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Posts posted by Carter_Mathis

  1. This man is speaking wisely.


    We might add some works of Master Yoda:

    “If no mistake you have made, yet losing you are…a different game you should play.”


    Many people have heeded Master Yoda's words, and have been leaving in droves. BW needs to fix the premade exploit in the solo queue if they want a living PvP in this game.


    There's one slight but significant issue that you run into. People who are getting stomped are making mistakes, loads of mistakes. There's the exceptionally rare competent, or even skilled, pug, but I've yet to see one of them complain about premades and there's few enough of them that I'll write their existence off as chance error. Someone loses a match either because their team made a mistake or because they made a mistake. If someone habitually loses, the chance that the rest of the team is at fault rapidly diminishes.


    Some bad players will get upset and leave, but I don't necessarily want a game with an additional (let's say) 200,000 people, but they're all horrible. Unlike Bioware, I don't make money off the number of players in ToR, though.

  2. Thought experiment: Let's say we gave healers an instant cast heal that healed for 8.7K up to 15K damage. Let's have it cost 5% of their resources (30 Force or 5 energy) and let's give it a 4.5 sec. cooldown. Is there anyone who thinks that wouldn't be ridiculous?


    *facepalm intensifies*


    Those heals already exist in the game. Slow-Release Medpac and Kolto Probe. They both do that much healing over time and they're both cheap as hell. Similarly, cleanse negates some damage that would be dealt over time, since cleansing a dot it preventing periodic damage, not blocking direct damage. Cleanse isn't a direct heal, it serves the same purpose as a HoT.


    In conclusion, your thought experiment was bad.

  3. You definitely felt it was strength against strength. It's how matches should be, and there needs to be a way to make that happen.


    They would need to find a way to make people stop sucking, which seems impossible. What you just described is a matchmaking system that actually pits similarly skilled players against each other. People tend to mistakenly believe that this means separation of premades and pugs because they inherently view premades as a group of skilled players and pugs as horrible, despite there being plenty horrible premades and some skilled pugs.


    What you experienced wasn't the success of 2 premades vs 2 premades, it was 8 good players vs 8 good players. Once again, people, please push for matchmaking rather than queue separation.

  4. Ok so I have a quick question about your parse. How were you able to get 2 extra Takedowns/Quickdraws more then Yolo while still being 1 second behind him at the end of the parse ? To my knowledge you can only get "X" amount of TD/QD depending on how long/short the parse is... Please explain



    He activated Wounding Shots at 19:31:05.521 and again at 19:31:11.630. That's a 6.109s cooldown on Wounding Shots.


    Later, he activated Wounding Shots at 19:34:33.672 and again at 19:34:39.594. That's a 5.922s cooldown on Wounding Shots.


    Just to clarify, Wounding Shots has a 9s cooldown.



    He altered his log at least twice to shave off 3 seconds from 2 Wounding Shots. He lied. He's a liiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrr.

  5. If only I could translate my output in regs to arenas... :(



    I'm done with solo ranked forever.


    I've managed to shoot my rating back up, it's just that pub side can only be done at certain times. There's a specific, long list of people that you cannot queue if they are online.


    This is probably the first time I've ever considered effectively queuedodging my own faction.

  6. Not just last night, every night is like that on pub side. Seems to be right at 4 ppl in que at any given time. So if you end up with the pve guy in one, safe bet he will be in the next 2 or 3 as well. I am sure imp side has some *******s queuing as well, just never in a match against me. Btw, top 5 Shadow on JC...Yea baby. Just do a search for LOWEST RATING and there I will be. Going to work on cracking the top 3 tonight. That is my shadow in the screen shot further up, which was one of our more....competitive matches. Any pub ranked teams looking for a shadow dps let me know. Can't do much worse than me on your team. Seriously, there are only 4 other shadows lower.


    I just wrecked my rating by queuing for more or less all of last night. A quick leaderboard search just showed me that the 3 sents I was getting grouped with are 682, 1009, and 842 rating. It was sad, but I don't really care about yolo rating, I value output more.

  7. Think I saw him last night. Consensus was that he was throwing match, but that may have been fayebee's frustration. Except for a few games against teams with multiple guardians, I was just netting and auto attacking for free wins against pubs. It was bad.


    I had several ranked matches last night with him. I'm pretty sure he's just horrible. Last night was rough.

  8. On my server everyone used TK over balance and gunnery over assault.


    That is both silly and entirely irrelevant.


    against what?


    Sorry, I guess the sentence that directly preceded my request for a contrary argument didn't quite lead into it obviously enough. Cleansing promotes knowing what dots to cleanse and when to cleanse in order to disrupt an enemy's rotation. Immunity from dot cleansing promotes dotspamming without any requirement for thought. If you're going to argue skill, it'll be fun to see you defend how dotspamming is more skillful than cleansing.


