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Posts posted by Hjonro

  1. Are you sure his account was not hacked? This happened a few years ago with the Republic version of AoN a few years ago, I was getting messages from the GM via Enjin about how 200k had gone and he thought his account may have been hacked (despite having a security key). That evening everyone got kicked and the GM characters were all deleted, luckily the AoN members were able to reform it quite well the next day but the Rep GM left the game completely.

    Just bare in mind this may be the case since it has happened before.

  2. Hello fellow red eclipsers,


    I recently read that jung-ma server have daily server events, such as world PvP or taking over a republic outpost, RP events, massive world boss groups, ect ect. I think that it would be nice if we could all arange a day to do a server event, preferably on a weekend sometime as most people tend to play then. I would like RP as i like it myself but with a PvE type element as we are a PvE server, i would like your feedback here.

    Kind regards,


  3. Hello and welcome to AoN <Archives of Nihilus> We are a social, PvE and optional RP guild, possibly one of the only RP guilds on ther server. We are very experienced in guild matters, but are now recovering from a recent split. We have regained our officers but now need to get more active, social and lvl 50 players. We do common flashpoints, ops, heroics and World bosses. We also held the Red eclipse fireworks event on new years day/ new years eve. Help is issued to any member and we have 2 guild bank slots. We will soon be beggining to start some recruitment videos soon, we might still have our teamspeak 3 server (Somone could have stolen it off the owner of the TS3 channel, that guy who owns it is still in our guild) We are an imperial based guild on the red eclipse server, register at our new guild website aonw.enjin.com (Old one got stolen in the split, they took all of the advanced plan days our current members were using for their own benifit)


    We also have a sister guild on the server who are on the republic side, <Shadow Guard> are a Social, active, PvE and RP guild, we are very close with them, as we have helped each other through the hard times, if your interested in joining their guild aswell as ours visit their website shadowguard.enjin.com


    Im second in command of AoN right now, if you see me on the forums, my name is CabbageTiger.

    We are also planning to do some RP events or server events soon, seeming how Jung ma server are having many server events daily. The roles that we need for our guild are listed on our guild forums. I hope to see you there :)

    Kind regards,

    Lyrana (2nd in command of the guild)

  4. Before i found out that Mia hawkins doesnt become your companion i thought she would. The way that you work with her on tatooine is amazing until you kill "The old man" i got an option with 2 lightside choices and 1 darkside. as im a drakside character i took the choice of shooting her in the face. after actually finding out the companions and arriving on alderaan, i wasnt so pleased to see vectors personality. On my second talking choice i see option to has [Flirt] in it. At that point, I am thinking why the hell somone would want to flirt with some half bug diplomat? I suposse he is better than Lokin being a rakghoul. :rak_01:

    To be honest i would much prefer Mia hawkins to be my companion, we worked together alot more better than i did with vector. so im voting for Mia Hawkins.

  5. Well, still haven't met all the companions yet, but so far my favorite is Vector, hands down. Even though he's not the first companion you get, he has a strong storyline of his own and I was quickly invested in the outcome. He also grows and changes as a character (probably most evident if you romance him) and fits in well with the themes of identity and sacrifice in the agent story. Word to the wise - his story actually intersects with Dr. Lokin's, so if you want to learn some important things about Vector's past, get to know Lokin too! If your agent is light-side and you take him everywhere with you like I did, it really feels like the two of them are developing a strong, loyal bond as they go through incredible amounts of h-e-l-l together. He's the one solid rock in the agent's world full of betrayal and paranoia. As far as the romance goes, the agent's dialogue is a train wreck, but Vector's fascinating personality quirks make up for it. All that extra sensory perception stuff allows for some fun and interesting romancing. Vector has also an awesome voice actor who gives the character a unique way of speaking - in his inflection and cadence Vector really comes across as "different." And he has THE Sexiest...Voice...in...the...Game! That voice could melt steel. :cool:



    I like how vector is worshiping me, here are some phrases:

    "We fight for you! we fight for the nest!"

    "We're running low"

    Vector was getting a bit social on my ship with Dr lokin aswell. you might find some clips on Youtube.

    Liked the invasion on house cortess aswell,Vector brought his Killik army to attack the throne room.

