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Posts posted by Murdurus

  1. AP is really bad, im experienced in pvp and i dont understand.


    Anyone capable of pinpointing how AP is better at anything compared to pyro?


    The hitman talent is great, but interrupts arent good in swtor, they can just use another ability.


    The problem is that you're only looking at it from a PvP perspective. Based from what I can tell, the OP is talking about PvE.

  2. I'm asking because as I approach 50 I have began to consider what sort of endgame specs and such that I am going to run. I am of course, powertech, with the advanced prototype as my specialization. When dual spec comes out, I will have most likely a tank spec, but for the time being I am either going AP or Pyrotech.


    I verymuch enjoy the playstyle of AP and think that it should be fun for PVE content, but I keep hearing that Pyro is better... I ask this while already knowing the probable answer, but is Pyro really that much better than AP?


    I leveled as Pyrotech up to 40 and then went AP the rest of the way and I have to say that I do enjoy playing as AP a lot. Now that I'm 50 and have some gear, I find that AP does damage more consistently and Pyrotech does more burst damage. Pyrotech relies pretty heavily on having Rail Shot procs and there are just times when you're just unlucky and can't get the procs whereas AP still continues to deal the same amount of damage, proc or not.


    As a disclaimer, I don't want to give you misinformation, it's just from my personal experiences and the personal numbers that I see in PvE. I don't see any huge difference in numbers for the most part but you do have to stay relatively close in melee as AP. I raided as an assassin so I'm used to the melee range, in fact, because Powertechs have Flame Burst, it's actually significantly easier on me now that I've an additional 6m, although Rocket Punch and Retractable Blade is still 4m but it's not as bad.

  3. Advanced Prototype seems to do just fine from my experience. I tried out Pyrotech to see what the damage comparison is and although Pyrotech can be really bursty, the damage is also very inconsistent. Pyrotech requires Rail Shot to proc and if it doesn't, then it just doesn't deal enough damage. Advanced Prototype however, seems to be able to deal consistent damage as well as really good AoE from Flamethrower (great for flashpoints). I plan to continue using it as I find Pyrotech to be a tad too unpredictable (in both heat and damage).
  4. Generally speaking, if you're taking endurance over aim, you're probably going to be a tank. However, with that said, most mods retain the same total number when you add both aim and endurance together, so you're really just trading some aim for some endurance. If PvP is what you're focused on, I would go with the endurance since being melee generally means you'll be taking more damage (not to mention you need the health to close in on the pesky ranged).
  5. PTs are some of the best DPSers in the game if spec'd Pyrotech. In the Council fight in HM EV as Pyrotech I consistently beat marauders and sorcs wearing comparable gear by a few seconds.


    If you don't know what that fight is, short story is that everybody has to fight their own individual boss, and all DPS in the raid fight a mob with the exact same amount of health/defenses. As a Pyrotech PT I don't think I've ever had anybody beat me yet at taking these mobs down, I always kill my mob before any other DPS, and we're all similarly geared ftr.


    Powertechs can bring srsface dps if spec'd Pyrotech.


    Have you spec'ed Advanced Prototype and if so, how were the results in comparison?

  6. I was wondering how well a powertech can DPS. I currently play an assassin but I find a powertech to be a bit more enjoyable to play but not sure if the DPS is viable in end-game raiding. Also, how is the DPS comparison between Pyrotech and Advanced Prototype? I was thinking of trying Advanced Prototype for raiding since I love the concept of using a flamethrower but not sure how it'll work out.
  7. The problem isn't so much with having to keep it up all the time, it's having to constantly watch it. Without a UI that we can customize, we're constantly looking at the bottom of the screen, either that or keep mashing the Dark Ward button. I personally don't like the way the UI is currently as it doesn't lend itself to that sort of play. On top of that, there are no macros to help assist that problem. So I agree with the OP, it definitely is a hassle playing an assassin tank (not sure about jugs or powertechs).
  8. I played a sorc during beta and didn't really enjoy playing one. I also liked the idea of using a saberstaff and it just so happens assassins are pseudo-casters along with talent trees that allowed flexibility. I never played a melee/stealther in my previous MMO experiences so I figured I would try one out.
  9. Also, FP groups are easy, OPs will be more of a problem coz all serious OPS already have a few melee DPS, when they are recruiting they are looking for RDPS mostly


    That is an unfortunate design of most MMO's: bosses that are unfavorable to melee and at best, are equal in terms of disadvantages to ranged. This game also seems to lack an equal amount of ranged DPS as well (mercs, snipers, and sorcs are the only three ranged DPS).


    To answer the OP's question, I raid with a Marauder and I'm a Sin and our damage output feels very similar. I can't say that there is a big enough difference between us that makes us one better than another definitively. However, with that said, being a Sin allows me to off-tank in Ops when the fight calls for it (so far, Jarg & Sorno and Heavy Fabricator are the two), so there are definitely upsides to being a Sin. With things are now, the only advice I can give you is play whichever you like more.

  10. The ONLY reason why I use him is because he can use the same gear I use. He cannot tank well nor DPS good enough to be worth it. Khem makes a better tank and Andronikos/Ashara are better at DPS'ing. I also hate the fact that you cannot turn off his force lightning attack.
  11. As much as I hate to say it, sorcs are better overall, in both PvE and PvP. Most operation bosses favor range, or at best, it's equal between melee and range. In PvP, the added range and a plethora of defensive skills sorcs have over assassins is ridiculous (not to mention assassins are getting nerfed next patch). Also, most bosses only require one tank making the option of being able to heal (if you enjoy it) a much more likely alternative. If I knew what I know now about sorcs and assassins, I would have went with sorcs, but as it is, I have no plans to re-level and re-gear another toon.
  12. I went with Khem. I found that although Zash did help me with my quest (in terms of knowledge), I found it hard to trust her after what she did. The one time she showed any sign of an apology/remorse was by telling me that she liked me but she didn't want to die which is why she did what she did. Besides, I'm hoping to have Khem be a romance option in the future :eek:!

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