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Posts posted by Englefield

  1. wow died to me after they nuked the world with cataclysm and that stupid dragon idea and ruined a lot of the beautiful places that were untouched for years.


    I will never forgive them for ruining that game. Serves it right for subs dropping. Yes they have a lot, but the times of it being "king" are coming to an end.


    Just like Arthas' dad. "No king rules forever my son..."


    Absolutely spot on. Whenever I got bored with end game I loved starting a new character, but all that died when they ruined all the most immersive zones in the game. I don't know why they did it. Levelling through those zones is what gave them so many subs in the first place.

  2. Cake was set up after the leadership of the multi game guild we had joined decided that SWTOR wasn't the game for them. A decision that was made by a group of people that no longer played or had never played SWTOR.


    Sounds just like a guild I was in over a year back. I am looking for a guild that plays both sides, so I'll definitely check you out. What was the name of the guild you came from? I might know some of you

  3. I have just unsubbed from Wildstar and resubbed here.


    For all its percieved faults Wildstar is a very good and polished game. I loved the journey to 50, the combat and the style, but what I saw ahead of me after reaching 50 was a ridiculously long grind. It was like hitting a brick wall in my will to continue playing.


    I'm not talking about the attunement, which didn't bother me but seems to be the issue most are complaining about. For me it was the elder gem grind for ability and amp points. They aren't hard to get, but you are capped at earning 140 a week, which you can reach in a day but to get enough for the extra ability and amp points you need 6,000 (42ish weeks?). Crafting could have been excellent, but while good is mindnumbingly frustrating at the same time. Some recipes take 3 weeks of doing a 5 minute daily quest to learn. It's this time gated nonsense that has turned me off what I thought really was an excellent game up to that point.


    I understand people wanted hardcore end game, but these things are not hardcore. Driving a Grand Prix takes about two hours and is hard (not that I've done one). Sitting in a traffic jam for two hours is not hard, it's just long and annoying. Just because they both take two hours doesn't mean they are both hardcore.


    Dungeons being hard is not unwelcome, the problem with them is they are unrewarding. Don't take that as a whiney 'I want free loots' comment, but if items wont drop from dungeon bosses then players cannot improve/advance their characters so running dungeons becomes pointless once you've done it. And with the medal system in place pugs disband after the first death.




    I'd like to comment on a couple of points I've seen mentioned on this forum. The cartoonish art style 'designed for 10-year-olds' is something I see a lot. I am in a WS guild of over 100 players all above 30 (most in their 40's) and it seems only those who are themselves young are the ones offended by the art style. Most adults really don't care. Try telling your missus that you spend your leisure time beating down on mythical dragons or crushing your enemies in a force choke whilst maintaining Wildstar a game for kiddies. Let me know how that goes.


    And never ever go to mmorpg.com for a balanced view of Wildstar, or any other game for that matter. Most (not all) of the Wildstar haters are ESO fanboys who have never touched WS. That worked the other way too when ESO was struggling. If you wan to see an acidic MMO community, you'll find it there.

  4. So ive hit Blue Mountains. But i was hit too. Hard!

    no way i can advance there. I mean, its possible. but i need to change my deck for some much less fun, even being more efective.

    The Game dificulty scales too much.

    sad i was having some fun until now


    Don't give up Carlos, it's a great game. Blue Mountain was always a notorious step up in difficulty but use it play with your build and really learn what your build can do. Use it as a teacher and it will set you up nicely for the later areas. I think I was lucky as I started playing assault rifle/blood so had some great leach and heal abilities and had no issues there at all. I must have just stumbled upon a lucky build.

  5. I was considering it actually. I've heard that it's very buggy, but it can't be worse than Privateer 2 in that department (so many crashes...). I didn't like the first person parts in the stations (at least the ones I saw in a few let's plays), but space itself looked amazing and the combat seemed pretty decent.


    Do yourself a favour and save your money. That game is a bit of a hideous mess (have a butchers on Youtube).


    I think I pledged for Star Citizen before they reached the first million, but was so burned by pre-ordering X-Rebirth that I wished I could get my money back. Elite: Dangerous is around the corner and to be fair the alphas look good but I allow myself to get too hyped up with these releases, so I'm not dropping a penny on it until a month worth of reviews after release (or any other game for that matter). I'm worried about Star Citizen because of the hype it's receiving, it's bound to fall short of expectation, a bit like TOR I suppose.


    One thing X-Rebirth has taught me: pretty videos, hype and a trusted developer mean nothing.

  6. I've leveled every one of the classes, a couple of them multiple times. Honestly, the only characters I make it a point to keep a healer companion out whenever I'm leveling are my tanks. And even my Vanguard continued using Arik throughout every bit of leveling, without an issue.



    I agree. I'm on alt number 7 at the moment and I have found tank companions to be the most useful as I mostly roll ranged and fights are easier to control. As long as you uncheck their aoe skill cc is no problem. Totally agree about Arik also.

  7. Your absolutely right! But, this is also the forums for said computer game. I just couldn't believe what happened in that quest. It was completely unexpected. I just wanted to see if I was the only one who felt like I did...:eek:


    I've just realised as my first character it's been nearly two years since I levelled my agent. If that's the part of the companion story I think it is then no, you aren't alone. I was seriously annoyed about that also, but the fact that we can get a bit worked up means it must have been part of a good story, right? It's a good job Bioware removed the ability to top our companions because I would surely have done something I regretted there and then.


