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Posts posted by patheman

  1. Dark Moon Rising is a relaxed, mature guild newly formed on Imperial Harbinger. Our main focus is building a community of players who enjoy FPs, Operations, Raids, and PVP. We are currently at 35 Members with strong ties to each other. We are recruiting every class and level, but we are also looking for experienced players who are willing to mentor newer players and work well with our current crew.


    Dark Moon Rising maintains the following:


    Guild Bank (4 Tabs)

    Guild repair until level 30

    Guild Hall (Under construction)

    Guild Website ( http://darkmoon.swtorhost.com )

    Vent Server ( darkmoonrising.progamerhosting.com ) (30 Slots )

    Regular Twitch Stream (http://www.twitch.tv/jeniferann)


    Our only "rules" are: have fun, respect each other, and help your fellow guild members.


    For invites to Dark Moon Rising whisper:


    Pavius (GM)

    Loyavev (Guild President)

    Tegh (Vice President)


    You can also sign up to our website and use the membership for located @ http://darkmoon.swtorhost.com/recruiting/app_application.php?gid=429854

  2. No. That is all.


    Seriously though, check the times. Clone Wars outfits haven't even been made yet, it wouldn't make sense. Just, no.


    The probelm with everyone's negative reception of ths fashion idea is that Fashion, regardless of the era, always comes back around again and again. There is noting ridiculous about having these costumes in game for several reasons. 1) It pays homage to Star Wars through player creativity, 2) There are RP Servers for people who want to be puritanical about their game play, and 3) There is a a high enough demand for it that paying customers should get what they ask for. If you don't like it, then dont buy it or wear it. Hell, dont even associate with those people who do. Problem solved. And finally, they have already added the neccessary items to make a reasonable representation of Ventress; both in clothing (Armor) and The Rattakki Race. Both very intentional on the part of the Devs.

  3. While these are positive changes, what about the persistent low fps and other core issues keeping people from playing entirely?


    I'm a 20 veteran and renowned computer tech in my field. I build gaming systems for a variety of gaming needs as a professional hobby without any form of complaint from my customers. If you are having persistent FPS issues with this particular game, then you likely have any number of common system configuration issues or your systems is so old, you need to finally upgrade.


    I play this game on max settings on an old Alienware M17-R1, 4GB DDR2, 2.8 GHz Core 2 Duo, ATI HD 3870 w/512 MB and I have zero issues with frame rate. Server lag is the only issue I face and even then it is barely worth compliant. So what is it you are actually asking for? Dumbing the game down to meet the needs of archaic or legacy computers?

  4. Idd give this one to Mace Windu, partially because the entire point of rule of 2 started by Bane was for the Sith to become stronger meaning Sidius should be far beyond Bane and Mace held his own there.


    But beyond that I believe Shatterpoint and Vaapad would give Windu the advantage.


    Bane would crush Windu like a grape with shear, brute power of the force. Not to mention his armor takes windus only real advantage away. His armor is near impervious to sabers and energy weapons alltogether.

  5. Is anyone else surprised to see Darth Revan in the Foundry? I haven't yet started "Revan" the book and I was curious if it is mentioned in the book. Also if they go into further detail about his time with the Emperor.


    Yes they do go into more detail. But short of giving plot away, answering either of your questions might have that effect. Live with it and play the story arc. You shouldnt be dissapointed depending on your class.

  6. I'm a level 27 Jedi Sentinel and I still can't get close to beating Valis. He kicks my #$% every time. Any tips?



    Hes a ***** at times. Throw Kira on him with her armor pent turned on, jump on him and keep him as interrupted as you can. Once you have aggro on him, use your interrupts like they are you only attck and keep him off of Kira. And do not take him on if he is one level obive you or more. You should be at his level or one higher to make it easy.

  7. jedi knight's voice acting sounds pretty whiny


    Now whiny is definately NOT the word I would use. But he is scripted to be a Jedi. a solid, good ol farm boy, bible thumpin' Jedi. he's a goody good. A goody two shoes, an alter boy if you play him completely light side.


    That I can go with. But whiny... never. Whiny is Anakin in episodes two and three.

  8. Glad someone else brought up the fact that they didn't see any interruptible abilities...thought I was just completely missing them.




    Yeah....I had pretty much resigned to the fact that I must be the worst player ever if I was getting owned this badly and others were beating it "with ease".


    I'm not sure if the intent here was to be so frustrating to make you change characters, but I haven't touched my Sentinel since about 10 deaths and 10,000 credits between armor damage and stim packs.


    The thought of travelling to worlds I've already been to, to pick up random missions to gain an entire level isn't that enticing either but it will have to do. I've tried making comments about it in open world chat but all I get is replies about how tough they found it - but that's as far as it goes.


