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Posts posted by Parthis

  1. To be honest having spent some time with the GW2 Beta i'm coming to the realisation that what I actually want isn't a 3 or 4 day slow-paced quest driven event, but several 1-2 hour events spread over a few weeks. Guild Wars two has had three beta weekends that ended with a fun, unique and well executed event.


    I'd like to see more of that in other games. The worlds feel stagnant without change.

  2. For pve, I guess there is nothing wrong with always being an offtank, every Operation needs one.


    I just want to comment on this briefly; it's clear from your response that you're a PvP player, but it's not OK for a single class to be the off-anything.


    Off-tanking is a role, not a class. Assassins have been built with a tanking tree; it should NOT be worse at it than other tanks, and the sooner Bioware realise that an avoidance-focused, self healing based light armor tank is impossible to balance (nightmare in PvP, under powered and spiky in PvE) the better.



    1. Overpowered PvP damage with PvP players running around in DPS PvP gear using a tanking build (which the last round of nerfs did nothing to solve). In PvE it's seen as an off-tank. This isn't just the perception of random people; this is the belief of my guild (a very long term PvE raiding guild from many MMOs) after extensive raiding in TOR.


    2. I feel like the class is gimped. The defensive cooldowns are either weak, useless or entirely overpowered depending on the situation. Our mitigation was already poor in PvE and has been nerfed further (there's a reason you added 20% armor at the end of the Beta; every Assassin tank felt squishy). I don't play it any more. It's too heavily based on a rotation, the survival is too chaotic and random, and it feels as though the changes being made by BW are consistently way off the mark; solving problems that don't exist and making real problems worse.


    I haven't had the motivation to log into TOR for weeks; all I play is tanks in MMOs.

  4. I´d love to play an Astromech Droid.


    Yeah, would love some kind of droid class. Lots of mech-based abilities and movement... they already have droid parts in the game ;)

  5. Why would you screw over our healing even more so? In pve your ideas are fine. In pvp you are just screwing over darkness and you might as well go dps gear with dark charge active.


    The point is to not ruin tanking but try to force people to not wear dps gear in tank spec. The way they've created the system you can't stop it from happening unless you attach a negative armor value to dps mods/enhancements.


    Healing is impossible to balance. It's situationally OP, situationally weak, and really impossible to predict. Removing the healing means the class can, at least, be balanced by stats that matter and not around a mechanic that has RNG factors associated with it.


    Tanks will wear DPS gear in PvP while they can do high damage, and while tanking stats are of limited value. Bioware seem to think that Darkness survival is the problem, when in reality it's Darkness survival coupled with high damage and insane burst potential. Remove the situational healing, buff the survival to bring it passively inline with other tanks and nerf the burst and the class would be fine.


    The class is broken when a tanking build in DPS gear can do as much damage as a DPS build in DPS gear; non of these nerfs address this.


    In other news: The Guild Wars 2 beta weekend was a ton of fun.

  6. It's fine as it is for PVE.


    Would it be so hard to implement a debuff for assassins while in PVP


    For example


    IF tanking tree is greater than 20 & character is wearing DPS armor (any piece)


    then the debuff is implemented


    Something like -50% damage


    That was hard.


    Pray tell you never have anything to do with class balance.


    As an aside it's not fine as it is for PvE. The healing mechanic is still unpredictable. Overall metrics and moment to moment gameplay are not the same thing.

  7. The whole point of the heal mechanic is to tank through mitigating damage with heals. That's why they have a stronger over reliance on shield/absorb. Changes wouldn't work, it's also not the problem when it comes to their DPS. a Sin tank in tank gear, their DPS would be perfectly leveled it's the Immortal spec that needs to be brought up on par because it's the one lacking (can't say for PT as I've never tanked).


    Mitigating through healing is impossible. Those two things are at odds with each other. By definition we must have taken damage in order to heal, so the idea of taking more damage to then (hopefully) heal some of it back in a few seconds is fundamentality flawed.


    Personally i'd like to see a few changes;

    - Self healing REMOVED (from Dark Charge and Harnessed Darkness). It's impossible to balance (too powerful in PvP, too weak and unpredictable in Ops against bosses, too powerful solo'ing H4s, etc).

    - Dark Charge increases your threat by 100%, but decreases your critical damage by 25%.

    - Dark Ward changed to add 30% armor while up. No charges, just a buff to call on/maintain that increases our survival as it's needed. Increase the duration a little so it's not spammy, keep the CD a couple of seconds behind the duration so it can be maintained.

    - Swelling Shadows no longer increases your chance to heal on hit and instead increases your chance to shield by 3/6%.


