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Posts posted by Deyoung

  1. Ughhhh, this thread is typical tank talk. I plaid SWTOR for half a year when it got released back then, and I just returned after a almost 8 years. These discussion never change - Yes, the other tank can do more, BUT I have a higher health pool and I can protect better. The comment of the guy, who refers to theorycrafters and ladder numbers in his comment, is pointless! The question is more the play style a player prefers.

    - "I am a tank, I can protect and save you all" ... my impression, when I play Jugg - simple, sluggish, for slow thinkers

    - "No mater what, at the end I will prevail" ... that's the assassin for me - it's fun to play, if you can micro manage all abilities FAST!

    - "Let's get the job done and move on" ... the shield tech - nothing flashy, nothing shiny, but it get's the job done no matter what - I prefer this one as general purpose tank for daily tasks


    For me the numbers of theorycrafters and ladder players are nice, but the play style has to suite me to be an effective tank - that's all. I say play the three classes, experience them and make your pick.


    In terms of OP's or FP's I'm certain every encounter can be done with every tank. It might be, that a healer CD is required to survive a damage spike, although team work is the core idea behind raiding. Managing an encounter and grouping up the mobs so they can AoE'd down easily, is more important for me then a large health pool and a CD to mitigate a damage spike from time to time. I rather prevent damage by interrupting or stunning then soaking up damage like a sponge with a large health pool.


    There might be as many opinions as players when it comes to the question "What tanking class is best". A class/tank must be plaid for a while to figure out the likes/dislikes for the particular class/tank. Statements of others can be consider when evaluating a class/tank. At the end the player, and the player ALONE is responsible for his choice, regardless what numbers and recommendation others made!

  2. Have the same problem with the companions of my imperial agent, and I read about the changes in the companion weapons. I don't need an arrogant comment like the one above, I need a bug fix. For me it's a surprise to find this kind of thing in 2019, several years after it got encountered. If that's how people, who switched back from WoW to SWTOR, are received, then I'm concerned. I didn't expect this kind of mess!
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