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Posts posted by LessQQMorePewPew

  1. Returning player (2012 hah!) seeking guild. Played from launch up until just before Terror from Beyond. Raided in Nerf Dialogue, and tanked our world first EC HM. Getting caught back up to speed (level 71) and looking for a guild to raid with and such.
  2. Umm..

    It's not broke guys. We got it just fine. You just have to get out of the purple stuff now, wheras before you didn't.


    Bioware stop investigating. =p




    It is killable but, on 8man at least, but it keeps hitting you outside the purple. Check out our stream on mmomechanics channel (http://www.twitch.tv/mmomechanics) from tonight to see the bug and our 8 man kill from tonight.


    And before on 8 man you had to get out of the purple. Only 16 man was bugged before. Now only 8 man is bugged from what I am reading (havent tried 16 man since patch).

  3. I'm really sorry about that.


    1- No, I'm transferring set bonuses from WH gear. I get my bonuses.

    2- Matrix Cube M7-R3 and BM Power Relic (Soon to be WH).

    3- I suggest using it for FiB+Project combo. FP isn't as useful as it is compared to infil or KC, but still isn't bad. TK isn't a bad idea either, but I'd do FiB+Project for burst.


    I would use BM and WH power relic personally. Bigger burst, more expertise, and theyre on seperate 20 sec CDs.

  4. Something along these lines. I will mix up shield/absorb/defense augments based on what stat needs the most help.


    Campaign gear is very absorb shield heavy with little defense so defense augments are prob best for the least remodding possible.

  5. I'll give you a ******* if you contine the SA with set and debuff graph up to 600 shield and post a picture of it.


    With the distribtuion of shield all over 1.2 gear I am curious as to the proper ratio of absorb to defense now.

  6. I'm glad to hear this.


    We have the first two bosses down in HM Denova and nearly have the third and from what I've noticed of the raids and parses is I usually fall right in the 500-600 area.


    My damage taken was a slightly higher by a % or 3 from the two boss fights but my overall damage taken - healing done made me the clear victor.


    I think I parse around 160-200 HPS.




    My parse from offtanking HM EC tonight.

  7. So... Which augments are other Shadow Tanks using? Personally, i'm leaning to the Endurance/Willpower Augments purely because my defense chance is 25.5%, Shield is 37.5%, and Absorb is 45%, and I'm only in Columni gear at the moment, so the other sets should more then fill what remaining gap in tank stats before cap I have. That, and the extra willpower = threat, while the extra endurance = higher HPS from static % of max health self-healing. Thoughts? any other augments worth looking at?


    Theres no point in threat gear... I run absorb augments but plan to run defense augments with Campaign Gear.

  8. Thanks. Here's another q:


    I picked up the War Hero dbl saber yesterday. My sense was that the increase in melee damage from my BM saber (from 550 to 585 max) and the increase in force power (roughly37) would increase my damage input considerably. It doesn't. At least on the character sheet, my bonus melee damage went up only a few points, and is actually less than when I equip the champion sabler. it's a bit better for force attacks (a few points higher) but not nearly as much as I anticipated. What gives?


    p.s. I moved mods around too and improved the war hero item a bit, but still not enough to merit all the time I spent grinding WZs for coms to get it.


    I posted a BiS setup in a thread.


    I would use the WH saber just for the expertise. I havent looked at WH gear much but you should be able to buy the force mystic mainhand and move it into a crit orange iirc for BiS. I will work on a BiS pvp setup.

  9. Very helpful, thanks. One question: When you move the 61 mods from a purple to an orange saber, do the force points automatically transfer too? I've never been clear on this. If they do, which mod carries those points, armoring? Thanks


    Yes. The hilt.

  10. 99 accuracy in my current gear and a full normal run:

    Double strike: 792 hits - 39 miss

    Saber strike: 443 hits - 78 miss.


    Hits are each time they hit..not how many times i clicked the ability.


    I dont have a big hardmode log so cant say in that yet but i doubt the accuracy changes in hardmode. So accuracy seems pretty useless still for balance.


    Until I can use the dummy ror accuracy testing ill continue to use 95/105 accuracy.


    I will be posting a setup for kinetic shadows tonight or tommorow. It will require a lot more analysis of the best way to hit the sweet spots for shield and absorb. Also our tank gear has a ton of shield... Too much rly.

  11. sentinel/marauder parsers show that they can do 1600/1800 dps in full rakata gear , facerolling on the keyboard. So, even if your rotation in balance is PERFECT and considering the other dps classes are all around 1400-1500 dps, you'll be always the worst "dps class" in this game (for what concern PVE environment). And don't forget the lack of utilities you have compared to the other classes.