    Having said that I'm not sure where all the hate of Kaliyo comes from because even back then as my first character, with no legacy buffs or extra presence, my healer Operative and her did everything from 1-50 with very few problems. I always tried to have her well geared and she proved to be an excellent tank. With that set up add some CC and stealth heroic 2s were a breeze.

  8. High system requirements?


    There is very little joystick support. I tried to set my HOTAS up as best as I can but cannot get full functionality and have to go from stick to mouse to get things done. XBox 360 controller works a charm though, a fact that has lead to a large amount of speculation that this was initially designed as a console game and has been ported to the PC. I'm no expert of such things but this speculation might have some merit.


    An interesting thread here. You need to check out some of the screenshots which appear to be quite damning.


    where the reviewer comes to the same conclusion.


    I have no idea where the truth lies, but the pieces do seem to fit. IMHO there is no way a developer with such expertise in the genre can spend 7 years in development of a game that when launched is so flawed that its own fans are renaming it X Afterbirth.


    Not for the first time (and probably not the last :( ) I have been duped by pretty videos and hype. I only bought it while waiting for SC. I bet that's going to be crap as well now.

  9. I also had my HOTAS ready. Then the game launched and it soon became clear that X Rebirth wasn't ready for my HOTAS. Or my PC. I can't remember the last time I was this disappointed in a game.
  10. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder so no one can choose for you.


    There was a time in wow when no game could touch it (for me personally) including TOR now. I loved the setting, the gameplay, the music, the classes. Everything. Now though I can no longer be bothered with the endgame raid headbanging. I just want to be entertained and TORs story driven class content is perfect for the type of player I have become.


    Personal opinion: WoW is a better MMO, TOR is a great RPG with some multiplayer content and I love it.

  11. I'm pretty sure that once you delete a name, it becomes instantly available.


    This is true.


    At launch I got a Smuggler to level 19 and didn't touch him for about a year and a half. When I decided to start him up again a couple of months back I wanted to restart the story so deleted him and instantly recreated him with the same name.

  12. I played TSW back at launch and loved it. The best quests and dungeons in any MMO I've played, personal opinion of course. I loved the setting, the skill system and fact that it was a small game that tried to break the mould and do things differently. As has been mentioned the NPC voice work was brilliantly done and I felt I was part of something.


    Only real issue I had was the depth. When you have a game like that were there's no need for alts you can run out of content fairly quickly and I am by no means a content locust or particularly keen on the end game treadmill, alts is why I'm still here. There was one big (for mean anyway) bug that was never sorted the whole time I was there and was still not fixed when I popped back in a few months back. Some of the elitism was fairly bad there also.


    There's probably a lot more of it now so I would highly recommend it to anyone who's considering giving it a go and with no sub fee there's nothing to lose.

  13. So next time someone complains that their subscription should be enough then they are fooling themselves. This game is here because of the CM,. Without the CM then this game would be as dead as City of Heroes.



    I keep hearing this.


    There is probably a lot of truth in it but please remember one thing: The few hundred thousand subscribers that stuck with this game, paying £10/$15 a month for nearly a year when 80% of their fellow players ditched it are the ones who kept the game on life support until the CM heart transplant. These are the players who might be feeling slightly put out with what seems like the CM being the new center of EAs attentions. They have spent good money keeping this game afloat.

  14. It's not so much that I don't feel valued as a player, so much is I don't feel like they value the subscription fee. I actually had a really nice response to an issue in game that made me feel really happy, though, in which in multiple, similar situations in other games we were mostly ignored. That makes me feel valued. But clearly, the subscription alone is no longer enough.


    For me this is absolutely spot on.


    I made a point on a similar thread about where EAs focus lies. When f2p launched I thought the tough restrictions that were imposed were there to try and get more people to subscribe, which I thought was a good idea for a struggling game. I'm pretty sure now that's not the case, probably after looking at the money that the CM has landed it now appears that the CM is where the future focus of this game will be.


    So no, for this reason as the poster I quoted above said, I don't feel valued as a subscriber. It doesn't matter how many complaints there are in this forum though. The only thing that will matters is how much money they'll make/lose and I'm pretty certain that if they were to lose tens of thousands of subs by this shift of focus but make up for that in CC sales they will consider this patch (and subsequent CM patches) a great success.

  15. It depends where the focus lies for Bioware in how they want to make their money. Initially like you I also thought these f2p restrictions were way over the top. When f2p launched I thought the idea of the tough restrictions was to let players in for free, have a taste for the game and pursuade them to sub. If that was the case then perhaps it wasn't a bad idea.


    However, judging by the way they seem (to me to me at least) to be favouring the CM this might now be their primary focus in raking in the cash. As a sub player it is a bit of a concern.


    I agree with you that some of these restrictions are 'draconian', but when you think about it players don't even have to buy the game anymore so in that respect alone they've been given more than enough already.

  16. ISD and Wekisan for MMO Dev jobs.


    Both of them know more about how to make a great mmo that everyone would love.


    What do you want from Wekisan to have your fist up his behind up untill your elbow?


    ISD is a great troll and made a great thread, Wekisan is just a bully and a fool in this thread, why bother patting his back for being that?


    I might be wrong, but I think Ashen was just being sarcastic.

  17. Would be nice if they had a simple option to reset companion storylines.. so then i could refuse all his advances and never click a "flirt" because i thought it would just be a funny joke..


    Actually the realy funny part of this is, i never even clicked a [Flirt]. option. EVER.


    So does this count as a bug? if so can i have my companion quests reset?



    So which one is it?


    I can't help but get the feeling that you made a mistake you can't get out of and are now shouting 'bug' to get it changed.

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