invulnerability - Protection ( JK:JA)

  2. Rant about class specific light saber styles:


    The Shadow/Assassin is supposed to leap from the shadows, attack its prey and **** as quick as possible. Yet they wield a double-bladed lightsaber and can tank; a force user who masters the dark arts of the force to manipulate and control can go to the front lines and kill people with just the blade seems out of place.


    The Juggernaut/Guardian use a single-bladed lightsaber to march into battle with. They can also be tanks or damage dealers, yet they not only aren't aloud to use double-bladed lightsabers but are only given a + Defense/+Damage/+Damage and Damage stance( which doesn't seem as fluid.


    From wookipedia on double-bladed light sabers:


    Why I think Guardians/Juggernauts should also use them


    "In combat, your mind tries to keep track of each blade separately, effectively doubling the number of possibilities. But the two blades are connected: by knowing the location of one, you are automatically aware of the location of the other. In actual practice, the double-bladed lightsaber is more limited than the traditional lightsaber. It can do more damage, but it is less precise. It requires longer, sweeping movements that don't transition well into a quick stab or thrust. Because the weapon is difficult to master, however, few among the Jedi-or even the Sith-understand it. They don't know how to attack or defend effectively against it. That gives those of us who use it an advantage over most of our opponents." ―Blademaster Kas'im




    The primary purpose of the double-bladed lightsaber was to allow for a faster rate of attack, unleashing a rapid assault with only a minimum of movement, "more slaughter per swing" as some put it. Saberstaffs were also excellent defensive weapons, as the doubled length of the weapon provided more surface area for deflecting and parrying.[4] In addition to the practical benefits of the weapon, it also possessed a great psychological impact. The dual-blades increased the visual impact of the weapon, and in combat, opponents would intuitively try to track the blades separately rather than as a single weapon, overwhelming them



    Only one particular section is close to what the assassin/shadows have and even then...


    Attacking and parrying with the double-bladed lightsaber was limited by the fact that, unlike a normal lightsaber, one could not simply readjust their posture, as the saberstaff required them to hold it either horizontally or diagonally while fighting.



    So why is a sub-class who specializes in swiftly, silently and manipulating targets efficiently as possible given a weapon that not only supposed to limit movement, through the enemy that shouldn't even be ready for you off balance but has also been known to be used by people who specialize in melee combat offensively and defensively?



    This all being said: The restrictions are would stop people from equiping the same item as everyone else. And to do something like what Jedi Academy did would take too long to implement.

  3. Here's how I see it.


    The Sith Code and the Jedi Code are both equally good in their own right. The Sith Code encourages the use of emotions and letting them fuel your drive to be ( one of) the best things to ever happen. The Jedi Code encourages deep thought and control, to save yourself from the emotional pain day to day life may bring.


    There is nothing wrong with either. Now the Sith at the top of the food chain are evil, not those who are, say, acolytes, slaves and Imperial soldiers. Why? Because they just follow orders. They do what they have to do to survive( Evident by the Sith starter zones). Their masters are the ones that are telling them that mercy is "this" and compassion is "that". Though there are some on the Empire who don't think that way at all.


    Hell, during the Sith warrior storyline I heard there was a Sith lord teaching people how to control ones emotions; and his *** was going to be killed( I was light-sided). On my Inquisitor I started, someone told me to be careful before heading out as a warning about the training. On my Sith warrior again I had to save a Darth on Corellia and he was a jolly mo'fo.


    The Sith at the top are the most evil sons a b****es you will ever see because they we're brought up to be like that from other ex- Sith Lords. The Jedi may be more righteous but they sure as hell aren't all good. The two masters on Tython telling YOU to sneak on the couple instead of walking up to them and guiding them, their obsession with getting rid of passion and at the same time claim genocide on the Sith, and their once "herp derp" mindset of not defending a planet from the Mandolarians because getting involved would have been a pain.


    The high class Sith are the guys who would do anything for power and the high class Jedi are the guys who sit back and don't do **** until someone touches their crystals the wrong way.


    If anyone is at fault it's the Starwars movies and it's history. How can people devoid of any emotion they wish to express be automatically perceived as "Guardians of the 'Light' have my children pl0x! " / people who do harness their emotions will automatically fall to the darkside without so much as a concern for others, is beyond me. And there is ALWAYS that one person that just f***s it up for everyone.


    my suggestion, the empire creates the death star early and blows up Illum instead of Alderaan. Problem solved. That's essentially what they're doing...


    My stomach hurts....lol



    Topic: Remember when Imperials and Republic players traded objectives? Nobody really got hurt, they got their dailies done quickly....


