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Posts posted by erictlewis

  1. My feedback is fix the Ricann fight it is buggy.

    Then increase the ventures to at least double it took 2 days of doing quest and I was done and have to wait l next week. Oh and fix ventures to where I get to chose what daily's I want to do.  right now this level 1 droid not worth running with even on heal mode,  I never died so much. 

    Male agent voice,  just why oh why. 

    The rest I really did not have a problem with.  

  2. Well to answer the questions.  I like galactic seasons..

    I like the companions there needs to be a way to level them other than the reputation we have set up, after all I got several alts who have level 1 companions with no way to level them up.

    More reputation stuff needs to drop the game reputations drops are few and far between even though I finished all the reputation I am still not at max reputation yet

    I like to see more rewards I.E  more command points more cartel coins,  

    My only feedback is the crafting I>E the one that requires all the strange stuff that is hard to find,   that should not be part of galactic seasons,  I will not do those as some of that I have to buy on the GNC and its down right expensive so I just don't do it.  

    Orther than that it gives me extra stuff to do, other than the grind for dailies / weekly's . 


  3. The legacy system that we got with 1.2 is what made a lot of my friends go back to their previous game or to a new game. It was the deciding factor for me and the wife to can our subs. We still have game time until the next month, however I only logged in a few times. 1.3 was a joke, with the cost of the unlocks and all. It just put a more useless grind into place.


    I hope now that zoller decided to quit Friday; that some good changes start to happen, as of right now I don't see any changes that make me want to renew my sub.

  4. Well the problems with this game start with the hero engine


    (1) The dev's need to know how to optimize this engine sadly it is the main reason the game feels so bland

    (2) Space combat on rails. Space combat was a huge part of Star Wars and we got cheated of it, when other games in the past did it so much better I.E. SWG.

    (3) Putting the legacy system 1st, and real content second. The legacy system while it adds some ok perks really is a nothing other than a huge cash pit, and forced grind to buy the unlocks.

    (4) Alt playability once you hit 50' get tired of dailies and the broken operations then you run alts, and well the same old boring quest over and over, makes you not want rais an alt especially after you done it 5 times.

    (5) Forced to roll an alt on the opposite faction to get the hk companion.

    (6) I am not sure it is the dev's or if it is ea, but they seam to have no clue.

    (7) after 5 years of development we got a shallow game that would have been ok 5 years ago but in terms of other mmo's today it just really lacks.


    Folks going oh wow we got server transfers are going to save the game. In the short term yes but then folks are going to hit the wall just like before and remembers why they left in the first place. A shallow game with lots of broken bits, that still need to be fixed.

  5. http://gamasutra.com/view/news/172482/BioWare_looking_at_freetoplay_for_Star_Wars_The_Old_Republic.php


    Bioware "EA" is thinking about making it free to play so 100% yes.


    This right thaere screams omg more than anything else. Yes we finally got server transfers. People are logging back in to move their toons around. I expect that most of them will leave again after this 30 days time they just got. And for the same reasons it is a single player game.

  6. Just look at the headers that is the same email that comes out of china every day, they just change the words on it.


    if you want to parse that email go to spamcop.net and put in the headers and the source of the email. I bet you it comes from china.net.


    Yes we all seen that email a thousand times usually they are trying to get my wow account, i get a kick out of it as I dont have one.

  7. I lost all 5 names, and my legacy name. The wife lost all her names and her legacy name. I would dearly love to find the person who grabbed those names. I had them reserved on jedi thinking we were going there only to get surprised and got moved over to another server. Oh well such is life.
  8. It's pretty obvious where most people's heads are at in this merger discussion. It is a very dark place, in case you are unable to get the reference.


    There will be no mergers. So stop asking for them. Either transfer when it is available, or quit.


    In case you not noticed bw made the decision to leave about 20 servers hanging in limbo, and I am on one of those so yes, folks are asking for them to do it right, because all they did was overload the servers with this transfer.


    Oh well you cant fix stupid.

  9. I just don't understand why they don't give us the list of destination servers and transfer servers, and then give us a da when we qualify to move.


    What I see with today's list is were scared this will not work so lets take it a chunk at a time. What a total let down.


    EA/Bioware you want to stem the bleeding of your subs this is not the way to go about doing it.

  10. All the legacy system is; is another credit/time sinc. They though folks would be willing to grind it out and pay the credits.


    Personally other than the free unlocks, there is nothing in the legacy system I would pay for not 1 credit.


    It is a joke, and whoever came up with the pricing should be forced to stand in public and be flogged.

  11. Ok so if I happen to like both games thats somehow bad? I just said I didnt want to see swtor turn f2p like lotro is. You should try reading the entire post before you start freaking out. One of the reason I bought swtor was because it is NOT f2p like lotro.


    I sure dont want swtor to turn out like lotro is now. All the skimish stuff and the free to play has killed that game. I not logged in in gosh knows how long. I was actually got a few infractions for taken the stance that I did about the tp store.


    I just see the same happening here, lol I guess I could go log into lotro, but 6 months back some kind of nonsence where they say somebody hacked my account. Took me getting on the phone with support to fix mine and the wifes account. Turns out that most of the folks I knew that had a lifetime sub that did not buy the last xpac wound up in the same boat. Thats ok after almost 1.5 years i bet I would not be able to play my lore master now lol. I logged in and the forums are still a mess and had to change my log in again as it still had my game log in as forum log in what a mess.

  12. I take it you do not pvp or you play a reaver? Other than that you cannot pvp unless you pay for VIP. Also Turbine has been rolling in money taking in nearly four times what they did as far as cash since they went f2p. So its really not factual to say lotro has lost subscribers. They have more vip subscribers now than ever before plus the premiums usually spend more than $15 a month on average for points.


    Really brilliant Ive been playing lotro since its first beta back in 2006 and DDO founder before that. Both games are making more money than ever. Not to say I want to see SWTOR go f2p like lotro is.


    Then why are you here, and not of playing lotro if you felt that free to play was so great for the game. I know after som most of my guild spit up and went poof. I just have to wonder why you think lotor free to play model is so great.

    I just hope if they do go free to play we don't get advertisements at each loading screen and the store shoved in your face every time you turn around.

  13. Yes all the new stuff will be a paid expansion, eny time I ever seen a level cap rais it comes with an xpac, with the exception of the one they just had in eq2 but its only 2 levels.


    After all they are bleeding subs and money, this entire announcement was a publicity stun trying to stop the bleeding before it gits to a shutdown situation. For me it is far too little and way too late.

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