    1st Anni doesn't have spammable dots

    2nd reapplying dots takes a gcd + resource + delays important abilities. Pyro for example gets double screwed, it has to waste heat to reapply dot and waste heat by delaying RS.


    I think you have fundamentally flawed views. Burst specs doesn't get screwed by a single ability and a 4.5sec cd, why dot classes should?

    Dot classes are already at a disatvantage because in PVP burst is most important so why punish them even more?


    Anni has just been a wreck from the start, since the brilliant devs at Bioware decided that the core burns for Anni should be Physical dots and not Force dots. Ya know, since Physical dots can be cleansed by everything other than pure dps Sages. By sheer population statistics, Force dots are more rarely cleansed, so Anni dots should have been made (in 2.8) or, better yet started as, Force based.


    And, conversely, a cleanse for a healer requires a gcd + resources + delays important abilities. Rather than direct healing, they are investing their time and energy in preventative healing. Dot specs play differently than burst, and you did a rather poor job of attempting to relate them. Burst classes don't get impeded by cleanses, but dot specs don't have huge portions of damage (proc'd Full Auto, Master Strike, Gore windows, 3 stack Pulse Cannon, etc) immediately stunned or interrupted. Dot specs are considered more mobile and are marginally harder to shut down with stuns and interrupts, and provide formidable, consistent damage. Additionally, Dirty Fighting and Balance can provide decent area pressure with their mindless dotspamming. Just because you don't understand the concept of "pressure" doesn't mean dot specs have poor performance in pvp.

  9. Nice try, but arena only started at 2.4. Also I guess you agree with everything else I said since you wrote 2 paragraph of 1 line of my post and ignored the rest.


    Whoops, I mixed up when 8v8s were removed with when 8v8s died on my server, although that's worse for your argument, since 2.0 Balance Sages were entirely fine, Assault Commando were worlds better than they were pre 2.0, and Dirty Fighting Scoundrels and Balance Shadows were still paper. That's at least 3/6 (more probably 4/6) dot specs being viable, and that's only because survivability was enhanced. Again, if you have an argument or recent example of a dot spec becoming viable because of an increase to their dots rather than a buff to survivability, I'd love to see it.


    I guess I'll address the other incorrect stuff you posted before, if you're gonna get all mopey that I didn't respond to it. Cleanses only purge 2 effects from the target being cleansed, including the slows that dots may apply (ex. Shrap bomb + Shrap bomb slow = 2 effects purged from 1 cleanse), and they only will cleanse a dot if it is of the appropriate base type. So, if you wan't to be at all useful, a healer needs to understand which dots can and can't be cleansed by their specific cleanse. That takes, comparatively, a great deal more skill than uncleansable dots, which promote mindless dotspamming. Again, I'd love to see an argument against it.


    And to the claims that cleanses destroy the dps of a dot spec, no, they don't. With the exception of Crushing Darkness, and to a lesser extent Assault Plastique, every dot can either be quickly reapplied or isn't a massive portion of their damage (Sever Force). Weaken Mind, Vital Shot, Shrap Bomb, Incendiary Round, usually Plasma Cell, Force Breach, Interrogation Probe, and arguably Sever Force can be promptly reapplied upon cleansing. Cleanses don't gut damage like you seem to be deluded into believing, they simply disrupt the rotation of the dot spec dps, which if the person is blindly dps'ing can result in missing out on damage. Either way, you seem to have a fundamentally flawed view of how cleanses affect pvp.

  10. Have you played against Tank Healer Handcuffs? It can take literally 6 players to kill this combo. If you don't know what I'm talking about then you haven't played long enough.




    Yeah, and that's why 4v4 arenas with 1 tank, 1 healer, and 2 dps on each side always lasts till the acid phase. Wait, no they don't. I guess it doesn't take literally 6 players to down a tank and healer, even a good tank and healer.


    Also, all you did was link another QQ thread that you started.

  11. You eviscerate the damage/utility/resource management of every DoT spec with a single ability on 4,5sec cooldown. Seems fair?

    Why do you think that neither DoT spec was viable for ranked other than lethality sniper and Pyro PT in 8vs8?


    Cleansing DoTs is so far from skillful play, everyone knows how to do that after playing 20 minutes of PVP. You know what requires skill? To know that cleanse are not just lolcleanse DoT specs but also for mezzes, slows, roots. Now that's a rare sight.


    Let's see, 8v8s was pre-2.0 and Lethality Sniper and Pyro PT were the only 2 (according to you, I'd argue Balance Sage) viable dot specs.

    - Balance Shadows weren't viable because: horrible survivability, hell their burst damage was even in a better spot before 2.0 than it is now.

