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Posts posted by FreekinRican

  1. I just got my nostromo a couple days ago, and got a Logitech g600 mouse to replace my naga. i bound my alt+keys to the nos, and my normal bar 1's to the g600. plus the ring finger button on the mouse if my push to talk for vent/mumble. basically, right hand is for smacking/left hand is for healing. works like a champ so far. I'm sure I'll tweak it as i go, but for now it's the ish! :D
  2. SWEET!!! I initially thought I did it on the 30th! Prolly won't make much of a difference but..


    Below is a list of valid Star Wars: The Old Republic codes that have been redeemed under this account.

    11.28.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to patch

    11.28.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Digital Deluxe Edition Pre-Order

  3. Good Morning Novemberer's. As today begin the actual up to 5 days of early access Bioware originally stated we could get...I am officially hopping on the LET ME IN OR I'M GONNA QQ ALLLLLL DAY bandwagon...







    oh, wait. they said 'could', and 'up to', didn't they? I guess i'll wait patiently like the literate adult i am....lol! :D:D

  4. I'm in the, apparently, minority of players that are actually happy with the FREE GAME TIME Bioware is giving out...be it 3, 5, or whatever the number of days it ends up being. But looking at the twitter feed, i ran across this and had to share:


    This is NOT how to get a game company to show preferential treatment to you


    Jason Lear

    @JasonLear1 Jason Lear

    @SWTOR I hope your legal department is aware if you fail allow all to play 12/15 you can and will be held accountable in breach of contract.


    Jason is a grade-A D-bag imo, they should give him his money back and bar him from ever playing. I was really hoping this community would be more mature than the WoW my co-workers and I are leaving...hopefully after the 1st month all these people will head back to Azeroth, and let the grown-ups have some fun

  5. I'm in the, apparently, minority of players that are actually happy with the FREE GAME TIME Bioware is giving out...be it 3, 5, or whatever the number of days it ends up being. But looking at the twitter feed, i ran across this and had to share:


    This is NOT how to get a game company to show preferential treatment to you


    Jason Lear

    @JasonLear1 Jason Lear

    @SWTOR I hope your legal department is aware if you fail allow all to play 12/15 you can and will be held accountable in breach of contract.


    Jason is a grade-A D-bag imo, they should give him his money back and bar him from ever playing. I was really hoping this community would be more mature than the WoW my co-workers and I are leaving...hopefully after the 1st month all these people will head back to Azeroth, and let the grown-ups have some fun

  6. just another random thought as i sit up with my sick puppy. a lot of people probably pre-ordered as soon as it was announced. then I'm sure there was a dip in orders while we all waited with baited breath for a release date. Once that was announced, there was, I'm sure another large bunch. So, just because we ordered late doesn't necessarily mean we won't get in til fri-sat.
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