    Just to say, is there somthing wrong with his eyes? I saw the whole of his eyeballs were black....

  6. Im not in for Kira but i have 2 votes, i cant decide which...

    > Blizz, as he is a jawa, he is quite casual by saying "Hi" i like how he waddles and i like his customizations

    > Doctor Lokin, as i have an imperial agent you get him on the planet of Taris, i like how he talks and how he turns into a rakghoul.

    Quote if you agree on 1 of these 2 companions

  7. It's possible that the name was reported and forcibly changed due to intellectual property infringement. I wouldn't be surprised to see Nihilus go the same way if the player continues to log in with that character.


    its hat a ' type thing ontop of the A im not to sure, it could have been a server transfer though...

  8. Nice Thread, i like the fact how so many people enjoy roleplay like me :D

    This is not my main character, it is the 1 who has the most effective story.


    Species/Race: Human

    Name: Narr

    Middle Name: N/A

    Last Name: Ozcarl

    Nickname: The Gatekeeper, Oscar (Nickname by Master Fesoj Kestel)

    Gender: Male

    Date of Birth: (12 years before the mandolorain wars)

    Place of Birth: Isis, Onderon

    Age: over 300 years old (looks in mid 20's)

    Height: 183 cm

    Weight: 68 kg

    Hair Color/Style: Black hair, flowing over his ears, down to his neck, averagley long fringe

    Facial Appearance: Scar across neck and face, Average nose, Thick curved eyebrows, White skin, not very tan, hair coverd ears.

    Eye Color: Shining yellow

    Body Appearance: Slim (Body Type 2 on game)

    Home Planet: Onderon

    Current Residence: Tython

    Allegiance: Republic

    Profession: Jedi Sentinel

    Armor/Clothes: Hooded cloak, Malachor V Battle Mesh

    Primary Weapon(s): Gold crystaled lightsaber (His brother's lightsaber), Green crystaled lightsaber

    Secondary Weapon(s): Force powers

    Miscellaneous Item(s): Naga Sadow's relic



    2 years after the mandolorian wars began, Mandalorians took over Onderon, Narr's parents and other citizens were abducted by the mandalorians. Narr Ozcarl and his brother Rezulo Ozcarl were both rescued by Jedi Master Zhar Lestin and were both trained at the jedi order on Coruscant.


    Rezulo was quite a bit older than Narr so Rezulo was alot more skilled and quickly became a Jedi knight. Rezulo was shortly deployed on his 1st mission. To find a lost holocrom on Raxus Prime. But Narr was catching up quickly and had already and forged his lightsaber while Rezulo was on his mission, Narr was so eager to tell Rezulo but unfortunatley he never got to. Master vrook of the jedi council had reported that on the mission, 5 thugs had shot Rezulo to death on Raxus Prime, Narrs dead brother only managed to cut down 1 thug. The only thing that was recoverd was Rezulo's gold colored lightsaber. Narr now weilded his own, and his borther's lightsaber.


    A year after Narr was deployed on a mission to Duro, the homeworld of the race "Duros". Narr was too arrest a bounty hunter named Varvyras, who had destroyed half of a local town. Narr sucssesfully defeated the guards of Varvyras's Lair and arrested Varyvras himself. The council were incredibly impressed. and gave him a force medallion as a gift of the mission, Narr wore it across his waist.


    Towards the end of the Mandolorian wars after many missions, Narr was assigned on a battle upon the planet Malachor V along with several other jedi, including The Exile. Towards the beggining, of the battle, Narr had struck several sith down, including a Sith Overseer, but was blown into the very core of the planet and was faitily wounded he had also lost the force medallion in the impact. What Narr did not know, was The Exile (actually named Meetra Surik) had joined Darth Revan, who was leading the imperial forces, and had murderd most of the republic forces. The remaning republic forces had retreated, apart from Narr who had been abandoned on the planet and simply left to die. But as he lay there darth revan aproached him, and he said to him "You have been chosen by the core. You have been summoned to protect the Tomb of Naga Sadow, you are The Gatekeeper."


    For 300 years, Narr Ozcarl was enslaved on korriban in the tomb of Naga Sadow. He was used as a tool, and the dark energy would make sure that he would never be defeated. (Explanation of being so old) But when revan saw the light after 300 years and returned Narr Ozcarl to the order on Tython, His face was coverd in Scars. but when he returned, he was In perfect health, he felt as he had fell out of the Sky...


