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Posts posted by borkbork

  1. Actually, I see people leave a lot less often than I would have expected, given there is no penalty for doing so. And so far of all the pvp I've done, only two games have ended early for lack of more players queuing in. I do play on high pop servers, though. Still, I also play a lot on off-peak hours.


    No penalty keeps the farming down, too. Stomping teams are afraid to stomp too hard or too early in the match for fear of having everyone on the other side up and leave. And overall, this is a good thing for pvp. It makes losses somewhat less frustrating, as does getting medals for non-objective based actions.


    This ..... No penalty keeps the farming down, too.


    I thought no penelty would be a problem before I realised it lessens farming

  2. This is a PvP Build!


    I've been messing around with this build for a while. While the standard Deep Pyro build was a hard hitter, I wanted to be able to survive more than 3 sec if I am focused to give me a chance to dash away or stand the fight long enough to ether get reinforcements or stay alive longer to keep objectives from getting capped in PvP.


    Build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301hM0MZMcrZbIbrdhhM.1



    2 Points in the Degauss in the Pyro tree can migrate to Vent Heat Instead, up to you.

    2 Points from Hot Iron in AP tree can be moved to Steely Resolve in the ST tree. I haven't done number crunching so its up to you to try out for damage. I imagine you do less Flame Burst Damage but get a minor increase to all other damage and crit chance.



    I wear 4-Piece Eliminator Armor for the +15% crit on rail shot.

    I have nearly all champ gear, doubles that I have I get pieces that give bonus to Surge and Crit, and replace the mods as needed. Currently I am sitting at 22% crit and 72% surge and I find it ample.



    I keep myself in IGC for the armor bonus, and use IM to keep the dot up for my Rail Shot. I put heavy emphasis on flame burst rather than going all the way up on the Pyro tree because I feel staying alive longer and doing consistent damage is more important than the ability that only shines on targets under 30% health, and wasting 3 more talent points to get a not-so-remarkable end ability. Explosive dart deals decent damage and does AoE that has more potential to disrupt in a PvP envirorment than the single damage dealers. I think if it were PvE build I would take those.


    I have stood and held off a against 6 people to wait for reinforcement to come with the right timing on the CDs and LoSing. The IGC helps greatly as I find myself falling dead waay too fast with any other Cylinders. I tried the Parakeet Build, but the damage wasn't up to par and it was hard for me to solo kill when I had to take a point by myself.


    This is what Id do. In order to be able to spam FB thus proc RS I'd move points from ST. Focus on reduced vent heat, 8/s vent and possibly a point or two in free RP. the latter would require to drop one from pyro. If you go periodic vent and HE cyl consider getting the passive speed boost. Not getting hit is a good strategy. Use sonic to get guard medals

  3. We gave general numbers, mobs and ops bosses with which to test, council in particular, we have spreadsheets and simulators, all of which one common opinion among good players and theorycrafters, AP is inferior


    Not saying you are wrong and pyro isn't da ****. It took ONE guy to max defensive and kick everybody's butt before the stupid masses all vent defense in Warhammer. That game had combat log.


    Just saying be open minded and hear people out. Tests are likely to be in same gear, unfavorable rotation and with an expected result from the tester


    Finally being high valor rank is not a guarante for being right or skilled. Just means you've played more SWTOR. The people at 30 may have level 50s and have been a beta tester

  4. Well, lately I've been playing as AP and the dmg isn't as bad as people would have you believe. I mean yeah, I can get an insane streak of refreshing my rail shot's cd on every GCD and see pretty numbers fly, but I can also not get one single proc in 30s+, making it extremely tedious. At the same time, I actually feel more mobile as AP than pyro. Yeah, IM is ranged I'll give you that, but you can replace the TD with the dart in 95% cases (and you'll usually close the distance faster anyway - hydraulic overrides give you 30% speed for the duration).


    Naturally it's impossible to actually prove it without a combat log, but I don't feel that I do that much less dps on average. Also, I don't think gettiOng both armor reduction talents gives you 90% arm pen, but only 72% (I think the bonuses multiply instead of add together, but again - hard to prove).


    Grapple, blades, gloves, Immolate and a very likely RS crit. With the crit damage immolate will land at approx 90% of an unmigrated TD. The latter will be reduced by armour. The RS although weaker have arround 75% chance to crit.


    Less fillers needed to control heat, more speed (12,5% native and 30% afterburner), better defense and hitman. Pyro still gonna be top DPS dog.


