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Posts posted by kcol

  1. Melee dps is too hard for you. Might I suggest a sorc, sniper, merc. Melee dps always has more to watch out for, and has a harder time then ranged dps in MMO's. In this game they also have on the average, much harder rotations/more buttons.


    They made these classes (ranged) so that clickers can stand in one spot and dps. Don't worry, later on when you "get good" on a range class you can come to these forums and claim they take a ton of skill and that melee is "faceroll". Other failed melee will agree with you, just look around these forums.


    As far as moving mobs? If the tank is moving them, they are doing it for a reason.


    Also forget sniper. The cover mechanic is probably too hard for you as well, so I would choose between madness sorc, or arsenal merc.


    The sorc is the easiest of the two. Here is the madness sorc rotation. A German Shepherd could play it, but that is an insult to German Shepherds. They would arguably play a more challenging class.




    lol.....ok buddy. don;'t break your arm patting urself on the back for playing an op melee class with a 4 button rotation instead of 2. we get it, you are, an MMO god.

  2. I just read a thread about nerfing PT's because they have to much burst damage. The responses from those players were no, they are squishy and when focused die in 3 secs. Sorcs have the same problem as PT's without the burst. IMO, give Sorcs the burst they deserve with the miserable survivability they have and get rid of the damn stun bubble.
  3. And it took you an MMO to realize that, eh? Are you a teenager? Because in the grown-up world, seeing is believing.


    But just to be clear they've said in the past that they were thinking about it, not that you'd get it for free. Plus, the details of what this expansion will be are so little right now that even if you are right, we will not know until we know everything that will be included.


    Not at first, it wasn't until they gave up and went F2P that it was started to be questioned. I like how the fanboys are so eager to forget the past. All you have to do is look it up on the forums, it's all there in black and white and color video. They held back this content update until after F2P was live, it has been ready for months and was show cased at E3 here http://www.swtor.com/info/media/trailers/preview-exciting-new-reveals-e3. The same can be said for AH and the corresponding WZ. This company is FAIL and will continue to be as long as they continually treat it's loyal customer base in this fashion.


    It was also promised to be released this year.

  4. There definitely are too many factors involved but for the most part... the casual player base will not be playing this game for the long haul. Which is why I see catering to that player base a problem. Problem for me anyways... :D


    I think we have a different definition of what "casual" means tho.


    For the most part... an MMO needs to establish a player base adn then that player base comes and goes, and comes back again. Rinse, lather, repeat. The casuals are much less likely to keep coming back... something else catches their eye and they're gone. People who take more time to become competitive and skilled within a game..."pro's" will ride it until the wheels fall off. We're invested... where a casual player is much less invested and is more likely to jump into a new game and never look back.


    This is mainly why I don't want to see the game get dumbed down any further than it already has. I would prefer to see a small player base with a competitive over all feel... than a casual player base that is jumping in and out of this game monthly.


    Of course I'm hoping for it to cater to me... I'd like to stick with this game. First MMO I've enjoyed since Warhammer.


    LOL....well atleast you admit it :) But I think people who are bent on labels and dividing a relatively small player base, aren't being realistic. We have seen the failures of BW and the failures of this community for almost a year at the cost of subs and having to go F2P. There has to be some middle ground between all parties envolved for success and longevity.

  5. There are more casuals than "pros" in this game simply because it is Star Wars. Don't believe me? Get ranked going where the "Pros" should be. You can't, it doesn't work, because you can't field 2 8 man teams. There are only 1 or 2 teams on each server at the pinnacle of competition, the rest are just above average. The above average don't like to get rolled in ranked, so they roll casuals in normals.


    It's not just a casuals suck, they are lazy problem. The above average teams are lazier than the casuals IMO. They are the ones who don't want to struggle to get better.


    Quit blaming casuals/"pros" for all of PvP whoa's as there are many factors contributing.

