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Posts posted by StarsiderSajun

  1. I had a real rough time till level 20. What I did was just wait a level or two longer to do a flashpoint or heroic quest than I normally would, and that helped. The problem is that Diagnostic Scan sucks till level 20, at which point you get Slow-Release Medkit, which when stacked to 2 can really help you regen some energy after a big heal, and then you can just top them off with Diagnostic Scan.


    It is rough, but just stick with it.

  2. i'm lvl 33 as a scoundrel sawbones (healer), and i love it...i can use all of my companions effectively and my combat style is different for each one that i use


    every fight plays out differently while lvling, sometimes i start stealth, sometimes i start in cover, sometimes i heal my companion, sometimes i just run in throwing grenades and screaming


    thats my favorite thing about scoundrel though, every fight is different...also healing is SO much fun, so many things to look out for, and you can also dps during non healing intense parts


    This. This is what you get when you play Scoundrel. Do it!

  3. flashpoints to easy.

    sorry this is just my opinion but when me and buddy can complete the flashpoints duoing

    i think they have made them to easy.


    I did play the beta since June but my buddy did not.

    I was just wondering if anyone else was noticing this?????


    Yeah you must be doing Esseles, either that or you're doing Hammer and are like 3-4 levels above it.


    Athiss for example, can't be done with companions, at least not in my opinion, unless you and a buddy are like 22-23 and have nicely geared companions, and in that case you don't really even need to do it anymore.


    I might have the level ranges wrong, but basically: flashpoints are appropriately difficult for their level range.

  4. That's not a bug, it's intended.


    That isn't to say that I agree with how it's implemented. It should still finish your Kolto Pack, but oh well.


    Here's how I do it: Get Upper Hand stacked up to 2, then Kolto Pack, then Underworld, then Kolto Pack, like that. Easy.


    Also you should be pistol whipping, or w/e it's called. It's the easiest way to get Upper Hand going, so it's a must.

  5. 22 Sawbones Scoundrel here.


    I find that the dps soloing is more than satisfactory.


    As for healing, like it was said above, the Slow-Release Med Pack that you can spec into at level 20 at the earliest is a must for healing in my opinion, and that's mainly due to the fact that Diagnostic Scan or w/e it's called is next to useless. When you get higher you can stack that Slow-Release Med Pack onto a target and then spam Diagnostic Scan, and tossing heals here and there it helps out a lot.


    The place I can see for Scoundrels not specced into Sawbones is more of a dps support.


    I am a big fan of having a non-specced healing class as a dps in each group. It's helpful during bosses and whatnot, because it allows me to cool off and regen some energy, and on trash mobs it means I can dps.


    Hope that helps.

  6. Probably won't believe me but I preordered and registered my code on the 22nd of September, and I got my early access invite today. So it is in fact random I think, or at least they're speeding up the waves or something.


    So to those who are waiting impatiently, it won't take long, don't worry.

  7. First come first served is the concept. Would you rather they just not give us EGA at all and let everyone in at the same time on the 20th and deal with lag, crashes and crowded starting areas?


    First come first served is the best and fairest way to handle this. Random is not the way to go, people already had to deal with that for Beta and a lot weren't happy about it. As it is now the people who have payed the most attention to the game and had the strongest desire to play (and granted the checkbook to support it) are getting in the earliest. You can't be any more fair about it than that.




    a) person who loves Kotor but somehow was living under a rock finally pre-orders a few weeks ago


    b) person pre-ordered in the first week and just forgot about the game, probably doesn't even care about early access


    You can't really know.


    And honestly random is kind of the only fair way really. Some people might have loved SWTOR and followed it just as much as you did, but they couldn't afford to pre-order until a month ago.


    Really it doesn't matter. They've already stated that early access is based on when you registered your code, despite many people saying they have friends that are in game now that registered much later than them. We just have to take Bioware's word that that's not true.

  8. I too got the email that said it's based on the day that you registered your pre-order code.


    However... it is entirely possible that they had an issue with something and they accidently let people in in some random order. In which case I believe they should continue the random order.


    Honestly there's no real reason that it should even be based on how early you ordered. I ordered early and I didn't do anything differently than someone who ordered yesterday. No REAL reason that the person who ordered yesterday shouldn't get in before me.


    Oh well.

  9. The videos I've seen appear to have a little round droid float above a teammate to heal him or her. I haven't seen anything about the scoundrel needing to run up and apply a heal.


    Well no you can do your heals from range, but our heals do indeed spray some green light or something towards the target in a stream. I never got a medical probe type heal for my Scoundrel, though I only reached level 18 in the beta, however I've not seen a medical probe style heal in a video either.

  10. I'm assuming it's all due to the exact time that you registered the code that came with your pre-order. I pre-ordered a little later than all my guildies on the first day, so I they're already in game but I'm still waiting.


    I don't mind not getting in on the first day, but to be honest the worst part is sitting here all day refreshing my email and waiting to get in. I'd rather know that I'm not than to be sitting here in limbo. =(

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