    I beat our full rakata+ with some q61 sentinelon some fights the other night. The only person who always beat me was our DPS sage who haxors his dps. I usually beat all our other DPS and im nowhere near BIS. Do some raid parses then decide.

  12. * Reserved for 1.3 launch day*


    So how does the prospect of farming the current content until next launch appeal to you folks? Are the current 4 bosses enough to keep you entertained for a couple more months? What will you do to fill the time between raids? Grind dailies? Save up for those Legacy rewards which you unlocked the right to pay credits for?


    Story Modes one day, EC HM 1-2 Days, KP/EV one day, Nightmare Pilgrim one day. Dailies also.

  13. I'll give it a shot with project and without. I'm convinced on using Shadow Strike. The reason I took elusiveness was to ensure on our HM Soa attempts that I would have Resilience up every time I needed to eat a lightning ball (healing issues were larger than DPS issues), and of course, the speed boost with a reduced cooldown was useful for both getting to Soa and mind traps in ph 3. I'll have another parse up soon.


    I run 7/3/31 for Shadow Strike and Elusiveness. The reason I said not to Project was for the force and because I'm shadow striking once every 10 seconds not projecting.. I will run some parse with and without project and see how it does. With the rotation I have I think Saber strike is MAYBE 5% of my DPS if that (hardly ever use it due to no force issues due to no projecting) and double strike is 20-25% of my DPS. Parsed 1350 DPS over 6 minutes.

  14. The points you want to hit as a Balance Shadow in PvE are 300 Crit, 300 Surge, 150 Accuracy.

    The list of gear I typed uses the gear available for purchase at the vendor and doesn't include other options available through chests as forget the RNG there.


    Mainhand: Campaign Force Mystic's Lightsaber slotted into Crit Orange with Crit Augment

    Offhand: Black Hole Strike Mk1 Generator

    Relic1: Crit Crafted Rakata Power Relic with Crit Augment

    Relic 2: Campaign Relic of Dark Radiance

    Bracers: Orange Bracers slotted with Advanced Resolve Armoring 26 and Advanced Mettle Mod 26

    Belt: Orange Belt slotted with Advanced Resolve Armoring 26 and Advanced Mettle Mod 26

    Implant1: Black Hole Striker Mk1 Motivator

    Implant2: Black Hole Striker Mk1 Motivator

    Earpiece: Black Hole Striker Mk1 Chip

    Head: Campaign Stalker Head with Advanced Aptitude Mod 26 and Advanced Adept Enhancement 26 into Crit Orange with Crit Augment

    Chest: Campaign Stalker Chest with Advanced Aptitude Mod 26 and Advanced Adept Enhancement 26 into Crit Orange with Crit Augment

    Gloves: Campaign Stalker Gloves with Advanced Aptitude Mod 26 and Advanced Adept Enhancement 26 into Crit Orange with Crit Augment

    Legs: Campaign Stalker Legs with Advanced Aptitude Mod 26 and Advanced Adept Enhancement 26 into Crit Orange with Crit Augment

    Boots: Black Hole Striker Mk1 Boots with Advanced Aptitude Mod 26 and Advanced Adept Enhancement 26 into Crit Orange with Crit Augment


    This gives 736 Power 279 Crit 342 Surge and 171 Accuracy.


    Take the mods out of Black Hole Striker Mk1 Gloves or Campaign Boots or Campaign Head for your Orange Belt/Bracers and replace all the Mods and Enhancements from all of your Campaign Gear with Black Hole Striker Mk1 Mod and Enhancement.


    I chose to go with Crit Augments and Power Mods because my guilds Armstech is a slacker and the guy who does our Crit Augments is our resident crafting crackhead. Obviously if you wanted to keep some of the mods crit and go with some power augment that might be easier.


    Post any thoughts or critique.

  15. Jurugar:


    Could you address the optimal post 1.2 levels for balance shadow crit%, surge, etc? Also, now that parsers are available, I'd be interested in which you recommend and what a balance shadow should parse in ops, fps, against solos, group encounters.


    Thanks again.


    I'm unsure how Jurugar would have access to parses in Ops as he never raids.


    I run 300 Surge 300 Crit 150 Accuracy rest power as balance. All power augments in orange gear and power is a higher priority then willpower on mods. Black Hole Striker Mk1 Boots are a perfect example of optimal itemization.

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