    - Dirty Fighting Scoundrels weren't viable because: just as bad survivability as Balance Shadows. Fluff dot damage was, and still is, amazing but they'd get nuked if they wen't within 4m of another melee

    - Balance Sages: were fine, bad energy management, but fine otherwise

    - Assault commandos weren't viable because: It was a pre-2.0 Commando.... the whole AC was underwhelming pre-2.0. It was ridiculously cast-reliant and had no good escape.


    So yeah, I guess Assault Vanguards and Dirty Fighting Gunslingers were the only(-ish) ranked viable dot dps pre-2.0, but it had nothing to do with dots. A lot of ACs were just horrible back then, but that was due to their survivability and the existence of bubble-stun. If you could somehow argue that Commandos, Balance Shadows, and Scoundrel dps somehow had viable survivability, but not enough dot damage, I'd love to see your attempt.

  12. Yes because lolcleansing specs is so skillful :rolleyes:


    You're using a specific ability to counter the damage output of a specific player. It is a small display of skill. Do you have any argument to the contrary?

  13. Agreed, still makes you wonder what goes through the monkey brains at the wheel.

    I get the Sin/Shadow Madness/Balance tree isn't were it should be for PvE dps and adjustment be in order.

    Still it is a bit of another FU to their counterpart... That's what I find as bs. How about a addition to the Leth/DF tree making dots uncleansable? ^_~


    You're stupid if you're compaining about a buff to Balance Shadows. Out of every spec in this game, full Balance was the least survivable and least desired. They've been horrible in PvP since 2.0 and now they can hopefully get better.


    And no, Dirty Fighting dots should not be uncleansable, hell, they already apply a secondary dot after the initial one has timed out or been cleansed so that Wounding Shots can still deal full damage. Full Balance Shouldn't have gotten uncleansable dots, it took away the only special cleansing capabilities that Sages/Sorcs had and set a precedent to dumb down the game. Even Watchman dots should have been made Force type rather than Physical and there wouldn't have been a need for a change. Uncleansable dots dumb down pvp and dumbed down pvp is boring.

  14. Ah ok I knew I was missing something there. It wouldn't be as hard as I was thinking then my mistake.


    In order of efficiency of searching, the leaderboards are broken up by classes, but so far the benchmarks set for ranked rewards have been constant across all the classes.

  15. I'm not here to whine about balancing roles to make matches more even. I know that would be nearly impossible to do. However, I had a match today that was allowed to start with only 2 players on my team and 4 on the opposing team. Until things like this are fixed, this particular mode of play should be removed from the game. There's just no way to beat odds like that.


    I had a 2v4 with a Vig guardian friend of mine. Their team was 3 dps and 1 tank, ours was 1 healer 1 dps. He switched to Soresu form and Guarded me. We won. It isn't impossible odds, since the only way the 2 of us won was by the enemy team being incompetent.


    Now I would support ToR implementing LoL's style of queues, where every player needs to accept before the match starts. It would marginally increase queue times, but it would remove matches where one team is just outnumbered because stupid people afk while in queue.

  16. -Sentinels... just look at them. In regs they're absolutely atrocious.

    -Healing/tank - In arena's they scale fine, in regs with 2 or more healers it's pretty much a wiffle bat fest

    - Orbital Strike/Fly by Nerf - OP in arenas, not so much in regs

    - Sniper/Op Flash Bang Nerf - OP in arenas, not so much in regs

    - Smash Nerf, OP in arenas, not so much in regs..


    Those are all bad examples.

    Watchman Sentinel got a buff that it needed, Combat wasn't changed, and Smash got a bit too much of a nerf but it was ridiculous in PvP in general (if you have a good argument for smash only be crazy in arenas, I'd love to see it)

    Healing/Tank as a pairing hasn't changed at all. Sages and Commandos got a buff while Scoundrels got a nerf, but there is no argument that can be made that the changes only effect Group Ranked

    Flash Bang was a 35m aoe insta-cast 8s soft stun. No other class had any kind of CC that powerful, probably because was stupid.

    Flyby was a huge aoe that was so powerful that it was used for single-target dps. It had no maximum number of targets, so it had even more potential damage in regs than arenas and very effectively held nodes.


    Most of your claims were about specs that affected regs more than arenas.

  17. They are basically balancing for grouped arenas but guess what? Only a handful of players like it and it's ruining regs. Basically it sucks and the matchmaking and balance system is broken. So IMO they should just drop it and go with another solution for ranking players. My suggestion is to rank it based on WZ medals using a calculated weighting system. That way even if you're on a bad team you can still top out on medal by completing objectives, dps, heals, and prots. Whatever your play style is you won't be dependent on your team. If they want to make group ranked arenas that's fine by me but as long as they balance it around regs.