    Flash forward weeks into the game. Republic players except on a few servers are getting farmed. Taking nearly an hour to complete their daily. New 50's having to fight RNG geared 50's......I'm scared guys =(

  5. Among things they need to fix are the damn loading screens. I keep getting the loading screen that shows what I'm entering and the loading screen after logging into the game. I got kicked out of warzones because of this.


    Secondly, the resolve + CC in this game is horrible. There are plenty of times where you can literally do nothing but just die and respawn because your resolve does not feel fast enough. There are classes who have plenty of CC's and classes with very little CC's AND escapes. JKs and SWs in regards, are really awkward to play in warzones because everyone else can **** with you.


    Speaking of, newbies who want to do PvP can't PvP effectively enough against other players more geared. There is a thread about this somewhere on the forums that explains how to bridge the gap. This however does not make things any less frustrating. Plus with the valor farming weeks ago there are more Battle-Masters fighting. The bag system is not helping either.


    There are games where I stayed in because I needed the warzone commendations to buy mercenary commendations; and games I've dropped because a few were trying to get medals and not wins. Which would not have mattered anyway because the other team out gears us. The only reason I could see the penalty in WoW working was because there was more than enough people playing on ever server and if someone dropped someone else could come right back in and give the team a boost.

  6. It would be nice to see the SW revamped to make the Empire more grim.


    Watching a Sith stab his lightsaber into someones skull and feeling the essence of someone leaving. The majority of Sith surrounded in darkness with nothing to show their mortality than a decrepit face with no pupils. To utter near demonic words to inspire his comrades. With the Light-Sided Sith being so few, wear not-as-aggressive armor among other examples.




    The game is fine as it is. Most of these "bad things" are of your choosing. If you don't like a particular choice you can opt out for a better one. Don't know why it's so serious. =/

  7. Ever since I saw that cinematic "Hope" with her blocking a lightsaber with her hand I've wanted my character (sith warrior) to put her head on spit.



    And since we empire players are forced to kill Malgus in False Emperor. If given the option any half sane empire player would choose to help Malgus not kill him.



    It's only fair we get kill Satele Shan too. How can you take the imperial iconic paragon character and leave the republic character completely intact. How is that fair? And it completely violates the theme of balance in the Star Wars.


    So where's the flashpoint with players finally get to confront Satele Shan? I expect the flashpoint would have to play like a Malestorm prison to The foundry type of angle where repubes help her and imps kill her.


    As a Light-Sided Sith, I can't let you do that.


    At least not kill her like that. She's nice and gave me cookies

  8. The next era is around 100 years from the cold war. Which a fallen jedi falls to the dark side to become Darth Desolus and amasses an army that kills thousands of Jedi. The fact it was explained that it was in a time of peace AND that the republic is doing fine gives Bioware around ~50 years to play with, probably less.


    Oh wow....that actually sucks.


    Husband: Hey hun, we're victorious! We beat the Empire back!

    Wife: Let's have sex!

    *Years later*

    Husband: Hey didn't you hear? Some Jedi and Sith fought each other and a lot died!

    Wife: Wasn't our son a jedi?

    Husband: .....

  9. Your focus/rage goes down over time naturally, not because of Introspection/Channel Hatred. If you read the tooltips, those skills are only supposed to regen HP. There would be no reason anyway to lower your focus/rage.


    I think they are just wondering why the self healing spells are named as such. The idea of Channel Hatred should be to gain more rage( because you're channeling your hatred).





    oh btw nice hat!

  10. For some perspective,

    in the JK storyline, the Jedi Council's brilliant plan for Act II is to defeat, capture alive, and turn the muhfuhing Sith Emperor to the light side. :confused: Yeeeeeeah. That goes about as well as you might think it would.


    Yeah. I was like "You gotta be Sithing me. HTF would that ever work!"

  11. My friends and I thought about this.


    One was Lt. Pierce reforming a commando squad to fight against some Republic forces on Tatooine. He'll come back disappointed and say that he fought Havoc squad which beat them back.


    Quinn can talk about how he and Elara Dorne competed against each other to be at the top of their class.


    Doc can include hearing about Elara's medic abilities and include a conversation about Gault.



    Would also be interesting seeing your mirrored characters in the same storyline. Like having your SW/JK go through a story and meeting another one of your characters that is a JK/SW.

  12. Warzones: 6/10 Getting the bugged Warzone daily every day is not cool. Void Star and Civil War are okay but Huttball seems off. If a team scores twice in 2 minutes than they'll continue to push the other team into their spawn point. Which stops being fun at that point.


