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Posts posted by Ryvenn

  1. Obviously you are a subscriber. Then you should be getting 500-600 FREE coins every month for being a subscriber. Why don't you use those to unlock the staff? By using your FREE onthly coins you will not spend any money. Then again, with the attitude you have shown here I would not expect you to even think about such a simple solution.


    Rage on!


    Again, completely missing the point. Feel free to keep staring down your self-righteous nose though. The solution to a problem they created shouldn't be for the customer to spend more money, regardless of the amount spent. Then again, with the ignorance you have shown here, i wouldn't expect you to engage in common sense.


    Vomit your nonsense on!

  2. Not entirely accurate. Now that you have the Cathar Warstaff it should be in your collections (there are buttons to ope your collections window all over the place (check your inventory window (lower left corner IIRC)), which means you can unlock it (granted for another CC fee, but MUCH lower than buying another Cathar Warstaff using CCs) and create a copy of it to use with other characters - specifically Jedi Shadows and Sith Assassins.


    Granted it will never be useful to your JK again, but the collections path is an option.


    congrats on completely regurgitating what i already stated. Had you any sort of reading comprehension, you'd never have responding... knowing that i already addressed that yes, it was possible to "fix the problem by yet again spending money on the problem."


    This shouldn't be a problem solved by the customer spending more money, regardless of the amount. i stated that as well.

  3. Decided to return to game to see if things changed. As always from EA, lots of promises, eye candy and hope.


    I purchased on day one of its implementation the Cathar Warstaff. Now, due to changes by the Developers, Kira can no longer use it. So i am stuck with a piece of gear which is bound to that one charactrer, that i spent money on. I submitted a ticket to customer service... LOL, i hear you all laughing at me as well... and as expected Customer Service had no Service for this Customer. What she did have was this:


    "... this was a game change due to content update and customer service cannot change this. One suggestion I have is that you should have the ability to unlock the item via collections so you can use it with any other character..."


    So you Devs BROKE this aspect of the game and the only solution given is to spend more money on an item that money was already spent to acquire? Why not just authorize customer service to do as you are already thinking, and allow CSRs to tell people to go drink drano, ***k off and die screaming in a fire? All you seem to do is release $10k worth of cartel market items each game update, yet content-wise, it's anywhere from 20 min (ch11) to less than an hour (ch10). That's as a casual gamer, not some hard core, maxed out gear raider. I blew through CH10 and 11 wearing purple 156 gear.


    A solution to a purchased product problem should never be, "Go spend more money to correct OUR mistake." That's not customer service. that's fncqing over the customer, regardless of the value or amount spent.

  4. http://games.yahoo.com/blogs/plugged-in/electronic-arts-named-worst-company-america-again-170932002.html


    For the second year in a row, readers of the consumer-watchdog website The Consumerist have named Electronic Arts "the worst company in America," vilifying the video game publisher more than Bank of America, Comcast and Ticketmaster (which took second, third and fourth places, respectively).

    The results of the poll are hardly surprising -- even EA predicted it would repeat the dubious honor -- but they were certainly conclusive.

    EA faced stiff competition en route to the championship round, besting fellow disliked companies Anheuser-Busch, Facebook and AT&T before squaring off against Bank of America in the final round of voting. BofA proved no match, however, as EA captured a decisive 78 percent of the vote to take home the not-so-coveted "Golden Poo" award. It’s the second straight "win" for EA and the second straight runner-up nod for Bank of America.

    EA was cited for its love of microtransactions, the price of its games and its irritating DRM practices, among other issues. But the disastrous SimCity launch was a particular sore point.

    "EA made a royal mess of the SimCity release by failing to foresee that the people who would buy the game -- and who would, per the game’s design, be required to connect to the EA servers -- might actually want to play at some point in the week after making their purchase," wrote the site. "But that’s just the latest in EA’s long history of annoying its customer base with bad support. Customers who paid full price for games, or who spent or saved huge piles of in-game cash in EA’s online products, would suddenly find a problem with their accounts, but attempts to rectify the problem -- or even get a response from EA -- would go unheeded."