    These changes remove self healing, meaning we can be balanced around true mitigation and survival. The change to Dark Ward removes the bloody awful stacked shield improvements, and balances our mitigation to come very close to other tanks. The change Swelling Shadows adds in a little of the Shield % we'd lose from the Dark Ward change and makes it passive. Harnessed Darkness doesn't need reworking even once the healing is removed; it's still good damage and threat for 2 points.


    The net result would be no unpredictable and situationally strong/weak healing, no seemingly huge crits from uninterruptible lightning and shocks, a nerf to our shielding, a buff to our AoE tanking, and better on demand mitigation on bosses as needed. The PvE play style wouldn't change, either.

  8. I understand that the nerf is painful. For example they removed our machine gun sniper build. What i did not like is how often asassins tanks were using a generator. I can never imagine my pt tank using a generator instead of shield. We have more passive mitigation, but defensive cooldowns? Its a complete joke. Nothing pt has is of thr magnitute of force shroud.


    Inquisitor as a whole is a class full of utilities and goodies but only when you go into each AC you are amazed how much good stuff they have.


    And on top of this, the complete utter dominance in many pvp scenarios. How often have i seen these guys defending solo a point and how often you had to commit more players to actually be able to take the point.


    And invisibility... The ability to open first in a duel it is crazy. I know you dont have something like hidden strike, but omg what a powerful tool that is. Being able to fight somebody always on your terms is insanely powerful.


    What you've considered as granted, other classes could never even dream of having. With so much versatility, i think its ok that they got some nerfing.


    We're not talking about PvP. If you've missed that point so far then you have nothing to add to this thread.


    Secondly you're taking about the mis-use of a tanking tree. The changes made do nothing to prevent that. Darkness still offers better survival than the alternative trees, with the same damage output. Anyone playing Darkness now will continue to do so in PvP, because frankly it's better than rolling the other two.


    Bioware need to stop mindlessly nerfing the builds Assassin players are migrating to in PvP and ask themselves why no one actually wants to play their pure DPS specs instead.

  9. This is nonsense on stilts.


    My full-Rakata Shadow tank (and every other full-Rakata Shadow/Assassin tank) has 43.04% Kinetic/Energy damage reduction. That includes all armor buffs, the 2% set bonus, and the 2% bonus from the off-spec talent.


    Amen. To even attempt to reach the other class's DR values it takes more than just armor. Even with Buffs and set bonuses we're still nowhere near.


    It's amazing how short people's memory is. Before this game went live, during the Beta, every single assassin tank agreed the class was too squishy. It still is with RNG. It was a frequent topic of discussion here and on theory crafting sites, and BW agreed with it. So they added 20% armor to the class by tacking it on towards the top of the Darkness tree (EotS). Dropping DC down to 115% makes us worse than Beta.


    Getting so bored of the way classes are being handled in this game. There are so many ways they could have nerfed PvP of this problem but keep PvE intact. It's just lazy.

  10. yes, you had the SAME amount of armor as the other tanks AND self healing, which made you the king of tanks. So.. in order to balance this, they lowered your armor and healing so it is the same. Or would you rather have the same armor and no healing from lightning? No, I didn't think so.


    For someone who claims to have both an Assassin and a Jugg, you don't seem to know much about the differences between them.


    Assassins have the lowest DR. That's undisputable. These changes hit Assassins where they're weakest.


    Also, personally, i'd happily see the self-healing removed. It's a gimmick, it's impossible to balance, impossible to predict in large group content as it's meaningless against bosses and more than anything it's used as a way of justifying lower DR.


    Kill self-healing, buff DR, feck flavour.


    Tanks at their very core should be built to survive.

  11. I would love to question how you don't think I am an assassin. If you enjoy playing another class, do so. But I prefer positive feedback concerning the rotating and adapting changes to a class. If you can't contribute positive feedback, why post at all? Obviously assassin's aren't for you, hence ranged alternative. Some of us chose to adapt. So...swing and a miss?


    ... stop and re-read please. You're embarrassingly obtuse.


    I want to play a tank. I like my Assassin. I've played it since beta. I consider these changes to be brutal, as do you. Your question was which of the two remaining non tank specs are people going to move to. As a tank, that's not possible. So as a tank our options are to eat the nerf or move to another class. So, the answer to your question for this particular tank is to move to another, already superior, tanking class.


    As an aside; the PT tank isn't a ranged alternative. It tanks in melee, just like the Assassin.


    I love how you've decided i'm some kind of troll based on the fact that I actually answered your fecking question. Swing and miss, amirite, <insert drivel here>, etc.

  12. As helpful as that was, it doesn't in the least bit answer the question at hand. If people are discouraged to play a certain spec, what will reign as the alternative. Playing another class isn't my cup of tea, take that to their forum.


    Their forum? You know you're not actually an Assassin, right?


