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Posts posted by hippiechick

  1. Im posting this now so that I can refer back to it and say "I told you so" when they start selling levels and top tier armor and other such things in CM. Because the OP is right. It is coming. They are adding slightly more relevant stuff slowly so that the fan bois wont notice it when suddenly the game IS pay to win. You mark my words, it is coming.


    i am still dumfounded on how staunchly people defend this stuff.



  2. Im not looking for sympathy so please dont think I am fishing. I am posting because several people here have expressed concern and asked after my husband on several occasions and I just want people to be informed.


    Sunday morning my husband passed away after a very hard, but well fought, battle with Cirrhosis. Thank you to all the people in SWTOR who supported me through the tough times and prayed for him.


    Needless to say I have unsubbed and will not be playing this or any other game for quite a while. Id like to thank BW for giving me such a fun "escape" so that I could relax now and then, and again, to all the people here who were there for me, thank you.


    May the force be with him...



  3. How do you (some of you) see not being able to sit in ANY chair, couch, whatever, in this game as NOT a problem? This is 2013 man. The game feels like it was released in 1990 because of little things like this and over all it hurts it. Im sorry but I cant find a defense to actually charging people for a personal chair that they STILL cant sit down on. It IS a problem,



  4. For every perk the guild has there needs to be a consequence to go with it so that it remains a two way street. (It promotes both good guild leadership AND good guildieness [i made up a word!]. In this case the bonus you receive should be reduced/increased by how long you are in the guild. Down to 0% for just joining one and going up to max over the course of a reasonable amount of time.




    PS The best guild system I have ever seen is in a game called Asherons Call. There are several systems in place in that game that make people want to be excellent leaders as well as loyal and awesome guildies. No other game has a guild system that can touch it. If you want to know more about it I can write a more in depth post about it but suffice it to say that it is extraordinary.



  5. OK here goes:


    1. I agree and disagree. In game support is horrible, slow answering tickets (if at all) etc. But the one phone experience i had was phenomenal.


    2. Absolutely agree. And it is going to get worse because of the people in #4 who actually support the Cathar race and barbershop etc. More on that later.


    3. Agree. We were told it would be EITHER credits OR legacy level for the unlocks and it ended up being both. But again the people in #4 supported iit. More on that next.


    4. Hit the nail on the head although I would have used different words and no name calling. The fan base here is loyal to the point that it is hurting the game. You mark my words, there will be things on the CM soon that the super fans wont be able to spin as "not character creation" or "not content" and when that happens they will STILL find a way to make it ok. IT IS NOT OK.


    5. I have all classes at 50 (or higher) and have unlocked all legacy abilities for it, and also I have all of the companions done for all classes. The little bit of content that is different for the class and comp stories is just not enough. The game plays exactly the same each time through with a few minutes of something different every now and again. it just isnt enough.


    6. Especially if you dont raid. The game comes to a screeching halt as soon as you reach level cap with all of the chars you want to reach it on. The game needs more activities other than raiding/dailies to get stuff to raid.


    7. I solod every single class quest on every single class but one. The boss was bugged and kept rubber banding back to starting point with full health. So I got help from my guild to kill it before it did that. But yeah, I have no problem soloing this game and Im an old lady with rheumatoid arthritis.


    8.Agreed. But be thankful it is full of useless junk because, as I said before, the day is coming when it will contain actual content.


    9. Yeah, I personally dont have major issues with it but I have heard a lot of people who do talk about it.


    So there it is, my response to your post. Now they can troll me too and some of the heat will be off you. You owe me big time lol.



  6. I find it amazing how much crap people will put up with from gaming companies. Im with the OP. If I dont get good customer service from ANY source I no longer throw my money at them. Even if it is something I really like/want/enjoy. Id be pretty ticked if this happened to me.



  7. Yah, I can see the OP's point - but is it just me, or do you find threads where people quit a game they admit liking because of some pretty trifling matter a bit .... creepy?


    It's the whole obsessional thing, I guess.


    I dont think it is petty or trifling to want to buy sub time and not be able to. He may as well quit, he cant get time or do the thing he logs on to do (WZs).



  8. Imperial Agent.


    Ive done them all to 50 and IA is by a mile the best IMO. Also I really enjoyed Jedi Knight altho a lot of people I talk to didnt (every one I talk to enjoyed the IA one).


    I guess after those two the consular was fun altho more difficult to solo (specially the Quesh class quest) and I just loved Khem in the Inquisitor story (dont want to spoil it but it made me laugh every time he opened his mouth).


    Heck, they were all good lol. But Imp Agent by a mile as I said.