    EA chief operating officer Peter Moore, in an open letter to gamers last week, admitted the company could do better, but said the label of "worst company" was undeserved.

    "Are we really the 'Worst Company in America?'" he asked. "I'll be the first to admit that we’ve made plenty of mistakes. These include server shut downs too early, games that didn’t meet expectations, missteps on new pricing models and most recently, severely fumbling the launch of SimCity. We owe gamers better performance than this. … But I am damn proud of this company, the people around the globe who work at EA, the games we create and the people that play them."

    Editors at The Consumerist seemed to take umbrage at Moore's pre-emptive defense of the company, deconstructing it as they announced the final round. The Consumerist also shrugged off Moore's criticism of EA being compared to companies that have polluted the planet and evicted people from their homes.

    "Make no mistake: Video games are big business," the site said. "A company like EA -- and Activision, Ubisoft, Nintendo, and Sony, etc. -- merits just as much scrutiny as any other business that plays a leading role in a multibillion-dollar industry. It’s only a fractured, antiquated public perception that video games are somehow frivolous holdovers from childhood that allows gamers to be abused and taken advantage of by the very people who supply them the games they play."

    Though no company wants to win this kind of award, EA in particular doesn't need more bad news. EA is already dealing with a much more significant issue thanks to the resignation of CEO John Riccitiello last month, not to mention continued fallout from the SimCity debacle. However, investors were undeterred when the company won last year, as the stock price was unaffected, and it didn't hurt game sales demonstrably -- though apparently EA is doing a perfectly fine job hurting itself.


    While this article clipped the entire comment, i read it somewhere else.. EA had the audacity to compare itself to BP, claiming BP was a worse company than EA could ever be... newsflash EA, the BP disaster wasn't intentional. Possibly, not unexpected but not intentional... How you (mis)treat your customers is.

  5. So the gree event is over. darn. oh well. Let's look at the OTHER THREE FACTIONS and the gear they have to offer by comparison... it's crap. sorry but it's crap. Not only is it crap but it's also lacking. the gree faction had weapons and options for armor... even if it was a paltry color swap... there were still options. I get it... you wanted people to "enjoy the event" so you loaded up the goodies there. guess what? not everyone cared about it though. Some of us wanted/would have liked to see more done with Fleet, Section X and / or Voss. Fleet, Section X and Voss factions have one set of armor and a single pet. Yes, fleet has a second helm, yay for looking like a pirate... why not just release a Pirates of Kamino event and have gear so that we all can look like Jack Sparrow. I mean, you ripped off Tron. Why not just throw any and all of the Disney library into the mix. quite obviously the amount of talent and imagination on the design team is wholly LACKING... but wait, pirates of kamino would require you to come up with ALL NEW ARMOR DESIGNS instead of reskinning existing stuff... I digress... the other factions need more than a single set of armor and insignificant pets. BW is making money hand over fist with cartel packs and f2p authorization purchases. that's undeniable. how about doing something more than... oh... THE BARE MINIMUM.



  6. Another patch day come and gone.


    Another day more money making content gets added.


    Another day this gets neglected.


    You've established your solution. The graphics already exist. aside from nothing, what else needs to happen to rectify the situation as promised? And dare i ask, when do you intend to do it. No offense but NCSoft already owns the trademark of "Soon".

  7. Jumped on this morning thinking there would be a fix, for sure, for this...nope.


    I've spent the past week looking at the three toons with this armor on, with mild irritation. I really don't want to play them until this is fixed. I spent a pretty penny getting them and will not be spending additional in-game credits to change the character's look(s) because the game company decided to change the armor's actual appearance , after the fact. I don't want to play them because they look completely silly now and certainly not the way I intended them to look when I spent the time and effort putting their appearance together.


    Then Bio Ware decided to slap those of us that liked the armor how it was, in the face, with this morning's patch, adjusting the "icon" to match the "armor" in the skip tracer pack...instead of what they did with the phantom armor.