    I answered your question I could, because frankly it doesn't make much sense. Your question was essentially "Now that the tanking spec has been nerfed which of the two DPS specs are you going to choose?". The answer to that, for me, is neither; I want to play a tank, so will look at playing a different class in order to tank.

  13. Stop BS'ing guys, a class that Can SOLO the H4 of BLACK HOLE its not PERFECT AS IT IS, it needs to be balanced..


    im pretty sure its not PvP related...


    News Flash: Bioware don't balance a class around a specific set of heroic quests... so to believe that these are not PvP motivated changes is short sighted.


    They can solo it because of the additional healing and a companion. No one cares about the healing; in large scale PvE, against hard hitting bosses the self healing is unpredictable ****. The self healing was a way of justifying the lower mitigation. Nerfing both invalidates the justification.


    It's lazy class design on a class that suffers with these problems the most.

  14. You must not have understood the explanation, because it's there and I can see it.


    Do you play an Assassin tank?


    I'm not denying the existence of an explanation, i'm saying that as some one who has played this class extensively, and other tanking classes too, it makes no sense.


    But hey ho, thanks for your input.

  15. Yes they do. Just think about it ;)


    No, they don't.


    I have a PT and an Assassin. The PT's general damage reduction and survival is noticeably better. The Assassin feels fragile on the same content. It was noted by my guilds healers how much more unpredictable it was to heal. etc etc.


    They nerfed the class's weakest aspect, and buffed it's strongest.

  16. I don't understand these changes at all. These are PvP changes, they make no sense to PvE tanks.


    Dear Bioware; no one cares about have crappy self healing as a way of justifying lower survival. Seriously, it's crap. A small amount of healing every few seconds is utterly pointless. The nerf damage mitigation AND sealing healing with the justification that self-healing was making tankasin damage mitigation too strong is moronic.


    Remove the self healing. It's impossible to balance, impossible to predict, and foolish to rely on. Remove it.


    As an aside; ask any Tankasin on live what their current strength is they'll tell you threat. The threat buffs are threat



    Back to the PT for me, if I come back at all tbh.

  17. You took a long time to attack a poster who expressed an interest in a different playstyle than you. Your problem seems to be that you assume everybody thinks like you and you are wrong.


    You said it yourself, not everybody has the same motivation. You say people want options and they don't want to do dailies. I've been playing since mid-beta and I DON'T do dailies. I hate them. Always have. Refuse to participate in them. I log on daily and still find plenty of things to occupy my time. I am not everybody and don't think so much of myself as to assume I am. Believe it or not, lots of people do, thoroughly enjoy dailies.


    Having read all of your posts in this thread one concludes two things.


    You wish TOR was WoW...It's not.




    You canceled your sub, something you point out, multiple times and even felt so strongly about it that you made it your signature on a forum of a game you don't even like enough to play (but care enough about to post non-constructively (daily quests suck/why no world pvp is not constructive, it's redundant, use the search feature) and copiously upon.


    Let us hope Bioware can survive without that 15 dollars per month. I hope you find joy and happiness in the next magical MMO. Good luck finding one with your pet features and presents no grind, no dailies, open world free for all pvp...oh wait, there's already a game like that, it's called Eve Online and has about 300k subscribers.


    Good job on completely missing the point. I don't want this game to be WoW; if I did i'd be playing WoW, which i'm not. Why is that people defending this game always fall back on the same tired responses "well go play WoW then!". Secondly I care enough about this game to take the time to write why I cancelled my subscription and what I find lacking. It's not a question of liking; I liked levelling, liked the acting, liked the setup, however having done all that and levelled an alt or two I don't find there's enough to hold my interest; new dailies isn't going to change that. I'm also not the only person who feels this way, am I?


    I never said Dailies suck; I said grinding isn't fun for a portion of the player base. I never said people don't want to do dailies; I said options are a good thing.


    I do love the "the game is only five months old argument!" because it's not; it's six years and five months old and it's been in testing for a long, long time. In the time it's been in development other games have introduced innovative and interesting features. Those games are out in a matter of months and I do hope Bioware pull something out of the bag because I want this game to do well, otherwise i'd have never bother getting into a discussion about this very topic in the first place.

  18. This is what happen when people constantly complain about credits being useless and also not having anything to do. They create credit/time sinks.


    Funny thing? If they'd have given all the perks away based off legacy level alone, people would be on the board right now complaining that they already have everything unlocked and are bored again.


    Bioware truly can't win.


    Or perks could be granted from quests unlocked via the legacy system.


    Something to do and a reason to do it without it becoming a resource sink.

