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Posts posted by Agarwaenn

  1. you may want to look up the difference between insight and incite.


    also, the only thing that TOR CRMs are lacking that WoW CRMs had are Murlocs. At least TOR CRMs have grammar and punctuation.


    Look at this thread: http://blue.mmo-champion.com/topic/227466-beta-class-balance-analysis/ as an example.

    Devs giving straight answers, asking people for input, and looking for numbers/logs. They tell people the reasons why decisions were/are being made. People may not like the answers they get, but the devs are communicating what they are thinking, and the direction they are taking the game. Where is this same level of communication with the Devs in TOR? We don't have it.

  2. Then GO and find it, and be an advocate for the player community and an agent for improved relations instead of just more of the same tired shell game trick.


    The community wants and needs an advocate - someone who we feel will take some initiative to find out the things we're asking for instead of explaining how they're really not much use after all when the chips are down.


    This, Yes. Going to find the answers. We don't want just an "anchorman" reading us the "news" handed to him by the devs. We need a "reporter" who will go dig up the answers. Someone who can get the devs to open up more.

    This game is missing the amount of communication and incite that blizzard devs give their player base.

  3. "Now in a position"? Really? So, before, all these times broken bugs have been broken for months at a time (Soa being a fine example), it's because you guys weren't in a position?


    Here's another example: Explosive Conflict is broken and you can't complete it right now. Lolwhat? Sorry, but that's pretty inexcusable to make content that many people can do, and many others have on farm, stay broken for over 24 hours. I can't remember off the top of my head the last time I was in a game where existing content stayed broken for over a day in WoW or Rift. This could be rose-tinted glasses I'm wearing, but the fact that it's broken in the only Operation we currently have released in the last few months tends to bother me.


    This. this. this. This is where you guys, as OUR community team, need to be hammering the devs for a fix, and standing up for US (the community). Or has everyone with a backbone been let go?


    How are we suppose to justify spend $15/month to Op in a few months if Ops stay broken due to a bug introduced by a patch that was not properly tested.

  4. One of the SWTTOR writers posted something vague on twitter, but then backtracked and said he would never announce the start of an event on twitter, that it was a just a preview of things to come later.
  5. He makes some good points. The Ops and endgame pvp are really not that good. Done much better in other games. Why charge $15/month for the weakest parts of your game? Like a lot of things about MMOs, BW just dosen't seem to "get it". I see them losing a huge number of subs, and people just doing ftp, leading to panic at BW trying to come up with ways to make the FTP people spend money. Look for them to make major changes to the pricing model from what they have said.
  6. For SI healers, at ~35% crit chance you should start adding Power over Willpower. Point for point Power will give you more bonus healing, and after ~35% crit chance the added crit you get from WP diminishes significantly due to the diminishing returns curve of crit ratting.


    Shoot for 350 (not over 400) Crit and Alacrity, and 250 (not over 300) Surge. After that go for Power.

  7. Yep, this exact thing has been suggested/requested multiple times. It is an easy fix on paper, but I guess BW's engineers are too busy with other stuff to implement this. It would not be that big of a deal if Champion gear were easier to get. No matter what the elitists will come in here and say, only a very tiny portion of lvl 50's have actually downed a HM Denova boss.

    BW is hoping people will hold out and stick around long enough for the level increase and new Operation. This is when they will make Champion gear easier to get (since it will not be the top tier).

  8. I see a few people do not get what the OP is talking about so i will explain it slowly.


    Step 1: Get Tionesse/Columni/Rakata gear.

    Step 2: Buy Black hole gear.

    Step 3: For pieces with Mod'able slots, strip out all the BH item lvl 61 armor/mod/enhancements. Put these in your T/C/R gear. Yes, YOU CAN EVEN REPLACE THE ARMORINGS. Since the set-bonus on this lower gear is tied to the SHELL, you keep the set bonus even if you put in the 61 armor.

    Step 4: Augment


    You will still be left with some non-BIS pieces.

  9. Bugged, bugged , bugged. I hope this is not the same automated system that you will be using this week.


    My 1st toon copied over fine 2 days ago (well, there were 2 copies of him :-) ). Seen the announcement that copying was ending so I filled out the survey again early yesterday morning for my BH Galadrial. I checked the form twice to make sure there was no mistakes.

    I log in this morning to find that you guys copied my SI (this makes the 3rd one) INSTEAD of my requested BH.

    This was not an error on my part, but some kind of flaw in your system. A ticket has been submitted.

  10. people have asked on twitter, DMs and on here. If it was going to be free, then they would come out and tell us, and be very vocal about it. They would pat themselves on the back saying how great it is that they are giving us all this free content/increased level cap. They are not doing that. They are remaining quiet. Their silence means only one thing.... they are charging for it, and don't want to cause an uproar to dull the E3 hype.
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