    When he returned to the council there was a new Grandmaster, Satele Shan who had retitled Narr, as Knight of The Old Republic. But scince the time back at the temple on Tython, Narr still had to achive another title, Jedi Master. A month or so after He had settled at the temple, Narr was deployed on his mission to become a true Jedi. He was departed to Quesh, where he met Master Fesoj Kestel. Narr found Kestel quite annoying as he was called the Nickname "Oscar" which was mocking his last name. Their mission was to recover a relic from a droid: The Rogue Cartel Warbot. after a feirce battle the warbot had lost hall for of its limbs and had taken a stab to the chest. Kestel opened the heart of the warbot, and retrived the relic.


    When both jedi returned to te temple they handed over the relic to Grandmaster Satele Shan and in return, she gave Narr The Relic of Naga Sadow. He was given it to unlock his title of master as he had been in the tomb of Naga Sadow for so long. after a week of trying to unlock it, one night, Narr saw Sadow in a vision. He told Narr to use the force. Narr used his battle meditation ability to focus and purple aura began to suck into the relic, it had finally opend. The next day, Narr Ozcarl took the relic To Grandmaster Shan. Shan nodded to him, and congratulated him by calling him Master Ozcarl...


    (To be continued)

  9. Afew days ago there were 5 members of our guild online: Valorum (Guildmaster) Lyrana (me, Officer) Malak (Officer) Liexi (Luitenant) Theclonemaker (Member).


    We were discussing about heroics on alderaan and doing a raid on the WB and Malak was discussing about doing operations at Lvl 50. Next Malak went offline. We just though he had to go somewhere. afew minutes later, Me, Valorum and Liexi saw that Malak had been removed from our friends list all at the same time. Then Theclonemaker looked on the offline guild list, he had disapeard off it too. His other character : Nihilus was still on our freinds list. We set a MOTD comment to investigate what hapend to him. I highly doubt he has deleted his character seeming as he was having such a good time. would it be possible he had a "server transfer"? in some way, or another idea?

  10. My guild is quite new to my server and we only make officers who we have real trust in. 1 of our officers went MIA recently, off our friends list and guild lists. We dont know the problem and still havent found him. What now makes me the only officer.

    My advice: Dont premote too many officers/luitenants, only premote those you trust and have played the game with you for a while.

  11. Underage people are violating the rules of the terms and conditions which they were advised to read before playing. Secondly you should make your characters on a PvE or RP server if you do not want to be attacked by higher level enemys. I only made 1 character on a PvP server, I would advise to make a tank so you can mash up little healers and dps's. It also warns you before you enter a PvP server you will be attacked frequently. Some people are as you claim "Being bullied" are not reading notices before they are so eager to be addicted to the game.
  12. For some reason when I was aginst the Coruscant world boss and noticed it had 195 K Health. we even had to get a level 50 for this. I then recently tried the dromund kaas boss which has 40 K more health than the coruscant boss on my assasin who was level 27 and he also had another champion with him with 20K health. the intresting thing was that We had alot more people on the coruscant boss and yet I was defeated 3 times. we had 2 level 37's and a level 50 tank for The SD-0 Droid. meanwhile, I was against the dromund kaas boss with me as the highest level and tank but yet we were aginst both of the champions and I only had 1 heal of 249 health. and then lost no health for the rest of time battle. none of the other members of the ops group died. and most lost no health. I evenswitched the options to nightmare mode and We still destroyed them. Does any idea why the first ( dromund kaas world boss) was simple, or why SD0 (Coruscant world boss) was so hard?


    Not sure there Val, I was omw at the time but 1 of the guildies accidently dragged it so the ops had to fight it, i was coming from tatooine at the time, and i hadnt even made it onto dromund kaas the time the ops had killed it :(

  13. After defeating Trapjaw (Tatooine world boss) with 8 men i found a great looking prototype jacket. My brother who was playing as his Sith Assasin managed to get the roll for the medium armour jacket (He accidently clicked need) so he traded it to me, now my operative looks epic! i will send the name of it once i next go on swtor, i will edit this comment for it.


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