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Posts posted by tjmck

  1. Probably suggested many times before, but i'd like to see the cloaks removed from some of the armours like the Resolute Guardian set, so you could mix and match the chest piece with other sets, but without the cloak.
  2. Is the Kingpin's Blaster not part of collections? I got it during the Nar Shadda Nightlife Event for like 1 or 2 certificates per pistol, but when i went to unlock it in collections to use it for my alts, it wasn't there. Is it just a one shot (no pun intended) deal? Only the alt that buys it from the vendor can use it?
  3. Ok so on Taris there's all these sounds of metal rubbing against metal, and creaking and stuff, every now and then you can hear what sounds like falling debris, now my mind may have made it up but i seem to remember that back in the first couple of years of the game when you heard this sound and if you looked up and around you used to be able to see stuff falling from a random building. Now am i remembering it wrong? Did my mind just make it up? Or was this something that actually used to randomly happen?
  4. 1: i said "imagine if" and "I know it'll never happen and one can dream" I know what engine it runs on, i know it's been so hacked up to do what the original devs wanted that it can't actually be called a Hero engine anymore, i know it would take time and money to redo the game, something that'll never happen (said that also), i just did this as a 'what if' post, something for people to think over. But it got people taking about it so there is that lol, thanks for the replies :):)
  5. So i finally got around to watching the demo of the Unreal 5 engine, and all i can say is....Wow...now imagine if SWTOR could be played on that engine....oh i know it'll never happen, but one can dream right? lol
  6. I dropped that quest and went into Onslaught. I do have my companions set to damage instead of heal, but when i stopped playing, (A few updates ago) it never made a difference that much in fights. As i said i don't expect to one shot someone cause that's not how the game is made, But i have also never had a problem beating Revan before i left. It just seems to me that somewhere along the way, one of the updates took away the players defense.
  7. are you talking about when you level up, if you are above the planet level you lose half your health when you level.

    Or are you talking about in any battle, without even levelling up?


    Yes i know all about lvl cap on planets and such (stupid idea), And yes i'm talking about during any battle. I feel as if they seriously underpowered the characters at some point. Currently i am lvl 75 on one toon, a Jedi Guardian, and i can't even beat Revan in the final fight of that expansion (lvl cap for Yavin 4 is 60 so i know i'm not gonna one shot him lol) Before it was a hard fight but i never had too much of a problem beating him but now its just stupid.

  8. So i've been gone for a few months and thought i'd resub and make some new characters during this long double xp event. One thing i have noticed is that the characters seem really weak! Did they de-power everyone in one of the last updates or what? I'm getting my health bar drained during a fight like i'm a level 1 trying to fight a level 20......What gives?
  9. Ok, all my toons are missing their faces, well not really missing, they're shadowed out and all their eyes have gone completely blue, kinda like how Chiss eyes are all red. Anyone else have this problem?
  10. This problem has been around for quite a while, not just since 5.10. I've sent in bug reports and tickets but as usual nothing has been fixed and it seems to have gotten worse in 5.10. Hoping it get's fixed eventually...before 6.0 would be nice.
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