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Posts posted by Myst

  1. I've heard people talking about the next pack coming out during Bounty Week (Next Wednesday) but it's merely speculation at the moment.


    But it would be about a month since the last one if it does come out next week and that seems to be the right timeframe between all the others if I'm not mistaken.

  2. After finally reaching Legend standing for the Cartel Market, I have a load of reputation items left over. Is there any way we can do something else with these? I kinda don't want to throw them away because it technically cost me money and you're pretty much guaranteed to get them in every pack. Maybe even just allow us to sell them? I can't see any harm in that.


    But yeah, it's really making me think twice about buying any future packs because I'm concerned I won't be getting my money's worth/being able to make use of everything I paid for.. =/

  3. Maybe there's a way to restrict these weapons to PvE only?


    Either way, I definitely like this idea. The only issue is certain skills have animations centered around their specific weapon. For example, if a marauder was using a single saber and used dual saber throw, it would look a bit strange.

  4. Why did you decide to have only 4 body types in the game (5 including the tiny races such as Jawa's) and why do certain races look like a rehashed version of the standard human race, such as Sith Pureblood being allowed to have all the human hair options?


    In regards to the 4 body types, it's pretty disturbing seeing either, men running around with the body of a teenager but with a heavily bearded and old face and then really fat people running around. There needs to be more options for customization. (And also, Jawa's and Ugnaught's need their own body size. They are both way too small as it is, and if I recall, Ugnaught's were at least above waist height.) Make more body sizes! >.<

  5. He's very similar to my Revan character. I was quite happy with how it turned out.


    My Jedi Exile was male and it turns out the Jedi Exile was a female called Meetra Surik and guess what? I don't care.


    And really, this practically is Kotor III and more. It has plenty of storylines to choose from so get over it... seriously people =/



    Anyway back to OP, I don't really think the game needs to be remade. Why spend effort reviving something that everyone already loves, when they could be improving this game and making it even better?

  6. I would LOVE to see usable swoop tracks in the future. Would bring a very interesting element into the game. I can imagine the first iteration being similar to space missions however but a competitive one would be great.
  7. To be honest, I play a shadow and I have been dominating most of the games I play in PvP =/ I usually bring my healer and tank along sure, but you can't expect to be viable in a PvP game by trying to play solo against a group who are on comms.


    Why not be more organized when you join a PvP game and plan your tactics based on who you come up against, be it an operative, sorc, Merc etc.?

  8. I'll admit the system doesn't work that well. I don't really know anyone using the Centurion stuff because of how many commendations you need. By the time you got a full set of Centurion gear you would likely have a couple of sets of Champion already. They need to have Centurion bags that can be opened without a valor req which drop centurion commendations and possibly Centurion gear pieces, Champion bags should require rank 30+ valor to open and drop champion commendations and pieces etc. That makes much more sense imo and means people would actually use the Tier 1 PvP gear instead of jumping straight into Tier 2.
  9. If I purchased on 23rd Oct but didn't redeem EGA code until 2nd Nov, was that a f**k up on my behalf :eek: ?


    I'm old and have no idea what day it is today :confused:



    I heard it was based on when you purchased mate. One of my guildies pre-ordered in July and entered his code in November and got in on the July invites. =/

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