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Posts posted by Loyal_Viggo

  1. *facepalm*


    This doesn't make it right. Having a feature being horribly ill conceived can be just as bad as being entirely broken, if it is functionally useless. And yes, that does mean it needs to be fixed.


    The same thing happened with Rocket boost. In 1.2 it was a serious waste of money. It was classified as a vehicle, which meant it could only be used in vehicle permitted areas. This made it pointless if you were 25+ because you were much better off just jumping on a speeder. And, coming in 1.3, we will be able to use speeders at level 10, which would have made rocket boost even less useful. But guess what? They fixed it in a later patch. You can now use it anywhere as long as you aren't in a warzone, nor in combat. Rocket boost is now a worthwhile legacy purchase. I get a lot of use out of it on characters of all levels.


    The GTN is in the same situation. It is very ill designed, the devs should have known better than to implement it this way. No matter how you look at it, the GTN's value entirely hinges on them changing it. Either by connecting it to the fleet GTN like it should be, or by doing that supposed GTN merger. Either way a patch needs to be coming for this.


    And I can't imagine why anyone is argueing with me on this, I am sure you would all love to have one if it were useful, and the sooner the better. Making the ship GTN functional benefits everyone.


    Nobody is arguing with you over the positive points of having a functional GTN, they are just highlighting the fact that you did not read you would be buying a neutral GTN on your ship and complaining about it will not change that. Maybe you can put a ticket in for 'Buyers Remorse'.


    I'd guess that considering the amount of players that actually spent the money for a ship GTN, which I imagine is a tiny percentage of the playerbase, addressing this issue is low priority compared to others that effect far more players.


    However, the rumor that BW will link all the GTN's is recognition that they know the GTN economies are faltering by all being separate. Basically, they overestimated each servers population from the start, which directly effects the estimated amount of use that each factional and then the neutral GTN's would get.


    As we all know, especially if you are a crafter, with server populations generally dropping from the release-level hype, this has led to a corresponding drop in use of the GTN's. This is further compounded by the 'teething' problems that the GTN's appear to have that are not yet resolved.


    BW need to make using the GTN's fun and engaging, and I suspect when the official announcement comes out regarding the linking of the GTN's that BW also announce some new or improved GTN features to re-engage people.


    If not they are up **** creek without a paddle.

  2. Hello Bioware, my question for the dev team for 1.3 relates to player titles, as these provide added customisation for players and the removal of many from the beta to live versions is confusing as it effectively reduced player choice.


    The logic behind removing so many appears vague, and there are inconsistencies in what was removed. For example, male Bounty Hunters can no longer attain the title 'Baron', yet female BH's can still attain 'Baroness'. Also are there no titles for epic time-consuming feats such as collecting every single holocron (including the +10) in the game.


    Will you be clarifying the issue around missing/inconsistent player titles (and hopefully putting them back) in 1.3?

  3. I'm Social X, I would rather they tie them together rather than make the levels for each level in Social less... I worked my butt off to get Social X.. I don't want to see it made stupid-monkey easy just because people can't find groups. 1.3 gives you the group finder, you can get your Social X once that comes out.


    There was no suggestion by me of lowering Social levels.

    There was no suggestion by me of making anything 'stupid-monkey easy'.

    There was no suggestion by me about not being able to find a group.


    Original suggestion was bind all Social Points across a legacy.


    For your reference, I direct you to the first post in the thread.

  4. WoW is still better. WoW is far more mythical & magical than SWTOR. It's also a much more straight forward game to play. I've got to level 20 Jedi Knight & honestly, I'm bored. At this stage now if your not in a group your screwed, you will quite simply get your arse handed to you, simple as that. I fed up of ******** about looking for a group to join.


    WoW is also much better at creating a sense of adventure & discovery. Once you've been on anyone of the worlds in SWTOR, you've pretty much been on them all, they're all set out the same, everything's straight lines & square. Also the conversations (The movie cut-scene conversations), get really boring. I don't really listen or watch any of them, they really just annoy me now, I just want the damn mission & be off, all this ******** about choosing whether you say something stupid or you say something really stupid gets boring, especially when it's some dumb *** alien chatting some right **** that I don't even care about.


    The enemies in SWTOR are also well out of sync, I've beaten Sith Lords in the story so far but I can't beat a group of marauding bikers because I'm not in a group???...Go figure.


    Really. How interesting.

  5. While I fully support Social Points being tied to legacy, because those things are simply a massive pain to accumulate (my server isn't incredibly high-pop most days), as for Valor? No, Valor is an indicator of PvP experience. Those with higher Valor will end up in higher ranked BZs, where the players are (or at least should be) better geared for PvP. If you tie this to legacy, your newly 50 dude in basic eliminator gear could be up against those in full Battlemaster or War Hero equipment. Let's keep valor where it is and tie social points to legacy...OR, better yet, simply REDUCE the # of social points needed to rank up in that area.


    Valor tied to legacy was not my original suggestion, so I support what you say above.


    Social Points tied to Legacy is the way forward, and is being considered apparently.

  6. The ability to add an augment slot is, and should be, about player choice and customisation.


    It is not, and should not be, about how X crafter can make/will lose money.


    Player choice and customisation is a key way to attract new players, and are great features that will retain existing players. This can only be a good thing, and BW appear to know that.


    All the complaints and doomsayers talking and speculating about how this will cause crafters to lose out come down to one thing: greed.