    And by the way, the phantom armor's inventory icon doesn't match now, it still shows the armor without the shoulder wrap....but they didn't seem to notice that.


    Still playing and most certainly still love the game...but I won't spend another dime on Cartel Packs.


    You don't like the neck pillow used to sleep on airplanes around your neck or the brake light on your chest and turn signals on your shoulders? Gee... can't see why not...


    like you, i did same thing. hopped on and was like, "Yay! Patch day! fixed gear! ... i r disappoint..." But hey, at least the skip tracer ICON was corrected. Thank the Force for that!!!

  8. Hey, guys --


    We care a lot about the fact that you care about the appearances of your characters...



    were this true, you'd have implemented appearance slots (or similar) on day 1 of launch.


    second, you'd take genuine interest in customer feedback and respond accordingly... not as you see fit.


    Quite obviously by this debacle regarding spymaster and phantom gear appearances, you have genuine, unbridled opinions, wants and desires of what players... your customers would like to see in game. Question is, will you respond in kind and address the situation accordingly, making every attempt to do what's right by meeting the needs and desires of the customers with regard to this issue? The solution is elementary at best: offer two versions of each type and allow the players to choose which one they want. Some of us like the minimalist version of each. others prefer the gaudy versions. It would take less than no effort to offer both to those who have the items already. I say this because both designs already exist. it's just a matter of renaming one of the sets to accommodate the alternate appearance.


    the failure / refusal to implement appearance slots though is just bad planning. nothing more. nothing less. If it's something you intend to do in the future, Great! it should have been done day 1 though. there's really no excuse for it except, "I wanted it this way and if you dont like it, go play something else. it's my ball and i will take it if you dont want to play by my rules." Every MMO i've been involved with from 1999 to the present has offered some way of TRULY customizing the appearance of your gear without sacrificing for that look.. unlike swtor. I've foregone set bonuses in order to maintain the look i have created for my toons. Rather than go with the garbage look of the sets just to get the bonuses. I get compliments EVERY DAY on my toon's look. EQ1, a game which is almost a decade and a half old even offered the option to reskin your gear so you make it look how you want. EQ2 and Rift have appearance slots. Aion allows for item reskinning. I've not infected my computer with the digital HIV that is wow, so i couldnt tell you what it offers.


    Bottomline, you've heard LOUD AND CLEAR what the players want. the question is, will you genuinely do something in response or just blow it off like so many other things? At one point on patch day, you specifically stated that the phantom and spymaster gear would be returned to its previous state. im guessing that was a lie (or however you want to spin it so it doesn't sound so bad as to call it a lie), because that statement is no longer to be found.


    the ball is in your "caring" court DamionSchubert.

  9. well the devs have stated both spymaster and phantom are being reverted. so quite obviously the general public as a whole liked the initial release look rather than this ridiculous current look.


    i mean it looks like you have turn signals on your shoulders and a break light on your chest as well as a neck pillow used to sleep while on an airplane (as someone mentioned previously). were there no red lights or neck pillows, i'd have been good. Dorking it up with lights and 80's era shoulder pads for women = Epitome of Epic Fail.

  10. I hate you. For the SOLE FACTOR THE PHANTOM SET IS A ROBE.


    as a life long Teir`Dal of Eq1 from beta and eq2 from beta, hearing you say that brings joy to my heart. As a sith marauder from beta, i can do nothing but grin at your reckless emotional outburst. As a human, i can do nothing but laugh in your face because i couldnt care less.


    Thank you for everything you have done for me. :o

  11. If they change it back, I'm never spending another dime on the Cartel Market. I just bought several of the sets thanks to the new looks and will be very mad if they go back to the painted look.


    good. never spend again. you're being overly melodramatic and i've no doubt you will... but they are reverting it. but as long as you feel better about yourself by throwing yourself on the floor and pounding your fists declaring "NEVER AGAIN! QQ" hey, feel better!



  12. I hated the old Phantom armor. Your statement is invalid, please stop assuming your desires speak for everyone.


    more dislike the change. the old was better. my post is valid. people who like the change are the minority. the proof is in the number of replies here who stated as much as well. new look is fail.