    On a side note % was additive in WAR (if i remember it orrectly) and I anticipate it to be same in SWTOR

  5. Immolate is weaker than TD.


    Pyros' RS crit for 30% more, do 9% more damage, and pierces 30% more of their armor. And when you can essentially spam the thing instead of waiting 15 seconds, it doesn't really matter. Any smart Pyro will go for a crit build and 35+% chance of crit isn't hard to get.



  6. I wish AdvProto came close to pyro, since it is a fun spec, and an other dps option would be fun. But if you're 50, BM/champ geared, and wanting to make the most of your gear and make the largest contribution in a warzone you can - its pyro or go home.


    The difference isn't small and it only seems to get larger as the gear gets better. There is a difference between damage and meaningful damage in a warzone. Sustained dps can fill the board and look decent on paper but its easier for healers to handle and it doesn't send people into a panic like burst does. However, when you time RS/TD to hammer out at the same time, 2 crits around 4k each, forces opponents to react immediately - healers dont have time to bubble a friend before they heal themselves and melee usually snare and run.


    Being able to control then predict the opposition is half the battle in pvp. And AdvP offers nothing that can produce that result and is therefore inadequate for the job.



    I won't get into numbers, I doubt anyone would believe me anyways, after many many respces and hours in pvp (valor rank 63), I can say with absolute certainty - AdvP doesn't work in the pvp ecosystem.


    Out of curiosity won't immolate and 100% RS crit be as effective?

  7. AP is going to be viewd as the broken spec until some skilled dude gets his hands on it and shows what it can really do. It is much like when the guy in WAR proved defensive gear was the .... by wining against everyone. After that everyone went defensive


    Pyro is the flavor of the month (good spec though) and normally offensive specs tends to be used less as the games mature and people start stacking defensives. Offensive is to random and more or less requires the jump


    I wanna stress I'm not claiming pyro is bad just that I think AP will gain pop

  8. Prototech Build Link


    You do not get any of the big 31 point attacks out of this build but you get some good modifiers and awesome procs and bonuses for Rail Shot along with Particle Accelerator.

    I have it set up to run with High Energy Cylinder, you should be very effecient on heat running this build... theoretically.


    I'm at work and have not been able to play with it yet but let me know what you guys think. Is it viable? If so, does/will it do good damage?




    Same theme but is likely to be higher dps. Blades have no chance of proc your free RS so RP and FB is pref. Blades and RP is melee range which is also slightly meh because you want to kite to really maximise the benefit of your speed advantage.

  9. How so I generally use the same rotation





    I rarely lose 1v1


    Well you don't use a flawed rotation dude


    First of all I think maxing builds are inferior. Basically they rely on getting the jump and perform more randomly then tougher util or CC oriented builds. When you win regardless you are the real beast. It is just like ppl posting screenies of AOE damage.


    I'm even guessing less pvpers will stick to the high damage builds as game matures and. 20% or so more damage just isn't gonna make you shine.


    My opinion though

  10. If you are going to Q solo wzs either A) stay and take the loss B) find a premade group or C) go to the SWTOR page to hit unsubscribe. If you can't stand losing in a game you should not even q up solo at all.


    I see more and more people just up and leave, leaving the rest who have the morals to take both the win or the loss. There is no room for people like you in these zones. I can imagine that you will act the same in a raid if you are not quite winning you will just bail on them also.


    Suggestions for BioWare. Lock people into these so they can't leave unless the computer crashes. Any other suggestions are welcome.


    Yes I know I can do the same and get a premade, but I enjoy the challenge of going into something that I may win or lose based on the group match made as a solo Q. I guess I am old school and have some type of honor.


    The other reason this is just wrong is getting thrown at the middle or end of these things mainly because the team is already losing and you P***ys cant take a loss.


    Love em cause I'll enter with a min of two timer and get easy valor

  11. I see a lot of posts about the 21/2/18 and that of course is trash. Pvp is all about burst damage and TD is pretty important (mine crits for 4k). I'm 9 ranks away from Battlemaster right now and have few hundred games of pvp under me.


    Engagement rotation is such:

    TD > IM > RS > FB > RS or RP


    The rotation basically means your railshot hits at the sametime the TD goes off. When they both crit along with the IM dot, my target typically would be down by 9-10k hp with my gear.



