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Posts posted by Korvus_Starlight

  1. Crazy idea, remove all stats from gear entirely in pvp and just use the bolster buff which increases certain stats based off of what role you are ie if you spec in a tanking tree you'll get defensive stats over offensive ones. It would certainly balance the game and make it more skill oriented, of course that is assuming that all classes are balanced to begin with, which most of us know that they are not. So there is also that too.
  2. My biggest problem isn't the people. It's the fact that there are clear imbalances in the game, but Bioware does nothing to change it and you can bet your butt that people abuse these imbalances. The thing is though the very nature of PvP gear causes many of the balance issues. Expertise imo kind of ruins PvP in that there is no such thing as an evenly matched fight. One team ALWAYS has better gear than the other and almost 100% of the time the team with better gear will win regardless of the other team's strategies. Gear based PvP is quite simply not the way to go if you want your PvP to be both fun and challenging. Also resolve is completely broken. Just last night I was CCed in Huttball for 20 seconds until I died, unable to move or defend myself in anyway. Personally I think that CC itself needs a rebalance in PvP because people rely on it too much and spending half a match CCed is not my idea of fun. And now onto overpowered classes and specs. There are of course several of them, but I'm not going to list all of them because that would take forever. Simply put there are classes that put out too much damage too fast and even if your gear is on their level they will completely wreck you. Perhaps the pinnacle of this are lolsmashers (Focus/Rage speced Knights and Warriors), who can consistently put out hits of over 5K easy and hit up to 5 people with that much damage. That much burst is ridiculous and causes great imbalance. I should know because I use this spec as any other spec puts you at a disadvantage. Finally there is nothing implemented to ensure that teams are properly balanced either based on gear, class, or spec, which helps to ensure that you will have bad games where you get totally destroyed.


    Just keep in mind that players aren't the only problem, but I know that there are plenty of 4$$hats on both Republic and Imperial sides who only help to ruin PvP further.

  3. Has anyone had any problems with sendiing mats to crafter and not getting item back? After contacting a crafter, mats were sent. It's been over a week and no response. Any recourse that is out there?


    Best thing you can do is to make sure people here know who they are. Either they are cheating you out of your mats or they are inactive and in either case they should be removed from the list. It also is possible that someone here may be able to get in contact with them and they'll try to get your mats back or perhaps even what you ordered. Throw the name down here and let us know.

  4. I second this. I understand the desire Bioware may have that their players partake in both PvE and PvP, but if it is necessary to do one to be at your peak in another means that you are nearly forcing players to play both aspects. I find PvP fun, and don't mind grinding to get them, but a lot of people, such as the OP here, just don't enjoy it.


    In Mass Effect 3 Bioware corrected this mistake. At first, to gain max galactic readiness, you were forced to play multi-player, which meant some players were playing something they didn't intend to play in order to do their absolute best in the single-player campaign. However, Bioware eventually allowed those who strictly wanted to play single-player the ability to do so without playing the multiplayer. Why can't they do the same for ToR? I understand the game is a different genre, but the basic premise remains.


    If in fact there is some way that the current PvE relics actually are superior to the PvP for Ops and FP's, I would be very interested in seeing how.

    I wouldn't mind if they were the same and just without the expertise, but rather than taking comms that you can only get from PvP to use either Black Hole or Daily comms which as a PvE player are both more abundant for me and more enjoyable for me to earn.

  5. What I am proposing is rather than forcing PvE enthusiasts to partake in the horribly unbalanced spectacle that you may know as PvP, add similar relics for PvE that can be bought with Daily or even Black Hole Comms. Right now the best in slot item for a DPS or Healer even is the War Hero Relic of Boundless Ages. As you are aware these relics give you a large upgrade (to power in this case) to a secondary stat and through simple calculation these are always better than the clickable relics that are for PvE. I am sure similar thoughts and opinions have reached you (Bioware), but you have yet to do anything about it. I want to PvE, plain and simple and the moment I have to PvP to get something in order to do well in PvE I become frustrated to no end.


    To put it simply, add relics that have a flat stat increase like those in PvP gear that are not clickable.

  6. I agree with this. However I would like to see a full content drop with this as one of the focuses. Include other games of chance and even ones of skill like Sabaac, Dejarik, and Slots. Include both player and computer controlled opponents.
  7. I still think that the whole Dread Master thing has carried on too long as it is. The Dread Master story arc isn't even good. It's boring and predictable and if Kephess comes back again there will be hell to pay for such laziness. I want a dynamic operation story where your choices can actually change the encounter different and better yet the encounter changes difficulty in a particular area such as if you choose selection A. you will have to eat a lot of aoe damage or if you choose selection B. there will be no aoe damage, but the enrage timer is tighter or something like that. Give us mechanics that we can control in a way and not some cheaply done one size fits all boss fights. Basically Bioware needs to put their copy of WoW down and get an original idea. We are playing this game not because of what it copies from other MMOs, but what it offers in itself and while story missions are "ground breaking" because I don't have to read blocks of text, end game is stale and fairly dull. Oh, and adding mounts and pets...DOES NOT CHANGE HOW FUN THE GAME IS! Make mounts or pets that actually assist you in your adventures. I'd like to ride a Nexu who chews up my enemies into bits while I slash away at his friends.


  8. I've been apart of the Army of Light for going on two years. I've been in since pre-launch and I wouldn't want to be in any other guild. I'm a part of Alpha Team, our guild's premiere raid team. We get through progression content faster than most and are always ready to hit the next challenge. No matter where you start out there is always room in our raid teams for skilled players. So if you enjoy hitting endgame content hard, join us.
  9. 16,426 cartel coins?


    Will it be very expensive store?