    I appreciate this is an MMORPG and sometimes you will need teammates...but this is a tad ridiculous. My friends who do play this game are either lower than my level to help with this or on a different server.


    It's one thing being tough, but I've given up any shot at this until I gain a whole level above the mission level.


    I have not once required a team for any of the solo content. Though I imagine it would make it go by a little faster. I think people just need to learn the basics of their builds. This game is only a few weeks to the general public and people are already making claims of breakage.


    There are some shortcomings in the build area. But you can solo all the way through this game without one single need of a group. My roomate sat behind his keyboard for about two weeks and leveled his toon to 50 and not once complained. He said it was pretty easy actually. And I watched him play alot so I am inclined to agree.


    Now I am 40 as I dont have the time to play that many hours, but I have to agree from experience now that I have no issues at all. I just play until I die and then reevaluate that fight, adjust and rince and repeat. I have yet to skip a class or world story on any planet I have visited. So that must tell you that it can be done.

  9. I am a level 27 Jedi Guardian and I can't beat the Sand Demon. Not sure if it's an Elite or Boss mob as it has both labels. Any how, I've died three times now. It takes out Kira in less than five seconds and I'm pretty much dead a couple of seconds later. Any suggestions how to beat it?


    Edit: Nvm I just barely beat it with 2% of my health left. Its ground shaking/pounding skill is too damn powerful.



    Just as a matter of fact. I had no issue with the Sand Demon. He went down while I had about 25% health left to play with. I actually found her too easy for what she was supposed to be.

  10. Actually more concerned with survivability, and fact we have no real means to counter any elemental/force power damage, or internal damage, outside our insanely long CD abilities like Saber Ward or Invincibility which isnt helping alot, and our only heal pet doesn't really have any burst heals to make up for how much damage we take from those damage types.


    Was fighting a single quest force user sith elite in a quest today, i was going out of my head about how poorly our tools to even stand a chance were, disruption on way longer coolddown than i takes them to spam 4force powers before its off, elite can disregard force scream interuption, which leaves force choke on 50min CD approx if you have the reducer, or force push on 45min coold down with talent reducers, or backhand on 1min CD to interupt between disruption coolddown, or lose 1/3 or 1/4 from each force ability they use, because we have zero non cooldown migitation that work here to any useful degree, saying that with near 19% defense rating, shield rating on around 31% and absorption rating around 26% and around 12k health at 47level.


    And still they can walk over me like i was a joke, kiting helps nothing, pet without any real burst heal, helps nothing, dps pets die way faster than me with all aoe spamming mob do, its a real anti climax for playing tank, when we not even allowed any real damage against strong or elite mobs, what exactly we supposed to do?


    Im considering today if to scrap my juggernaut or not, im simply reaching my pain treshold playing this class.


    What I can glean from what you just typed there my friend, I am guessing you really do not have a full grasp of the mechanics of this build. Where I do agree the cooldowns are too high on almost every key ability we need as tanks and for taking down solo bosses+mobs. I have not once in the level 40 range of content met with a solo boss I could not negotiate at my level or in some cases 1 above.


    I do find myself having to manage aggro quite a bit on mobs that are spread out, especially those boogars who heal themsleves and their buddies and maintain distance between one another by design. However, I do not have any issue with the degree to which my healer can burst and mainatain heals on me in any circumstance.


    I think the key is maintaining your healer's equipment. Mine is sporting all oranges and I make certain to update his slots at every level. Past level 40 this should not be an issue financially. As far as doing damage against strong and elite mobs, I am not having an issue there either. Obviously I don't do the damage of a DPS build, but then again I am not suppossed to. I am a tank build. I come to accept that I do less damage than my DPS counterpart. If I wanted to do DPS I'de roll DPS.


    So with the Tank build we have to think a little more and employ a little faster button and mouse pushing, take care in our key layouts and key binds, and learn to manage our CCs a little better. In the end a tank should have to perform a slow burn on an intended target or mobs.


    Hopefiully, Bioware will address the armor deficiency they say they are aware of and while they are at it they will hopefully address the cooldown issues so may are complaining about.

  11. That argument only holds up if an orange post states that, sorry.


    The only part that really need be "orange" as you put it is "You were never intended to make money running missions."


    I was able to glean, from mature reading, this to be a matter of opinion and one of good base and sound reasoning. If a chicken walks in front of you, do you require a "orange post" to tell you its a chicken?


    Its a good post even though some if it may lack facts from the Devs perspective. But economy is important in a game which employs that sort of mechanic. So I would like to hear a real Dev response to this post as I beleive it deserves one.

  12. Not True, the companion customization vendors are generaly one to two planets after you get the companion (different classes get them at different times) IE JCs get a companion at the end of Balmorra and the vendor for that companion is on Belsavis.

