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Posts posted by Sonofbelz

  1. Server: Begeran Colony

    Species/Race: Human

    Name: Rohh

    Middle Name: Thalos

    Last Name: Rigalan

    Nickname: The Wolf

    Gender: Male

    Date of Birth: Unknown (Only tells those who are close to him.)

    Place of Birth: Unknown (Only tells those who are close to him.)

    Age: 52

    Height: 5'9

    Weight: 170lb

    Hair Color/Style: Long and unkempt gray.

    Facial Appearance: Aged, but not old. Always wears a black blindfold around his eyes, he is blind but uses the Force to assist him.

    Eye Color: Hazel

    Body Appearance: Athletic build.

    Home Planet: Unkown (Only tells those who are close to him.)

    Current Residence: Anywhere he is needed.

    Allegiance: Republic

    Profession: Jedi Master

    Armor/Clothes: Brown Jedi Robes

    Primary Weapon(s): Blue Lightsaber

    Secondary Weapon(s): Expert hand-to-hand skill.

    Miscellaneous Item(s): Amulet in the shape of a gray wolf.


    Biography: Find out ICly.

  2. I'd love to join in this, I'm an experienced serious RPer and story teller/creator, been doing it for many years. I don't have too many expectations, as long as nothing is lore breaking or comical. Out of context of course. (Like the character has a humorous personality.)
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