    I paused the video and by the looks of it prices are still to be determined. That being said as subscribers we should be able to purchase at least a couple items a month from our 150 CC salary. That being said one would think the price ranges would be anywhere from 50-100 CC per item depending on the item. That is just using other F2P games as an example though. I'd like to see subscribers getting a nice % off the amount an item costs. Let's say F2P players have to spend 100 CC on an item, but Subs pay 75% that or something. If Bioware wants the F2P and Subscriber system to work together well, they will need to keep the subscriber happy in such a way.

  10. Pretty sure the programmers are not the ones that would be attending this type of event. The work will get done. It takes time. Cut them some slack and try to be happy that they are making a good effort to improve relations.

    Problem is it takes TOO MUCH time. As a modder of several different games I can attest to the fact that things can be buggy, but I have never had issue isolating the problem within only a few minutes. I am also an amateur coder, but I have debugged large and small programs alike within more reasonable amounts of time. Another huge problem here is that Bioware does not use the PTS correctly. For one 1.4 was only on there for a couple of weeks and with any large patch you want more feedback than that; And two from what I was told from PTS testers that absolutely nothing was fixed before 1.4 went live. This isn't because it takes time, but because of laziness, pure and simple. And finally Bioware doesn't deserve slack. I, and everyone else here, are paying money each month to be happy with the TOR gaming experience and they should deliver or else risk losing people's subs.

  11. I understand what you are saying too. There are some issues beyond what I am stating of course. However this issue is really a true problem because there are blights on my server who abuse the lack of team balancing on purpose, who create premades for the sole purpose of ruining the game for others by stacking 4 healers in one group. This quite simply cannot be allowed because of the mechanics behind PvP. 99% of defending a point is simply staying alive, while the other 1% is paying attention and attacking when they begin capping or planting. The main reason I bring this topic up at all is that it is and will continue to be abused until Bioware does something to stop these imbalances. If you think certain classes are imbalanced than please do create another thread that addresses those imbalances, but this thread's purpose is to try to even out teams to make PvP more fair and fun for all while putting griefers in their place.
  12. This has been something that has been both eating at me and making PvP undesirable for me for some time now. What I am talking about specifically is the complete lack of archetype balance in warzones. What I am speaking of are teams who stack too many of one archetype, ie full teams of healers/tanks/or DPS. Where I often find myself is facing teams who have 3-4 healers on their team whereas my team doesn't have a single healer because of the lack of a balancing system. That being said the ideal team makeup would be one that you would use in raids, 2 healers, 2 tanks, and 4 DPS. What needs to be done is to create a system that places these archetypes into warzones within the mentioned mold of 2 healers/2 Tanks/ and 4 DPS. This should be hard restriction as well because I know for a fact there are premade groups who are made up of solely healers on purpose in order to abuse this lack of balance. This should also be included with ranked warzones. Any group who does not consist of 2 healers/2 tanks/ and 4 DPS should NOT be able to participate because it would cause a severe unbalance and the victor would be determined based on how many of a certain archetype they stack rather than a system based on actual skill.
  13. Looked at the legacy tooltip in the video and it looks like quite literally everything new costs money and a legacy level. Legacy feels so cheap, just another way to waste my time doing boring dailies to earn the money to buy the upgrades. I hit legacy 50 already and I didn't even get some stupid title. Legacy is a good idea, but Bioware, you are going about it all wrong. The game doesn't need a credit sink, it needs incentive to keep on playing and doing dailies to earn credits to buy legacy items isn't the best way to do that.
  14. Legacy is still going to be interesting. So far however it sounds a lot like a Chiss being a Jedi to me, which from a lore point, makes no sense. And perhaps old characters can take themselves to what amounts to create a character again and completely change themselves, perhaps even change their race. If this is all it offers, I am going to be thoroughly disappointed.


    On another note I really hope they fix PvP. Right now you have players who play the objective and they don't get nearly as many commendations as those who just go in for the kills. Illum is 1 of 3 things now. 1. A lagfest when you actually have some decent world pvp going on. 2. A gankfest where one faction is camping the middle. 3. A Borefest where you have to collect weapons because the republic suddenly had all their arms factories destroyed. : WHAT!? Come on Bioware. Competitive gamers need their fix, rather than giving us what amounts to Huttball 2, give us fixes to the current issues. Playing the objective should score you more points than trying to be rambo ever could. And for the love of all that is holy please fix dailies and weeklies. There are people who run warzones all day and they get 30 loss streaks! Am I the only one that thinks that perhaps rather than winning a match, that participating in a full match, whether win or lose should count for the daily? If 3 participations isn't enough make it 6, but for the love of god think of the people on the losing team. I understand the gear grind but things like this turn people off from PvP. And please Bioware make Illum fun regardless of if there are enemies on it or not. At NPCs that you can kill in a player's stead, but make it use an AI that mimicks a players' movements and actions. Have it jump around, and have it hunt for players rather than just standing still, or walking around a certain spot. Make people want to bring their friends in because right now when I think Illum PvP I think circle of boredom (Center Capture Point)...If I invite my buds it will take 3 times as long. Add speeders with turrets that can shred through small groups and have those walkers fight back and shoot at enemies. Or better yet make them usable and let players have vehicle combat. Add upgradable and capturable outposts around Illum making certain paths dangerous to walk and allow players to use tactics ranging from Guerrilla warfare to choke points. I love free content as much as the next guy, but the focus really should be on fixing the current issues with the game.


    Overall though I'd like to see one more thing implemented. More customization.


    And for all of you people who think I'm a hater. I'm not. I just want to see this game successful in the long run and these are just some ideas I had floating in my head to improve the overall situation.

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