  6. 1.1.5 was as perfect as this game will ever get. The worse pvp change EVER was 1.2 with 1.4 a close 2nd. I say that because 1.4 was a lazy attempt at fixing sorc/sage survivablity at the cost of throwing resolve rules out the window.
  7. Actually, I think his point is that he spent the hundred (probably 60) and now other people are getting the same thing for 5 bucks. It's a pretty common complaint of consumers, but, like everything else, games devalue as soon as you put you money on the table. This is especially true in the MMO market where companies are constantly coming up with new offers and marketing gimmicks to gain subscribers. I really kind of feel for the OP having bought my own collectors edition myself (the Darth Malgus statue is pretty cool), but they've already said they plan on giving us some vendor love around 1.6 timeframe, so I wouldn't sweat it. Besides, everyone had access to those vendors from day one if they had a mil to blow on the VIP bracelet.


    While your post is somewhat accurate....the CE was "supposed to be" a limited production run.

  8. Getting 16 players together at the same time, all the time, happens right?


    Ranked should have a solo que & EXP/MAIN minimum and normals should have a EXP/MAIN restrictor plate... And if you are in Ranked as a PuG, then you are signing up for getting trainstomped by good premades, but a ton of solo, fairly well geared, players would play Ranked, if they had the option night in and night out.


    LOL....16 players get together for reg wz's. Oh wait....ummm, ya that's right.

  9. Answer me this:


    I have a full time job, errands, chores, and weekly engagements, and I have done the grind (going away in 1.6!), I've invested some tme in a guild, and I've built my friendslist. I did all of this on my new main after coming back shortly after server mergers, so yes, I did it under the exact same conditions as most PvP'ers these days. I am successful at PvP... so why can you not do as I have done?



    Group Play and Solo Play are not "different play styles." One is a tactic/strategy and a use of a tool, the other is the complete absence of it. Sometimes we all have to PuG, and Solo players play a vital role in filling and backfilling matches, but any one serious about "competition" would be premading as often as they can.


    Anyone serious would be q'ing for ranked

  10. It isn't a mez according to the patch notes. I linked both parts did you not read them? It is a blind or incapacitate effect that no longer breaks on damage. I just call it a mez out of habit so sorry for the confusion.


    Wasn't trying to be *itchy, just clairfying what has been stated. And not siding with anyone as I play 4 AC's at 50 and one is a sage with bubble blind, as it is the only way to spec in the current meta game.

  11. Here it is from the sage changes as well...


    "Kinetic Collapse: The Incapacitation effect caused by this skill no longer breaks on damage."


    It is not a stun. Get over yourself.


    If all mezz's break on damage.....a mezz that doesn't is no longer a mezz...it is a stun....whether BW acknowledges it or not (which we all know from almost a year's worth of playing, they will not acknowledge an error on their part)

  12. Someone find me a statement from BW stating that the mez is now a stun. If you read the patch notes, it is still a mez or blind as they call it, it just doesn't break on damage anymore.


    "Backlash: The blindness effect caused by this skill no longer breaks on damage. The visual explosion effect now plays on the correct target."


    Straight from the patch notes. If BW comes out and changes their stance and says it is a stun, then it deserves the proper resolve amount of double what it is currently. As it stands now though, that isn't the case.


    And since it doesn't break on damage ....IT IS NOW A STUN.......read your own statemant and know it's truth.

  13. Powertech/Vanguards dont even have a real single target slow (not to mention an aoe one) like leg slash or force slow and have to be 10 times as inventinve to keep healers alive while not having the tools to do so. Other classes also have way more and better defensive cooldowns and/or escape abilities. Need I mention that powertechs/vanguards are the only tank class without an execute type of ability like dispatch or spinning strike?


    Wrong.....Sage/Sorc doesn't have an execute either.

  14. When TTK was higher, and people didn't understand sent/mara mechanics(pre 1.2), they were fine. You can't establish a high enough HP for the damage that is being delt by all classes.....hence the dieing in 6secs. If the situation was truly a 1v1, you should have a 50/50 chance of a win or loss. But in the small scale of these 8 man wz's, there is not enough space to create separation which allows 1v2 1v3 and sometimes 1v4 with the current FOTM of rage/focus mara/sent and past (combat/focus).
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