    Ilum PvP: 4/10 Before hand, while completing your daily wasn't supposed to be "friendly" it still allowed everyone to get in and get out without hassle. Now the Republic is still out numbered and are likely to get steamrolled every time they meet us.

  13. I like the Empire more than Republic because being a Jedi just feels like a drag. You are always willing to help because that is what you do; and you are always talking about the Force like it runs this -ish.


    Something bad happen to people? The Force will find a way to make things right


    You killed your enemy? the Force wanted you to


    The Enemy killed someone you know? The Force said so


    Something good happen? Praise the Force!


    They remind me of those overly religious people you hear about.

  14. Very interesting topic.


    I feel like only Light-sided Sith are the only ones who get the meaning behind the Sith code. Me being one of them, I see the code as a reminder to encourage you on your path to "freedom". Freedom being at peace with who you are ; that what you went through made you a better person. You don't have to kill everybody that fails you on you're way to victory, nor kill every person that challenges you. Also the force is your tool to smite your enemies with your passion and the stronger you are, the less likely you will fear or hold hate of anyone because they are beneath your level of experience.



    Of course the majority of the Sith feel like abusing the code and think you have to kill just about anything that moves. That the only passion there is is rage and hate and the only way to gain victory and break your chains is to kill your master(s) until you are killed.



    Now I like the Sith code because it allows someone to challenge themselves and prove their worth. No one likes to feel like a weak *** b*tch all the time. However the code suffers from infighting and lack of guidance. No Sith should be hated or killed for showing mercy or love to one another to make them a stronger and more restraint person; the Sith code allows it.

  15. What the posters above me said.


    After discussing it with a friend I have come to understand that the Sith Code is not evil. It utilizes emotion to achieve strength and become even stronger. The only problem comes in the inability to restrain oneself from continuing to use these emotions when you don't need them.


    I've noticed through my class story lines the the ones who say "I hate/ disdain/ despise said person" clearly cannot control their emotions. Light-Side Sith just don't want to cause unnecessary violence or bloodshed; but if they have to they will.



    The Jedi code to me seems far more corruptible than the Sith code. Being passionless means you don't feel anything and not feeling the pain and sorrow of those that need your help just makes you look like an ***. Taking kids from their parents that they'll never see again, forbidding relationships and forcing people to do odd jobs because they were frustrated? Sounds like "purge weakness" to me. At least the Sith are honest about it.


    Also facing a Dark-Sided Jedi would seem like a very scary thought. Someone without compassion or a need for negotiations and would rather stab you than cooperate is with-out a doubt ungodly creepy.


    Though a LSS and a DSJ fighting each other would be awesome to watch.

  16. Darth Malgus



    I like the fact that he wanted to invite alien species into the Empire and make it stronger. Of course he should have planned it way better. Then again I wasn't given a choice to say if his idea was good or bad. At least he also seemed more leveled headed and respected those around him( at least from the game perspective).




    I also like Darth Revan. Especially the part where regardless of what the jedi council said he went into battle and helped in trying to stop Mandolorians from conquering worlds. Sadly, he was labled as evil because of it =/



    Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong I haven't played KOTOR in YEARS and my other one broke =(

  17. =(


    I wanted to join the Republic but my friends all wanted to play on the side of the Empire. Then I tested out the Sith Warrior and I liked the background and story telling ( though most will say it kinda sucked).


    I made a Jedi Knight alt whenever I wanted to do something different and well.....I didn't really feel anything from it.


    There is something about being a Jedi that doesn't hold interest for me anymore.

  18. +1 for fairness.


    Though I'm having a hard time understanding why there would be female gamers that would want more romance options anyway. Not trying to sound like a jack*** or anything( :( ) I just don't understand.


    I mean, it's not in their nature right? I think I'm confusing myself.

  19. Since we're on the topic of Sith "Warriors" I do kind of feel like the Immortal seems off.


    A few hours ago I tried to solo a lvl 40 Elite as a lvl 40 Immortal with Quiin, Jaesa and vette.


    This Elite did one of those AoE's that drops a droid and shoots fire in a radius. This quest was not Heroic or anything yet I was only able to get it down to 15%-20% before dying. I used every defensive cooldown and semi defensive cooldown available.



    I understand more of what people are saying; though this is my view. Sith Warriors are supposed to be more battle hardy than the other Empire classes yet does not have a significant advantage than them in combat. Marauders are supposed to literally smash targets to pieces and Juggernauts are supposed to withstand assaults that would normally kill everyone else without cooldowns.


    I am confident that this will get looked at soon however.

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