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Posts posted by HammersteinSW

  1. Casual-friendly, theme-park MMOs are not only not out of fashion, they are the present and future of any MMO which hopes to attain mass-market appeal. EVE (and whatever "hardcore" sand box game replaces it) will probably always have a niche, but nothing more. Those days are gone.


    You are so wrong that I don't even know where to start:


    Recent theme parks mmos:


    Rift - theme park mmo, good game, lost a huge numbers of subs, had to go f2p and they laid off some staff.

    The Secret World - theme park mmo, some really great quests....f2p within 6 months and now on the backburner

    TERA - saved by going f2p and is doing ok thanks to it's unique action combat system



    EVE Online - rising subscriber numbers since years...

  2. Maybe read the OP before you copy&paste irrelevant info ? The OP wants to know when the names will be available - will it be after maintenance or will it be a running process over the 12th ? The dev tracker provides no info whatsoever regarding these questions.


    @ OP: so far we know nothing, I posted the same questions days ago and got no useful reply.

  3. Das ist einer der Gründe warum ich lieber auf internationalen Servern spiele.


    Traurig aber wahr - wenn es um Online Verhalten geht, ist der deutschsprachige Raum leider etwas hinten nach. Natürlich gibt es international auch genug Opfer, aber das pro Kopf Aufkommen ist nach meinen Erfahrungen in deutschen Communities größer.


    Aber egal - setz solche Leute einfach auf deine Ignore Liste und lach über ihre Dummheit, auf solche Debatten lässt sich ein intelligenter Mensch doch gar nicht ein.

  4. I think the WoW vs Swtor issue has been debated ad nauseam. WoW will have a slow death and will still be around with a few million subs for another decade. Especially because it has such a large player base, some of which have committed a ton of time into their accounts and are reluctant to give up such an investment.


    Swtor made the mistake of creating a WoW-style mmo when this type of mmos started to run out of fashion. We still have mechanics which would be more appropriate for an mmo from 2005-2007, but not 2013. The game just shows the long development cycle and the lack of vision.


    Considering expansion. Their house version of the Hero engine is kinda limited, so I don't expect any big changes to the game. Swtor will hang around for many years as a niche game, just like Everquest 2, and I think EA will pull the plug as soon as they can get out of their contract to create something more profitable from an expensive license like Star Wars.


    All in all Swtor can be compared to the last great steamliner, launched in a time when steamliners were becoming obsolete.

  5. I think the class stories are the best part of the game and are the only reason why I still come back once in a while to play for a few hours, until I have finished all of them. Other mmos offer better raiding, pvp or crafting.


    The big drawback of Swtor are the antiquated mechanics, if this game had an action-combat system like Tera, Guild Wars 2 or Neverwinter then it would be far more enjoyable. Instead we get the old WoW combat mechanics which are just no longer enjoyable in 2013.

  6. It sounds like a medley mixed together from different soundtracks, it even has a part of the Imperial March in it. I guess this will be hard to track down unless someone has extracted it from the game files.


    Some parts remind me of the music during space battles, but these should be on the soundtrack.

  7. I purchased 9 Hypercrates: Trackers Bounty Packs on my account and 6 on the account I have for my daughter...that is 316 packs!! There was NOT ONE Raptor pet, NOT ONE Coastal varactyl and NOT ONE Flatland Zeldrate drop! It seems to me the drop rate for these items are a bit on the RIDICULOUS LOW side! I've spent a small fortune (my choice) for a chance to win those items. With that many packs it seems there should have been at least 1 drop!


    Anyone else see a problem with the drop rate of these items?


    I put in a ticket to ask why and was told to go to the suggestion thread of the Forums. I went there and there is no place for a complaint post on this subject. :mad::mad::mad:


    The cartel packs are a scam, like in any form of gambling only the bank wins at the end. If you really want something that bad you should just buy some account unlocks and sell them for credits. And then use said credits to buy the stuff you want from other players. It will save you a lot of money in the end.


    You wouldn't dump a few hundred $ into some slot machine in Vegas, would you ? Cartel packs are the same thing, don't buy them.

  8. Is it so hard to google that yourself ? Took me 3 minutes.


    The lyrics are based on a fragment of an archaic Welsh poem Cad Goddeu (Battle of the Trees), and sung in Sanskrit.




    The line that was translated to Sanskrit from Welsh when translated to English instead says "Under the tongue root a fight most dread, and another raging, behind, in the head."

  9. Hey everyone,


    We have seen a few requests since the launch of Rise of the Hutt Cartel for the Mission Log size to be increased above 25 and I wanted to explain why that limit is currently in place. The Mission Log, just like all other components of the game, directly affects a player's performance in game. The goal in limiting the log to only 25 missions is to help mitigate potential area server hitches and ability lag they may encounter. Simply put, players could see decreased game performance with a Mission Log larger than 25.


    Hopefully that helps explain a bit why the limit is what it is. There are currently no plans to change that limit but it is something we will continue to monitor.






    Sorry but I'm not buying this. You just added a ton of achievements with 2.0 which also need to be tracked somehow. And you want to tell us that the engine cannot handle an increase in the mission log ? Do the people who programmed this still have a job ?

  10. Not gonna happen. Care to know why ?


    Cause the crappy Hero engine cannot even support the most simple of cloth physics. Something that City of Heroes already did years ago and that other game like GW2 do way better.


    If you check out the current "robes" you will see that they only consist of textures and are not real 3D layers. Just sad when ancient games beat Swtor in that regard.

  11. You are wrong.


    Also you clearly have a flawed understanding of what the word "troll" means. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but it does not in fact mean "someone with a different opinion than me."


    Maybe I missed the part where extra xp locks you out of game content.....Oh wait, it does not :eek:


    (back to gaming and laughing about the whiners...)

  12. Nobody is getting anything ruined, the amount of QQ we see here is beyond stupid. You don't lose quests, you don't lose content, you don't lose anything from the double xp.


    "Oh my god, you are breaking my immersion because I might be a little overlevelled for some pve game content" is not a valid complaint, better get your issues sorted out and quit playing mmos. Both sides will profit from this.

  13. In any mmo you have level capped players after the first month. They should fire all their playtesters for failing so hard in that regard.


    They probably thought that players upon reaching 50 would immediately roll a new character to see another storyline. But this is not how mmos usually work. When a player gets to 50 and then sees the game world come apart at the seams because there is no endgame, then you have a big problem as developer.

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