  9. You had better believe that those packs are not only legal but also approved of by any one and every one that they need to be approved by be it Disney, Lucaswhatever, or God himself, whoever is involved in swtor, including probably at least a few entities that we dont even know about, and that they are fully covered in some way in some contract somewhere.

    You guys underestimate the attorneys that ALL of the entities mentioned here have, and if you think they "missed" the cartel packs when writing/signing things you are sadly mistaken.




    PS Oh yah, OP, this is your problem not Biowares or swtors or whomever. YOU need to fix it. Take some responsibility for your own actions.

  10. You keep saying the word "patch", but I don't think it means what you think it means.


    Well, when I wanted to see what was coming I went to the PATCH notes and read all about the neat stuff that I have to buy to use. So call it what you will, I was under the impression that I would be getting new content and the PATCH notes informed me otherwise. And just for fun I went to the PATCH notes again just now and guess what? All the stuff we are talking about is still there.



  11. Just checked, I was going to see if it also filtered out words that rhyme with raid, like maid etc, and it didnt filter any of them for me (tried singular and plural). It also didnt filter just "aids". It did filter saturday tho lol.



  12. As for me it's the opposite. I play to keep my mind off the pain I'm dealing with thanks to some major problems with my back. I can focus and concentrate in game to the point of barely hurting. My wife on the other hand find slot games whe have bought disc to download into her laptop . I have 22 character slots of which half are not filled yet. Our hopes and prayers are with you and your husband. If you ever can't find time to sleep, You can usually catch me in game at all hours if you want to terrorize somebody.


    Ooh cool, what server? im happy to terrorize. His hours are what they are so Im on here at strange hours sometimes. Ill look ya up!



  13. LOL Its ok really. I get asked worse things than that believe me lol.. Indeed every second he is aware and awake am with him. I quit raiding when he first was diagnosed then when he started getting sick I stopped gaming period. In the last 6 months or so he has been sleeping more and more, the last month pretty much all the time, so I log into a game to pass the time and escape. (Or do other things).


    I am the first person to criticize people for spending time they shouldnt in a game and I am even harder on myself. So yeah, if Im on a game, or even on the computer, he is asleep. Right next to me.




    PS I also have 4 hours a week of respite care that I use to game if everything else I need to do is done. For those who dont know respite cqre is care for the care giver instead of the patient. I can use that time anyway I choose, usually I use it to go to the store or whatever, but now and again I get to take "me time" instead. Its nice.



  14. I would recommend doing the other advanced class as well. That way you are not playing with the same abilities either. You will have the opposite sex, different alignment, and different abilities. This is actually what I am planning on doing.


    Oh indeed. I realize that I forgot to put that in my OP but yeah, if I do this thing I will make my chars all of the things that the existing one is not. You guys are totally talking me into this lol.



  15. Hey thanks for the well wishes for my husband guys. It means alot to both of us that total strangers care so much. One thing being terminally ill will teach you is that there are a LOT, and by a lot I mean a boat load, of really good people out there.


    Anyway, so what I am picking up is that whether I am insane or not is irrelevant because I am at least not any more or less insane than my fellow SWTORians.


    Good to know. <3



  16. OK a little back story so we are on the same page:


    My husband is terminally ill, on hospice etc. and gaming is what I do to pass the time and escape a little bit. Obviously I cant raid or do anything that takes too much attention span but I can pitter patter around, lvl chars etc.


    Also, I am an altaholic.


    It may also be noted that I have decided to unsub but that can be rethought.


    Finally, when I first started this game I wanted to see all the class story lines and companion story arcs, and light/dark side arcs etc. I have done this. I have all the companions at max affection and their stories done, and have completed all the class stories although not all are lvl 55. One is, the rest are 50. Anyway, I have met my goal. Except: and here comes the insane part:


    I am considering playing the OTHER side of things. Here's how it would work. I have a female, light side, bounty hunter. So now I am feeling the urge to play a male, dark side bounty hunter. Repeat this for all classes. So I ask...


    Am I insane?




  17. I hated Voss with all its animal packs on the paths. Seems the devs have not learned...After I have finished Makeb on one of my toons I will not go there again on my other 43 (yeah I know...) toons from 50 to 55.


    Every 10 meters there is a pack with 6-7 toons...even speedering you have to stop sometimes to do objectives and then the 30 you ran through catches up with you...


    BAD DESIGN, not fun at all.


    How about removing evey second pack of npcs, e.g. delete 50%? Would help somewhat.


    I had stealth and it was horrible on Makeb and I can get to 55 just fine without going there. My sub runs out anyway but I may as well play while its still going and I will NOT be playing on Makeb.



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