  13. This is a simple request. Please change the phantom chest guard back to what it was PRIOR to Jan 8, 2013. The revision looks terrible. This was a huge mistake. if it was "wrong" before, then return it to being "wrong". It looked fantastic before. It was lithe and stealthy, minimalistic and sleek. Now it looked ridiculous.


    You Chose Poorly with the decision to change it (fix it, whatever).


    return it to what it once was. undo the change. LISTEN TO YOUR CUSTOMER BASE AND DO THE RIGHT THING. Guaranteed there is NOT ONE PERSON who likes the change. Remove the shoulders/hood thing and put it back to how it was. Please!



    UPDATED Thanks Devs! This and Spymaster are being reverted. http://www.swtor.com/community/devtracker.php




    to all you people who chose to take this thread and make it personal by being self-righteous and insulting... :D - neener neener neener

  14. Could you please make the tythonian force-master’s lightsaber off-hand wieldable as well, instead of just main hand only.


    ... and no, i am not asking you to release an "off hand only" model come the second round of cartel market items to be released. Would like to see the current tythonian force-master’s lightsaber made fixed so that it is both main and off-hand usable.


    Thank you.

  15. Is there going to be any kind of joint (as in, cross-legacy) materials storage? Having played GW2 a bit, their system is superior to anything I've seen in any game. Having a common storage space for mats... that shows how much you have across ALL characters... and where, once put in, your mats are available to ANY character that sends a comp to craft??? YES, PLEASE! I'd pay good money for that. Just please make it.


    joint bank accounts arent new. they've been in existence since EQ1 (everyone else is a copy cat neenerneenerneenerneener).


    seriously though, not having shared bank slots is ridiculous. having to mail stuff back and forth between toons is even more so.

  16. posted here too.





    also in regards to this:



    When is SWG 2 coming?(or at least bring back SWG and make it F2P)


    two completely different companies. asking that is like asking the Russian President the price of a Big Mac at McDonalds in New Mexico. Sure, an EA associate could speculate... even do the research for you... but in the end, it's just not something anyone at EA or BW can or will answer.



  17. It did indeed start after 1.2 and must be a bug. I have it appearing on-off on all my compaions.


    it didn't indeed start after 1.2. i started playing 2 months prior to 1.2 patch and it did it then. it did it on the first day i got Kira. She never had a helm at the time. I figured it was just their way of making it sound like she'd already was en route to her mission. But it indeed started prior to 1.2. indeed :rolleyes:

  18. There are so many little things about the Legacy system that just seem poorly thought out.


    i think they tried too hard to appease every nit-noid, random and / or refnkintarded idea that was thrown out there, so it was all just thrown into the mix at once to keep the L50s happy.



    My one and only question has to do with UI development... i didn't read the last 20-some pages, so my apologies if it's been addressed...


    Has anyone in the development dept taken into account the simplistic idea of being able to copy the customized layout of one toon to carry across to all other toons? EQ1 did it BACK IN NINETEEN NINTY NINE and EQ2 did it in 2004. it's not a complicated implementation... so why this is something that NEEDED TO BE ADDED LATER is beyond me... it should have been as simple as copying a UI file.


    Having to go through and reassign the buttons for every single alt a person makes is just dammed stupid. should have been able to make 1 toon and once the keyboard layouts were adjusted to personal preference, the option on alts to copy that layout should have been available either through a UI setting or as i said prior, copying a character .ini file.


    Of all of the whoppty-doo whizz-bang yahoo wowwzorz changes and updates being made, this one minor thing should be included. Otherwise, you, the dev team are trying way too hard to appease the mind-numb masses and you're going to inevitably and irrevocably through your endeavors to make this game great into the trash with the likes of WoW.


    Common sense before all else. You can gold plate a pile of dog poop and shine it up nice and pretty but at the end of the day, it's still nothing more than a pile of dog poop. Please don't make swtor a shiny pile of poop. George Lucas already did that to the movies. Don't let that idiocy spill over into this game.



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