    Leveling path is

    Coruscant/Dromund Kaas, Taris, Nar Shadaa, Tatooine, Alderan, Balmorra, Quesh , Hoth, Belsavis, Voss, Corellia, and Illum for republic. Swap Balmora and Taris for Imp players.


    The vendors are in landing town cantinas at most times so you can go there at any level with out a problem.



    Actually as of now, Balmorra has a Customize Vendor located near the exit of the Bug Town Base. The vendor is a large twiliek male.

  13. Oh yeah, I agree that PvE overall is a more popular game style.


    I tend to enjoy PvE more than PvP.


    But I still roll on RP PvP because I like the occasional thrill of open world combat (PvP minigames are the worst MMO invention ever), and there is *enough* RP to keep me satisfied.


    RP'ers can roll on a RP-PvP server and expect to find RP, like I have on Ajunta Pall. The only thing I don't like about these debates is the people who come in and say "there's no RP at all on the PvP servers", because that's simply untrue.


    Oh I infact agree that RP is probably more compelling and immersive on a PvP server. In W... [insert game name here] I made a practice of leveling a toon on a PvE server to endgame and then paid for transfer to a PvP server once I played through the story driven solo content. Not all my toons. Just the one I intended to PvP with.


    However those days are probably over and that was a while ago. Atleast for now and with this game I am enjoyng the storyline for each class before I consider rolling a toon on a PvP server. Maybe once I retire I will put a little more effort into PvP.


    But I have to admit I respect and enjoy your rational on the subject

  14. That's not the whole story...


    By the time Cimmeria was shut down, about 10 PvE servers had shut down before it.


    And once Cimmeria had shut down, most of what was left on the unofficial RP-PvE server was tavern RP.


    Which frankly, is very very boring after a while, and a big reason why I don't want to roll on a RP PvE server. I mean, I'm all for taverns and ERP, but doing it 24/7 is ridiculous...


    You can't maintain a RP server in the face of a dwindling population.


    I don't dissagree with you on any particular point. However, if you read the general banter out there, IGN nad MMOROPG.com along with a host of others, they reveal that PvP makes up about 20%-30% of the MMO population. Not in every game ofcourse, but the large majority.


    Personally if I have a desire to PvP, it is long after I have reached end game with my toons and not before. But I am also far too... matured in years... to dedicate a large portion of my time to a game. My time is far to important to me outside of a game. Sleep as an example is a treasured asset in my life.


    But I do not begrudge anyone their form of happiness in a game like this. To each thier own and more power to them, as long as it doesn't affect my enjoyment of the game.

  15. I've been playing on RP-PvP servers for three years and have only seen that when servers are merged with normal PvP servers.


    As a previous poster said, WoW RP PvP suffered due to a lack of normal PvP servers.


    However, I've had excellent experiences on Age of Conan RP PvP servers, both Hyperboria and Cimmeria. The only problems that occurred happened when the game started to struggle and those servers had to be merged or shut down.


    But as another poster said, infants are everywhere. What I specifically saw on Vrook Lama didn't impress me one bit...


    *Someone trolling*


    *RPer: "Time to ignore"*


    *Some guy not trolling, but just rubbing people off on the wrong way*


    *RPer: "Time to ignore".


    The chat comments on the PvE server were annoying. Either someone was trolling, or a RPer was moaning on about how they had to ignore every second person. This is the prima donna stuff I don't want to deal with on PvE servers.


    Now, I don't have much else bad to say about the PvE server, but my point is there are idiots everywhere.



    They were shut down due to lack of player base on those servers and a resounding hatred for tortage brutality. PvP only server are proving less and less successful.

  16. I would think Rp carebears would like to be able to think and ponder their rp story and can't do it if they are able to be ganked at any time...


    Here it goes again... the "carebear" comment. This is where I do get ticked. Some jackarse who doesn't amount to anything in real life decides to call names at people who want to enjoy their gaming experience without PvP.


    You need to check your attitude at the door friend. If you wouldn't say it to someone's face then don't say it at all. And I can tell you with some certainly, you would not call me a carebear to may face. You would definately not like the result of your psuedo, keyboard driven bravery were we in the same room.


    Take a seat youngling. Real men are talking here.

  17. I think you are missing the difference. a SImulationist expects a perfect copy of the universe they treat the Star wars Galaxy as a place to interact with. A Narrativist on the other hand treats it as a STORY to interact with placing greater emphesis on storyline vs "Realism"


    I laugh whenever I see the word "realisim" associated with a game environemnt about a fictional universe and technology that will never be real in our world.


