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Posts posted by Abfalter

  1. I had been a paying customer since launch (I preordered the day preorders opened).


    But I don't have as much free time to play as other players. I feel it is unfair that folks with a ton of free time who can get a L50 or a collection of L30s are rewarded while more casual players like myself are not.


    My game account is now cancelled.


    This was a huge disincentive.

  2. Sorry didn't realized it's a rant for the free month. Bioware owe you nothing and the free month is just a bonus, put this in your head.


    If your boss walked into your work and started giving out bonuses to some of your coworkers but not you based on some arbitrary factor you would be upset.

  3. I pre-ordered the day SW:TOR became available and was a subscriber until very recently.


    My account is cancelled and I'm on already-paid-for time until it runs out.


    As a player I have one L29 main and several in the teens or early 20s. I'm a casual player and only get limited time where I can play computer games.


    But I paid my subscription fee just like any other customer. I've been a vocal supporter of SW:TOR on a lot of various forums (WOW, Kotaku, etc).


    Apparently customer loyalty is not as important as how much time a player has to play the game because the folks with an excess of discretionary time who have time to level someone to 50 (or several characters to mid levels) are to be rewarded, whereas loyal customers such as myself are not.


    This was a bad move on BioWare's part. Casual players are EVERY BIT AS IMPORTANT as hardcore players. Perhaps moreso in that we will not reach level cap as quickly and are more likely to remain subscribers for longer.


    I am leaving dissatisfied and insulted, but felt compelled to write a few words for whatever it may be worth.

  4. You completely misunderstood what I posted. The low-level content is perfect, almost bug-free, and is the most epic. Esseles/Black Talon have AMAZING story and dialogue, and almost every FP after that has maybe 1 or 2 dialogue choices through the entire thing, and is full of bugs.


    So again, low level content is intentionally good to rake in a month or 2 of subs before everyone is 50 and realizes how broken everything is. It's a race against the playerbase leveling curve for them to fix everything wrong with higher level content.


    I think it is pretty paranoid/conspirist to think that they would intentionally leave things broken.

  5. Some people aren't paid by Bioware to come fanboi on the forums.


    Some people actually try to take the time away from the game they enjoy to point out obvious failures to try and get them fixed. Maybe if the company was participating more on the forums to address the dozens of issues other than deleting posts they don't like, or warning people for "language" violations, there would be less posts about the same things over and over.


    I know it's a hard concept to understand, but some people can like the game, but still see there are a ton of glaring issues that need to be fixed... ASAP.



    Well, I am not paid.


    Just appreciative of the fun time I've been having. Nothing wrong with that.


    "Tons of glaring issues"? Something tells me they could fix EVERYTHING you could name that is wrong with the game and you probably would find something else to complain about.

  6. I've had an absolute blast with the game so far. Overlaying a single player RPG on top of an MMO was absolutely the way to go with this game. The level of story immersion is fantastic.


    I have been having so much fun with it, although I am having a hard time trying to keep focus on just one character since they are all so fun.


    I have a son who lives with me half of the time and I had a nice extended Christmas break vacation with him. Since it was vacation I loosened his computer time restrictions and let him loose with the game as well. He, too, had a blast and it was so great to see the utter joy and excitement in his eyes when he tells me about his Trooper's latest exploits.


    I'm so happy with the game, it was totally worth the wait. You guys have absolutely nailed it and (despite the trolls on this forum) are really making a lot of gamers really, really happy right now.


    I wish this game, and the team behind it, all the success that it deserves.

  7. My wife rages at me if I play with her around for more than an hour. I have tried to get her to watch but no luck. Any suggestions to get a stubborn woman to give in to the dark side?


    My take on it is that video games are what I do when I don't have other things to do. Once of those other things is paying attention to my wife, spending time with her, and generally being a good companion.


    Since her needs are fulfilled she doesn't begrudge me a few hours here and there to "go kill some aliens".


    So make sure you spend enough time with her. A relationship needs a time investment to work, and the payoff is excellent.


    That said, she needs to respect that you need to have some space and time to yourself. Tell her "I want to be able to spend some time on this game. It's fun, it's my hobby, and sometimes I want to relax playing it. You are more than welcome to come along if you wish, but if you don't that is OK, too."


    A reasonable woman will understand that. An unreasonable one will not.


    Just make sure that you ALSO spend time with her doing her things.

  8. About Abfalter



    Programmer, Designer Boardgamer, Author, Fencer.


    East coast of Florida


    Writing, Board Games, Fencing


    Software Engineer



    **** back to work and stop talking crap, the game needs so many things to be done its just unbealivable is getting launched like this


    Well, that was out of left field.


    I found the game to be excellent, personally.

  9. If we could play a Wookie I'd name him Chewbacco.


    A friend and I were joking and came up with "Maxipadawan" but decided ultimately that the risk of bannination was too great. Though I did name my female cyborg "Crankshaft".


    I think it's pretty lame when people do lore derivative names (e.g. Sam Holo, Like Skieswalker).


    My son was pretty lame, too. His Sith Inquisitor is "Sithi".

  10. My wife has zero interest in video games. None, nada. She even fumbles Wii.


    She'll watch Star Wars or Lord of the Rings and other geeky things, but she just doesn't play at all.


    She was straightening up as I was playing SW:TOR this weekend and sat and started watching along with one of the dialog scenes. After a bit she was making suggestions as to where to go and basically cheer-leading me through fights.


    Next thing you know over and hour went by and she had spent the whole time engaged as if she was watching a movie, saying "I never really understood what you guys got out of this before." and just generally marveling at how much detail was in the world.


    She still has no interest in playing. But the story and world detail in this game is so well done that it can take someone with zero interest, enthrall them, and get them interested and engaged.


    That's worth a tip of the hat to.

  11. Thank you Bioware/EA for such an exciting launch! You stated up to 5 days early access and actually delivered 2 extra days! When I purchased my copy in October and failed to put in the pre-order code until November 2nd, I thought I would be lucky to have 2 days of early access.


    Then you announce an expedited schedule and now I am tracking to get in tomorrow or the next day. I am truly impressed by how you have handled this launch.


    I had the opportunity to test 4 classes in 2 different betas and I can’t wait to get in and start my journey.


    My only problem is that I am having a hard time deciding where to start. How do I choose from so many interesting options? I fear that I will lock up when I finally login. Republic or Sith? Melee or ranged? I can’t decide!!!!!! What makes it worse is that it will happen all over again at level 10 when I have to choose an advanced class.


    Agree that BioWare is doing great, despite people crying about not being in yet.


    What I did is create multiple characters and plan to go to at least level 10 with each to get a basic feel. Then whichever one I felt I had the most fun with is the one I will level up to cap.

  12. I doubt any other MMO as large as this, would ever do some type of launch like this, this is a PR MESS, this is horrible, i already know a couple people that wont be getting gametime after the first 30 days. We shall see how well this game does after the first 30 days. Because then people have to buy gametime.


    It is?


    Show me some bad press. People complaining on a forum do not count. Show me where there is bad press because of this.


    The press are going to be lauding BioWare for a smooth launch.

  13. The simple fact is that they CAN do that, its not like they ever would. Its the fact that we as customers give up the right to play a game we enjoy.


    Also, give me ONE example of a Multiplayer game that had a staggered launch like this. Because i could give to 100 that dont.


    I'll bet you that you will see more of this as other MMOs copy the idea.

  14. Each zone is instanced. After a certain number of people are in one, it creates a new one. 500+ people in the starting zones means nothing because of this.


    And, yeah, servers can create an infinite amount of instances, right? No limit on CPU, bandwidth, memory or DB query speed... *cough*

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