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Posts posted by Baneswrath

  1. Geez people, the game has been out for like 3 months! Only ~100 days or so!!!!!


    When have people become so impatient? You all act like Bioware cannot continue to add stuff to the game through patches and expansions!!!!!! You all act like the game that was released back in December will be the FINAL product in the coming months and years!


    YESSSS I started a thread saying this just yesterday and within a couple of hours it was closed. People neeeeed to shut up and wait a year to complain. The game runs, people can play pvp and pve, and it has decent graphics as of now. Please shut up and go play another game if your'e so unhappy.

  2. Ok I like to read the forums and be informed about the changes coming to SWTOR, but when people defile the forums with posts starting with the words: BIOWARE IS RUINING... then I get really angry. Ok people the game has been live for about three months and yes, there are numerous problems that need to be solved; however, Bioware is most likely aware of the problems with their games. I would like everybody who hates on 1.2 to note that SWTOR is NNNOOOOOTTTTT WOW, GW2, or any other mmo. Essentially people need to shut up, this game is new and there is no way to judge where Bioware is going with their future updates before the first update has even come out. Play the game, love it, and keep your pie holes closed.
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