    So do you actually have any examples of Bioware buffing a class specifically for Group Ranked and not just pvp in general?

  18. No and No. I say make it more intuitive. Everything should have a counter. There is no counter to guard, it is just either choose to focus the guarded target or choose another to hopefully force a switch.


    Counters to guard:

    1.) Its 15m range- separation

    2.) It only applies to 1 target- Stun the tank and hard-swap to a non-guarded target (very popular in arenas)

  19. So this is balance?




    Assassins, PTs and both warrior classes are monsters now, so in 2.8 they are getting more damage increase?

    Maybe it is my dyslexia, but that doesn't seem like a way to create "balance". *Shrugs*


    So you think that Madness Assassins, not Madness Sorcs, are going to be wrecking balls now? You really should proofread before you post.


    The changes to PTs is incremental and wouldn't really affect their status as a formidable melee dps anyway. Although, Bioware.... that change to Oil Slick.... do you want hybrids? Because that's how you get hybrids.


    Juggs just got a tone-down, so I wouldn't really call them a monster now that any full soft stun can ruin at least 1 of their big defensive cooldowns.


    The change to Anni doesn't solve their issue of ramp-up time, although if any class should have gotten uncleansable dots, it should have been Anni from the start. Sidenote: Since I am of the position that uncleansable dots are stupid, DS and Rupture should have been Force dots rather than Physical dots from the start, that's just been bad design that has never been addressed.


    Especially since 2.7 was the ranged patch, and 2.8 still substantially buffs Sorcs and Mercs, your views of class balance can be considered either odd, at best,or wrong, by any normal standard.

  20. Like i said on the server i was on and the guild i was in "no one" complained. In the guild we had people with all the toons. Enough to have group WZ Queues and what not. As far as me "not experienced enough to notice the problems" is abit much. Personally i played since release and made every toon on both side to learn them in and out. I can play every tree for everyone. Am i the best...of course not, but i can hold my own. The problem here is that other people / gamers (casual gamers) don't take this time to do the same as i do and a lot of others do by learning all the toons and finding out their weakness and learn the buffs and what the icons looks like and how long they last. I still stand by the 1.2 patch again reason being is that NO ONE on the server i was on complained.


    I've also played since launch, done ranked warzones and arenas, set server records, and set Torparse records. Neither playing since launch nor their self-assessed skill level has any bearing on whether or not they actually grasp the current state of class balance in the game. While Bioware does balance around the average performance of the playerbase, pre-1.2 Sages did have the issue of double-tapping their 1.5s Deliverance and godly energy regen, Commando healing had some excessive energy management as a healer while the dps specs just didn't have any escape, and fully-specced Shadows were a bit useless. Although Scrapper was hit way too hard because of a mix of bads crying and old adrenals/clicky relics, Bioware made changes (poorly) in response to actual problems with the game. Just because you didn't notice a problem didn't mean they weren't glaring.


    Those samples above you posted i had no issues with them, but again i can adept and learn from. This is exactly what am am trying to point out here. BW does all this nerfing and buffing to satisfy the "casual gamers" who DO NOT know how to play their toon right. By doing so BW is pacifying these type of gamers and they will NEVER learn to improve themselves as gamers. I have played my OP since day one of the game and played all trees. I never once had a problem with it in 1.2. Healing is a blast cause you always on the move, Concealment is in your face beat down and finally Fatality is survivability at it's best. Funny thing is even though Concealment got nerfed 2.7 people still say they need more of a nerf. There is no satisfying these people. Come on tell me you haven't seen someone playing a toon you know very well, very very wrong? I see it in "almost" every FP and WZ i go in.


    If you don't believe there were any issues with the imbalances I had previously listed, then your credibility has just diminished. There was a clear and significant imbalance between Sage, Scoundrel, and Commando healers during 1.2, regardless of whether or not you thought that you simply had to adapt. As for dps, there are a lot of specs and I neither need to nor want to list their imbalances to prove something so obvious.


    Interestingly enough, I also pvp main a Scoundrel. In 1.2, Scrapper was not ranked viable, Dirty Fighting was not ranked viable unless all you wanted to do was stay at 30m tab-dotting, and Sawbones was the strongest healer in the game so it was ranked viable. For Scrapper, the cooldown of Backblast was increased, overall damage was decreased, and ability costs were increased. Unless all you did was run around hunting for solo kills, your assessment was incorrect. For Sawbones, they were significantly buffed and their energy management became a joke, of course it was a blast. For Dirty Fighting, they were down with Balance Shadows for survivability, so no, it wasn't survivability at its best. Btw, you may want to know the names of the 3 trees of the class you play. Lethality =/= Fatality.


    Yes, I've seen people play toons horribly wrong, and I've also seen people on the forums posting horribly wrong information.

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