    Is of course 2/8/31




    Here is a game from last night:



    My pvp video:



    I've never spoken or seen a 21/2/18 guy do any where close to my dps in pvp.


    I sincerly think this is a horrible pvp build (CC >>> dps). Rotation is flawed. You'll get CCed and lose to any skilled PVPer

  12. I really enjoyed PVP until this patch. Que times are to long Ilum is a JOKE. Have you seen the farming videos on YouTube good fix on my server hardly ever see a republic player on ilum so I now have to wait for crates to re-spawn AWESOME... I am valor level 57 I PVPed all through leveling and LOVED it I feel I am being punished for being level 50. now I am not one to complain with out giving suggestions.


    Ilum- needs to be set up like Tol Barad in wow go ahead and completely rip the concept make it so you can Que for it just like a regular war-zone put it on a 2 hour cool down DONE FIXED


    Level 50 PVP Que times are way to long cross server Ques would fix the problem. right now I spend 30-40 min in a Que mostly win and come away with about 1000 valor less in huttball because we cap fast. just a sad rate not bad when Ques were 2 min if you do not have the ability to run cross server PVP increase the rewards for lvl 50 pvp warzones make it worth my 30 min in que.


    But really the moral of this story is to FIX ILUM do something with it to make it fun because looting crates with super small warheads in them is not star wars like. Tarkin did not camp crates he blew up whole rebel worlds..


    your welcome I just fixed your pvp issues



    Ebon Hawk

    10-49 was broken bf seems like a good trade more levels work now

  13. While I understand the need for lower levels to not face level 50's in champion gear, i'm speaking from a level 50's perspective.


    On my server, the majority of 50's are Empire, so we get more huttball matches then anything else. Now this wouldn't be a problem, except one of the guilds is already Battlemasters... They group up, and it's basically a 100% chance that they are going to win. Even if they are up against another premade.


    While this bracket was necessary, it came to soon for the level 50 population. Our queues are way to long, and in the case of my server, if your playing during a certain part of the day, your going to end up facing the battlemasters...


    My guild doesn't have enough 50's for operations, so PvP was the thing I was doing to keep myself entertained. I loved it. After two hours of PvP today, I dont ever want to PvP on my level 50 again...



    Level 50 PvP sucks now. Bracket screwed over the 50's.


    Level 10-49 PVP rocks now.

  14. At least before i could trade and do my daily fast



    Now i cant see one *********** Republic on ilum, im just running in circles with the *********** full raid of imperials.


    Also nothing happened with those people who farmed valor for 10 hours.


    200 valor per kill its retarded compared to WZ.


    Grats you rock.





    Now I don't get probed by level 50s in expertice gear farming and making the game ***** for all below 49

  15. Why not let all the paying customers choose at what level they want to PVP?


    Sort of s league base system so L33t can play L33t and noobs can choose? Ofc some kind of reduced valor mech need to be in place to stop ppl queue noob leagues and farm

  16. Gear is part of mmo's.....



    If they did get rid of expertise, the player with the better gear would STILL beat you. expertise isnt your only problem, sorry.


    Not 100% correct some OP are just GEAR and huff and puff. Gear is part of MMOs yes but GEAR I WIN button doesn't need to be. This could be fixed by having a league system and giving the paying customer the freedom of choosing on what level to play


    Warhammer online died since the management let all early adopters have the GEAR I WIN

  17. Instead of removing EXP please implement a PVP league system. You know like soccer. That is the end of all whine where L33t fights L33t and nobs like myself can play people on my own level.


    I even think L33ts will like the idea of leagues cause that will truly show who is just GEAR and huff and puff.


    If you are good you advance if you suck you go down, easy. I mean having Man U play Cardiff all the time isn't fun for anyone.


    Make a few Mixed league WZs as well and options so you can queue higher leagues if you want to


    Just saying even nobs pay a monthly sub and PVP is fun when it is an even match. Even when nobs like myself fight nobs

  18. You know like soccer. That is the end of all whine where L33t fights L33t and nobs like myself can play people on my own level.


    I even think L33ts will like the idea of leagues cause that will truly show who is just GEAR and huff and puff.


    If you are good you advance if you suck you go down, easy. I mean having Man U play Cardiff all the time isn't fun for anyone.


    Make a few Mixed league WZs as well and options so you can queue higher leagues if you want to


    Just saying even nobs pay a monthly sub and PVP is fun when it is an even match. Even when nobs like myself fight nobs

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