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Posts posted by Darthdoon

  1. I don't pay to have a 35000 latency every 5 minutes. Then it sits there as long as I'll let it. I have to force quit the game, re log in, and then can only play 5 minutes. YAYYY.


    How about my money back, free sub time, new servers, fix the problem maybe?


    My internet connection is fine. just your game that is buggered.

  2. Thank you for focusing on a irrelevant aspect of my question.


    To answer, I didn't act like a douche. Instead tried talking, welcoming, asking questions, offering help, shouting, yelling, belittling, insulting, condemning, promoting, mocking, and finally, pointedly ignoring. In that order.


    But that's all non-material to my original question.


    The post, and it's question therein, had to do with the desolate space that was previously a busy guild.




    what guild are you in?

    I know at least 3 guilds that went kacks up because tor got stupid so they went to go play Battlefront (losers) and Fallout 4.

    BTW, did you ever extend a welcome to the guild to that recruit?

    he/she probably thought you were a hypocrite unfriendly ****** for not welcoming them.

    did you even bother to say you would try and assist them in any way you could?

    people be surprised how far a "welcome to the guild" goes.

    I know a lot of ex-guildies who didn't feel so wanted because some guildies were class 1 ******s to them.

    Their payback: being on an asskicking conquest guild and beating the crap out of their non-friendly ex-guild to death in conquest, week in and week out. :p



    I leave for a couple months, and in the past week, the only person I've seen playing is a recruit who doesn't talk to me. Did everyone die?


    Join the Republic?

    Drink the purple coolaid?


    Does anybody know?

  4. It could have been silvershadows, but, while the mandalorian did engage in some bounty hunting, she wasn't just a bounty hunter. Story wasn't TOR class based at all. Maybe partially inspired by KOTOR, but definately not a "class" story. Just star wars universe type of thing......
  5. YEARS ago, I think before TOR was even out, or maybe in Beta stages at least. I remember reading some Mandalorian fanfic. I think it was on this forum (but don't hold me to it) It took at least a few hours to read through, centering around a female Mandalorian. From when she earned her armor as a young'in, until when she recovered her clan's Basilisks.


    I'd love to re-read it, but despite a few hours of searching, I've got no idea where it is. Does this ring any bells? Does anyone know what I'm talking about and have a link to, or some info about this AWESOME story arc?




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