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Posts posted by CodeBlueMedic

  1. Currently, what is the best crew skills to take with an IA Operative focused on healing? I used the search function and found lots of old threads, but no new ones.


    What does the hive say?

  2. As stated previously, I also enjoy the story line of each alt that I create. HOWEVER, only the class quest are different, so I find it rather frustrating that I have to do SOOOO many of the same quest on an alt, just to level him up.
  3. A warning to all Fresh 50s: the information in this guide is rather outdated. Coupled with the 1.2 patch notes, however, it is probably still quite useful.


    That is what I was about to inquire about....I couldn't find anywhere on the fleet to change my warzone commendations into mercenary commendations. Plus it appears that all the battlemaster gear is bought using WZ comms exclusively.

  4. At 47 you're still a victim of the 3 level rule (mobs 3 levels above you gain huge bonuses against you in combat). Wait til 48 if you want to go this route.


    Not a problem because I'm like 20k away from 48 ;-)

  5. Thinking about it, I can see a point in doing them at 47 in addition to doing your other quests. Then when you hit 50 you'd have X commendations already banked up.


    But doing the dailies instead, seems kinda pointless to me. You have to finish your class quest to get to Illum, and I can't imagine you make more XP or credits doing dailies then you would normal quests.


    I wouldn't be doing them instead of my class quest, but rather doing them at the same time. That way I am building up XP, comms, money, gear, etc. My main thing was just not knowing where to go to pick up these quest...Also, are they all heroics needing a +4 group?

  6. Hey everyone,


    I was talking to some guys while questing earlier and they recommended doing dailies before you even hit 50. One of them in particular was saying that once you hit 47, you should just do the dailies to hit cap. I'm interested in doing dailies for the money, gear and XP (lvl 47 currently), but I'm not sure where to go to get these "daily" quest?


    Any help?

  7. I can certainly understand everyone else's views on this, but I have to agree with the OP. I know that someone knowing your real name probably is not going to hurt anything, but it should be our choice whether or not we publish that information. And before any ******** replies saying "You do have a choice, don't send invites." That is missing the point completely. I have plenty of people that I have played previous games with that I would be more than happy to send an invite to because I consider them online friends. Does that mean I want all of my online friends to know who I really am? Not really...Should it matter? Probably not, but it does to me, therefore it matters to me.


    I agree with you OP! :)

  8. So, I am on the brink of completing my class story and have had a few minor flirty conversations with vette, and a couple more physical conversations with jaesa...I feel like I'm falling WAY behind in my companions quest than I am in my class story..Mainly because I haven't worried much about affection throughout the game. My question is this: If I finish my class story, will that also end any chance of furthering my companions quest? I don't want to miss out on anything.
  9. Hey everyone,


    So, just to give a quick run down for the meaning of this post, I'm a lvl 47 right now and am trying to get an idea as to how my toon is geared, in terms of effectiveness. My goal (just like everyone else) is to have a mean killing machine, with the best stats I can get and the best gear I can afford. As I sit now, because training cost so much, I have not been able to obtain enough credits to purchase much gear. All of the gear I have is from quest rewards/loot.


    These are the current stats for my lvl 47 Marauder..Are they good, bad, decent? What should I change?


    Base Stats:


    Strength: 907

    Presence: 227

    Aim: 56

    Cunning: 56

    Endurance: 811

    Willpower: 105


    Melee Stats:

    Primary Damage: 369-462

    Secondary Damage: 108-162

    Bonus Damage: 182.8

    Accuracy: 99.2%

    Crit Chance: 23.77%

    Crit Multiplier: 57.07%


    Defense Stats:

    Armor: 2624

    Damage Reduction: 20.46%

    Defense Chance: 5%


    Force Stats:


    Bonus Damage: 365.2

    Bonus Heal: 120.4

    Accuracy: 109.2

    Crit Chance: 30.67%

    Crit Mulitplier: 57.07%


    PVP Stats:

    0 all the way down

  10. So, I am on the brink of completing my class story and have had a few minor flirty conversations with vette, and a couple more physical conversations with jaesa...I feel like I'm falling WAY behind in my companions quest than I am in my class story..Mainly because I haven't worried much about affection throughout the game. My question is this: If I finish my class story, will that also end any chance of furthering my companions quest? I don't want to miss out on anything.
  11. I was under the impression that the speeder that you drive means absolutely nothing (it is all appearance). The only thing that matters is what level speeder training you have...If that it so, why that change in cost for everything?
  12. Or they should have done what Skyrim did. At the end of every large dungeon, there's an exit you unlock from the inside (in this case, obviously it would have to lock up again after exiting).


    That isn't a bad idea either. However, they already have the instance system implemented successfully in most of the cave type quest....Just make it universal for all of them. It would make me so happy.

  13. Usually my fast travel is ready to go by the time I clear out a cave. If not, I just sit there while I clean my office.


    I do that on occasion, but many times, I have other objectives outside of the cave...Plus, that also seems silly to me that a game such as this would require people to clean their office while waiting for their quick travel to cool down...Maybe remove the quick travel CD timer? That would be great, but is for another thread.

  14. Please please please please please make all of these instances...I cannot tell you how frustrating it is to spend half an hour clearing out a cave, only to have to kill all the exact SAME mobs on the exit trip, or while looking for the objective in the cave. I understand that buying having respawns it increases the difficulty, but it really just lessens the realism and increases the frustration of the quest. Most, if not all, just run through the mobs dying a few times until they finally get out..It's way faster than fighting through all the mobs again.


    Please please please please make all caves and other linear type missions instances. Y'all have done a terrific job implementing the majority of these type of quest into instances, just finish the job.



  15. Hey everyone,


    I was curious about whether or not someone has played both sides yet? If so, are the stories different enough to justify the time to play them both? I'm trying to decide what path I wanna take...If the story doesn't change much, I'd like to go DS.

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