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Posts posted by Conindy

  1. our highest just finally went to bed a couple hours ago at 35 for a few hour nap. He could be higher if it WASNT for all the pvp he's been doing its actually slower as you level up because you are also getting less xp from quests as you level above them and for kills.
  2. worst mmo launch ever. everyone expected lag and crashing servers, but not you keeping >85% of the pre-orderers out on the first day. this is completely ridiculous especially after seeing how easily the stress-test server could handle a much larger amount of players.

    one might expect you to have people in planning divisions that know what they are doing. there is no plausible reason to keep the large majority of players out unless you are completely unprepared.



    I wouldnt say worst, but I think its silly that the first 5 days of preordering gets a massive advantage over those that were in the first couple of weeks.


    Especially when the weekend tests showed the servers could handle it.


    Stopping at 2pm...reallly?


    Two, our plan is to continue to add servers - but carefully, and in response to demand. We need to monitor that demand and role out servers accordingly. A long-term recipe for MMO failure is to add a lot of servers early on, and then when population decreases, have to close those servers and merge them together.


    Sorry to break it to you but no matter what you do whether it be roll out servers or monitor increasing them, there will be servers that run low pop due to people quitting the game. No MMO can withstand this, people will play for 30 days and your numbers will drop.


    In fact your most loyal and dedicated fan base IS YOUR PRE ORDERS...these are the people that are sure about playing this game moreso than those waiting to pick it up in store...its a pretty safe bet to open servers and let these people in and use that as a guide to what release day will bring.


    Stop feeding us bureaucratic garbage....most of us have gamed too long to buy into what you are telling these wow fanboi's

  4. I also dont understand that if things are going as well as they are with the servers why you would stop at 2pm in the afternoon inviting people. Its not like anyone is going home for the day, as a developer or someone working in the game industry you should be prepared for 14 hour days on a game release.


    I have no issue with the staggered releasing of people, but to spread it out over 5 days doesnt seem fair/right....you are creating a separation and segregation in each community.


    Sure you can reply with well you can all just roll on a new server on the release day....doesnt quite work like that unfortunately...it was hard enough to reroll in Rift after one day of massive queues let alone a week of work.

  5. What I find bothersome is the fact that they can't even get one week of July completed in one day. The month of August had more pre-orders than July, how long will it take to get all of August squeezed in? Stopping the invites early today and starting them back up tomorrow (at 9 EST instead of 7 EST) makes even less sense.


    But what really chaps my behind (besides a flame about 3 feet high) is the fact that my husband will be outlevelling me, ruining the experience of levelling with him *together.* Sure I could ask him to not level and wait for me, but what do I tell him? Wait another day? Another two days? Five? Who knows? And I would never ask him to wait anyway, that would kill him, although he'd do it, bless his heart. And there's not a snowball's chance in hell my guildies are gonna wait if my own husband isn't LOL.


    And yes I know that EA isn't a right yada yada yada. Doesn't make it disappoint any less.


    The outlevelling point is the key to all this, we'll have people in the 40's that got in the first hour by the time those in november pre ordered. How are we supposed to operate as a community like that. I cant exactly say okay guys great week, lets roll on a new server...or tell people to not play and wait for everyone...thats ridiculous.

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