    Crafters can make a multitude of items, and this is one tiny aspect of crafting. It will not bankrupt any crafter. Life will go on.


    People should be happy that others love and enjoy the game, and not always look to exploit a situation or view it in zero-sum terms when it's not.


    Adding an augment slot should be achievable by any +10 level player with any craft. After all, we all pay to play and enjoy this game, well at least I know I do.

  7. Is the only way to get the Magenta schematic from a random drop in the Black Hole? Or is there another way from a world boss?


    End-game Magenta schematics drop from world bosses on Hoth and Belsavis, with drops also reported on Nightmare Pilgrim.


    Mid-game Magenta schematics drop from Tatooine, Alderaan and Nar Shadaa wb's. This is a recent change and I can personally confirm for the Nar Shadaa wb.

  8. I concur, binding Commendations to Legacy makes perfect sense and should have been a feature from the start.


    That would enable greater player choice and customisation and ultimately is another reason to stay subscribed.


    It's all about choice, and hopefully someone at BW will implement it.

  9. The developers are already considering this. Be sure to remain up-to-date on the weekly Q&A and now the official blog.


    Oh they are? Great to know, thanks. I do follow the dev notes and Q/A etc but missed that point.



    Do you know if they are also considering commendations as bind-to-Legacy?

  10. Dear Bioware,


    My suggestion is that you tie all Social Points across a legacy.


    My reasoning is that if people have invested the time already, they should be able to enjoy all the perks that a Social Point ranking can bring for all their characters instead of having to grind SP's again and again. It's tiresome and not fun.


    Binding SP's across Legacy will only increase player choice about how they express themselves in the game, and more player choice is one of the key ways that encourage people to stay.


    Help me Obi-oware Kenobi, you're my only hope...

  11. Hello Bioware, my question for the dev team relates to player titles, as these provide added customisation for players and the removal of many from the beta to live versions is confusing as it effectively reduces player choice.


    What was the logic behind removing so many? Why are there inconsistencies in what was removed? For example, male Bounty Hunters can no longer attain the title 'Baron', yet female BH's can still attain 'Baroness'. Why are there no titles for epic time-consuming feats such as collecting every single holocron (including the +10) in the game?


    I know that is three questions, but I hope you can forgive me as they are all encompassed by the title 'issue'.

  12. My main has collected every single holocron, including the +10 on the fleet, and I did not even get a lousy t-shirt...


    In all seriousness yes I got all those stats, but I was really hoping for a title to proudly display, like "Treasure Hunter" or "Too Much Time On his Hands", or whatever so that people would know I've collected them all.


    Also, back in beta there were great titles such as 'Baron' that were removed. That, was a mistake, especially as they left 'Baroness' in the game.


    The logic is baffling. 'Baron' is a superb title.


    Please Bioware, fix/add back in some beta titles and also make something for the obsessive collectors amongst the game population.

  13. Ah, IC. Well, it will be realistic.


    A bunch of people that never come out of their rooms in real life....will never come out of their ships in-game.


    Most excellent. Maybe put mailboxes, vendors, flashpoint access in there too.....


    Well said kind sir, this is a most amusing comment and made me laugh, +1 and a gold star for you!

  14. I've spent many hours in the game for my main (and now my alts) collecting all the holocrons and had great fun doing so... oh the memories, the deaths, the puzzles... the same missed jumps over and over again...


    However, other than the sense of personal satisfaction, there is nothing to signal to others that I completed this task.


    Do you have any plans to include a title for someone who collects all holocron codex entries?

  15. Make the eggs either:


    1) Bind on pickup.

    2) Lootable by each player, across their legacy, once per week.


    Problem solved.


    Currently the greedy and selfish few are negatively affecting other players, that should not happen.


    Greed is what it is, you can sugar coat it all you like.

  16. <SALUTE>


    The site is now displayed in a mandatory extra large font for the reading-challenged amongst us, and the posts are displayed in a akward manner that takes much longer to scan and/or read.


    Searching, scanning and reading the forums should be easy and fun, not a challenge!


    Bioware, what is your reasoning behind making it more time-consuming to search for, find and read information?

  17. At least a portion of what you just wrote had something to do with the subject at hand. I disagree with taking something out of the cafters hands and giving it freely to people. This defeats the GTN, crafting and what they had laid out as a trade system through crafters.

    Yes, it's very exciting to be able to buy the items that were previously only available at a great price from crafters but what a ripoff for the thousands of guilds that downed world bosses for these patterns.


    It would be nice to hear from a dev on what they are hoping to accomplish though this seemingly backward act.


    I don't agree with 'freely', as these items will cost in-game currency. Presumably people can spend their money how they like.


    I have a lv50 with 400 artifice and it does not bother me at all, I've worked to get the magenta schematics as per the in-game route currently available and it's no big deal if others can buy them.


    I don't resent other people having access to items, which a minority of people appear to do so.


    I play the game for fun, not for a sense of entitlement.

  18. You sir should find the nearest overpass and throw yourself off of it into traffic.

    True story, sincerely

    the rest of the world.

    P.S. in the future keep your idiotic remarks to yourself.


    Ah, you must be Person A.


    I note that you take a position contrary to mine, and that's great. But perhaps, Sir, you should heed your own advice.


    For my part I'm looking forward to spending my credits on as many crystals as possible in due course.

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