    Now I am not bagging on any particular ost by any anyone on this forum. I am just pointing out that there is too much emphasis on "realism" in MMOs, which to me actually ruins the purpose I play a game like this; to escape reality. Reality stinks alot of the time (most of the time), especially after a long day of back-breaking work, filled people who wouldn't know a rational thought if it slapped them in the face.


    If people want realism in a game, then I might suggest the Devs include shaving and toilet breaks to the long list of player abilities. Let's see how Sith Moronous or Jedi Lollypop like it when they have to stop and drop a duece between missions. Or how about playing their toon so long that they start experiecning random damage and defense penalties due to bad knees or heart disease.


    Reality in a game is like... well... I really dont know what.... absurd? unreasonable? self defeating? take your pick... Oh how about "impossible"... thats a good word for it.

  18. Can someone help me understand this. In my opinion Roleplaying is all about immersing yourself in the game world, feeling like you're part of it and that there's nothing unnatural stopping you from being who you want to be. So naturally I feel a PvP server, where the freedom of attacking whoever you want (on the opposite side) is present, is the best suited type of server for RP.


    Wouldn't the PvE mechanics break immersion? You're standing next to a player of your opposing faction with your lightsaber/blaster ready but simply can't touch the person because of some other-wordly intervention called "pvp-flag". To me that breaks the spell of being in a world of war, conflict and constant danger.


    On the other hand, I can understand the annoyance of people who are in the server NOT to RP and might try to destroy the experience for RP'ers which is easier to do in a PvP server. But really, to me that's an added danger of the world that can be easily "embedded" in the roleplay.


    So what is your stance on this? Why did you choose RP-PvE or RP-PvP?



    // Alkara Nelien



    Bottom line is this: Each individual is just that; an individual. And as such, each person has their own idea of what roleplaying is and what it involves. In otherwords, it is purely subjective.


    That being said, this is where like minded people joining together to roleplay in a mutually appealing manner comes into play. Whether it be a PvP or PvE server matters not. What matters is that groups can immerse themselves in a manner suitable for their particular group mindset.


    This is little different than real life group dynamics. We don't tend to gravitate toward people who are so far detatched fom our particular way of thinking as that would untimately conflict with our base values. In a game environment, we tend to gravitate toward people who share some mutual sense of propriety in the game and in play style.


    Personally I do not play on a PvP server as it tends to interrupt my enjoyment of the storyline. I also find myself getting angry at the level of, what I perceive as, pure grieving on the part of many PvPers on PvP severs. Not all; but a great many so say the least. Nevertheless, if I feel angry when playing a game meant to entertain me, then I don't waste my time with it. In the case of PvP, I have an option to eliminate a source of anger all-together by playing on a PvE server.


    Therefore I do not give my time to PvP on my story driven toon on the PvE server and roleplay my Jedi with great depth the same as I play my sith with the same dedication to the lore. But I still roleplay my toon and like to associate with people who will keep to the same level of interest in maintaining lore as I enjoy. But on on a PvE server.

  19. I think I'm not gonna activate my code and wait for it to be fixed.


    I just can't stand that and the large butt. :/


    They completely ruined it for me.


    Also, the Jedi robes are the most hideous textures of the game so far, in exploration mode. It's like it's stuck on "low res" -__________- .


    And where is the originality ? it's the same ugly crap till the end :/ .


    Also, the "hood down" does exist, not just "disappearing" like Twileks or when you wear a helmet, look at NPC on tython, they all have a clipped hood down. :/ WE WANT THAT.


    You go ahead and don't activate that code. That'll show 'em! Ya know, since they already have your money for the game purchase and all. You are my kind of rebel. You have inspired me to riot. Hell no! we won't go.... oh.. thats the wrong chant. Oh well, I guess I will just deal with it until level 50 in say about two weeks.

  20. They all have hoods? NOOOO!!!! Synthweaving was my next place to look. I just have to hope that some non hood chest pieces drop somewhere in the game.


    Why did the Devs show us three years of non-hooded Guardians in video after video and screen shot after screen shot, only to put none of that armor in the game? If hoods are so great, why did they put every single Jedi on Tython's hood down? Why can't I look like them? Why can't I look like the guy on the front of the game box?



    It will happen. Day two into live and patience is already running thin with alot of peeps. I am certain it will happen soon enough or we are all just missing the level 27 I have seen on The Harbringer with a hood down. Didn't take a screenie of it as I had little concern other than to say "hey that looks cool."


    But hey! I am sporting a hood and robes and can deal with that. Its still canon enough. But what is up with the pants? They are all tight. with them being so skin tight, the pants I am wearing now does compliment the robes somewhat... but their attempt to make it look like the legs are leather rapped, makes it look more like I am wearing a garder belt on a male toon. Talk about not finishing your fries.

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