  19. But dear sir, nobody really cares about your rants and your complaints. Like WoW? Play WoW. This game has something that no other MMORPG has, and that is the storytelling. Like GW2 dynamic events, then bug off and play GW2 when it comes out, nobody wants to hear you whine. BW/EA isn't forcing you to play, they already have a healthy playerbase that is larger than what WoW had in its first 5/6 months and whose to say it won't grow. This is a great game, we don't want people like you spreading negativity everywhere WHERE THERE CAN BE FREAKIN SITH FLOWERS THAT GIVE HAPPINESS AND LOVE. :


    Oh sweet forum poster, it's great that you love this game and will continue to play it. I'm happy for you, really. But don't mistake feedback and the oppurtunity to express it as spreading negativity; this thread is about why people are nolonger playing TOR, and these forums are an outlet for the player base to express their feelings. If you came in here expecting anything else you're a fool.


    I, along with the vast majority of my guild, have now cancelled our subscriptions. I won't be going back to WoW, i'll instead go and play something else in future; TSW or GW2, for example.


    As an aside and something for you to think about; if people are cancelling their subscriptions (as I assure you they are), yet the player base totals remain about the same, how is that a healthy playerbase? That's churn my friend. 30 days free? Really? You think that's the sign of healthy numbers? Have a month completely free as long as you're still a subscriber after the sub renewal date! Oh, and have a tauntaun! Bioware have crafted a great story telling experience and I enjoyed it very much... however as an MMO this is lacking and needs love. I'm sure they'll do it, and i'll check it out again in the future.


    People are choosing to leave this game for very valid reasons. It's not whining to express them; it's honest, and as there is no other way to express our feelings to Bioware then you're being a troll by belittling and marginalising the people that do.

  20. Trust me, you are "happy". You think you're not. You are. Because when you get what you want, it always ends up somehow not being "right". And then you come back here and moan about how it still doesn't feel right, no matter how many tweaks and fixes and patches go in.


    Raid the enemy capital? "Biowaaaaaaare, people told the other side that my raid was going oooon! We never even got into the capitaaaaal! This is dumb and unfair and I'm unsubbing!"


    Pazaak? "Biowaaaaaaare, these minigames are a huge credit siiiiink. I bet 500 creds but I lost 10,000! This is stupid and unfair and I'm unsubbing!"


    Player created content? "Biowaaaaare, I'm bored of all these stupid fan stories! I pay you to make up storylines. Why am I doing all the woooooork? This is idiotic and unfair and I'm unsubbing!"


    Everytime a game gives you something to do, 9 times out of 10, you just do it once to have a woohoo moment then go right back to the grind.


    Honestly, you don't play video games to feel fulfilled. You play them to eat up the huge chunks of time in your life until something else takes up that time. Usually it's a baby or a job. Rare case, coma.


    But ultimately just time wasting. And that's what the grind does. Eats up your time. Nom nom nom nom nom.


    You took a long time to write many incorrect statements.


    I played WoW for four years. I raided many capital cities, explored many regions, took part in lots of open world PvP, etc etc. I never took part in grindy activities in WoW; I didn't do dailies, I never stockpiled gold, I didn't grind reputation. I did what I wanted, and when I couldn't I logged off and did something else.


    I've played TOR for four months. My subscription is cancelled and expires tonight.


    You can type and second guess my words as much as you like; not everyone has the same motivations... and again the inclusion of those things do not remove dailies or more grindy elements, do they? (a question you managed to side-step quite expertly). Again; legacy didn't need to be a credit sync, it could have been an incredible quest list. 1.2 could have dropped and the galaxy could have been flooded with people playing new quests, with specific goals that they deemed important.


    Options in an MMO is a good thing. Repetition isn't. Don't begin to assume you know how everyone will react to them.

  21. Everything you just suggested? Usually ends up ignored because not a single one of them actually benefits the brain dead masses that play the game. Most of these people would condemn those ideas the second it becomes an inconvenience. Dailies, however, never inconvenience anyone. Go get this, go harvest that gives people the illusion that they are making progress. When they think they are getting "stronger", they are more inclined to keep paying. When the player discovers he is in fact NOT getting more l33t, he tends to want things nerfed until he feels it again.


    Grinds are needed because it keeps the players happy. Despite what you believe, players think they know what they want. And as the Rakghoul event has shown us, the players are complete and utter basket cases. The Grind is needed. You think it isn't, but it is.


    I'm a player; i'm not happy. That alone invalidates your argument.


    Also it doesn't need to be either/or. The option of raiding the enemy faction's capital doesn't mean dailies should be removed; it's another thing to do. Explore. It's that bored friday night where your guild is sat around with no purpose. It's an option in a game genre that is built around options.


    Everything I suggested provides a purpose above the individual grind; that's the point i'm making. Players may be happy to grind DNA for a lightsaber crystal, good for them and i'm happy they enjoy it... but it's not fulfilling, exciting or ambitious. It's not Star Wars.

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