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Posts posted by Kennkra

  1. I already unsub last week, mainly because of dead servers. I see everyone fliping out because of 1.2, but how are you going to enjoy it if there isnt anyone to play with?... sure you can run with your 10man guild, but then what?.


    I'm also quiting because the dev team or at least the lead dev's dont have any vision at all.


    It's not bad to steal ideas from other mmo's, thats fine, Blizzard did it, Bioware did it.


    But puttin a bad engine in a 2012 game and blamin bad performance because of low end computers it's lame, bioware know's what kind of pc you are running. Not doing a mac client. We had 3 months of payd beta (at least thats how i feel it).


    They see that ppl are finishing content faster than they can release it, medium core guilds. So what are they doing about it? nerfing healing. LOL...


    Bioware had the chance to see all the others mayor mmo's out there and steal ideas and improve them, but did none.


    200000000u$s for making a game with a licence engine, bad textures, poor implementation, ton of bugs, lack of hardware and voice over that ppl just skip it exept from class missions

  2. I just canceled because BW cleary lacks talent, ideas and a proper development team.


    They are doing nothing but stealing ideas from other mmo's (dont saying that that is wrong, but they are doing it half the way and poorly implementing it). Legacy sistem is alt centric, sure you can buy the unlocks, but what are you going to earn? a few /emotes, and solo pve abilitys? Sure you can buff up with the 4 clases buff, thats the only nice thing on it.


    Instead of doing more dificult OPS they are nerfing healing, taking the easy road since lunch. They didnt even mention anything on server merge or paid/free transfer for the ppl that are on dead server that at the begining they werent dead servers at all (hex droid first month very heavy with 350ppl at fleet at peak hs, now it has 80 if you are lucky enough).


    Its like paying for a 2005 mmo, it has the graphics of a 2005 mmo, the mechanics of a 2005mmo, the problems of a 2005 mmo.


    The worse of this is that i love swtor, aside from dead servers i can live with everything else, i was going to stay forever but almost 2 months has been since dead servers, and they didnt even mention anything about them.


    For the ppl staying Good luck and i hope they merge your servers or give you free transfer for a server of your choice xD

  3. transfer will happen, but they will be made by cash, and maybe they will open free transfer from heavy servers to light servers.


    The question is when? because i rly dont know if i'm going to last untill 1.2 hits. i find my self log in in ONCE per week, I dont even log to raid anymore.


    Al legacy would be fun if it wasn't so aimed to alts

  4. Hey there!


    I originally rolled my characters on European servers because of my guild. However, I am finding it really hard to manage my time and join their raids. Since there is so much talk about Character Server Transfer, then can we please get cross-continental character transfer.


    That's not a troll post btw - just wanna see what the community thinks about that :)



    The same happened to me back at vanilla wow, and i made a post about it also...


    Guest what, 6 later isnt implemented yet.


    So, forget about it.

  5. I just canceled.


    low server population!!!!! ~ 5 people per planet is not massively multiplayer


    no server transfers to more populated servers!!!11


    imbalance of rebel/imperial populations


    8 vs 8 warzones is not massively multiplayer and thats the only viable pvp


    no open world pvp


    no reward for pvp on planet other than ilum


    no "public quest" where we could fight the other faction on planets


    nothing unique about items, everyone has the same stuff and looks the same


    the pve game is way to easy, no reason to go back to old planets once you have leveled past


    reverse engineering bugs frustrating


    you should of just made kotor 3, this game is gonna fail unless something drastic occurs. no idea why you put so much $$$$ into cutscenes that people <spacebar> through



    same here.


    I will stick around for 1.2. Because i'm not the kind of person that unsubs and then subs again, i'm going to cancel im going to cancel for good.


    So, if 1.2 comes and has nothing interesting to add, exept from legacy that i have a feeling im not going to enjoy it as much as devs think, then im going to cancel because the above reasones, Im sure they are not going to merge or give free transfer until late may or june and im not sticking around that long just for loging in twice a week for 1 to 3 hs top

  6. Bodyguard got nerfed to the ground


    I know the patchs notes are not final, But they didnt change much in the last 3 months of beta and release.


    Arsenal buffs & nerfs are ok, i dont see how they are going to fight TM spam with that, but meh. i was hoping for some change in mechanics to actualy use more abilitys, but this is the same **** tm tm tm hsm tm tm RS / unload on proc.


    But when readin through the bodyguard patchnotes I agree with the ppl at the public test forum, i prefer that they didnt buff kolto missile if they are going to nerf to the ground heat managment and all the other +healing abilitys.


    Comparin it to corruption (sorc healers) they didnt even get that kind of nerfs, while they stand with the advantage of they resource pool, i dont care if they easy to play i care when a easy to play class has more mobility, survability, utility than any other class. It has the same DPs as other clases and when healing specd they heal more.

  7. and now that they are nerfin TM and making it more fun ( rotation), it will be nice to have a little more cc.


    Lets say it, it wasn't fun to go all ape on ppl faces with TM (that doesnt meen that it actualy works that one, but you all know it was a borin rotation). So know that TM will be more in the line and, para-phrasin here "we will make it more fun"(rotation wise), that means it will be more... ejem... "complicated" so asuming that they arent giving us a interrump because we are heavy armor, it will be nice if they do the MATH behind the sorc bubble. That bubble(only 1 is enough) is gratin more survibality than heavy armor and sorcs have and excess of CC



    I use a Mac because it's better than anything else for everything do. But occasionally I also play a game.


    Plz lethality dont troll so hard, some p actualy thinks you are stupid but you are just trolling, right?


    And plz i build my computers based on:





    Making coffee is harder than instaling ram or a cpu. Macs and prebuilds are like microwaves for ppl that dont want to Learn how to cook.

  9. At only 23 years old you have forgone the right to actually make those statements.


    Presuming you mean "Windows", Macs have quite a lot of compatibility with "Microsoft" out of the box. They have for many years. Turn that Mac on after the OS is installed and you can read your Windows hard-drive. Run a utility or an application and you can even run any Window's program.


    By the way, did you know that Microsoft used to use MacOS to design and refine many of their software programs? That the foundation apps included in MS Office had some of their most innovative early development under MacOS?


    I was 20 when Macs were introduced. I used the first Apple 1 many years before that.


    You've been building machines for 11 years. I've been building them for more than 22. That actually includes tearing apart and upgrading Macs as well.


    So, do you really want someone who's been involved with both OSs since their beginnings to answer "What was APPLE before the iPhone?" Because I'll hazard a guess that you really won't like the answer.





    Beyond all that, I use whichever computer tool is best for what I am wanting to do. And that varies.


    We can continue to argue this point until we are blue in the face but one thing stands that so far I've not seen anyone point out.


    EA has Mac native versions of many of their top-selling games. I expect that this game will be no different. They've seen the advantage of providing Mac versions time and time again. Why would this be any different?


    Never though that someone can be so naive, ignorant and close minded.


    And yes plz tell me what mac & apple where before iPhone o plz share your wisdom because how you state things in your post is obvious that you think you get more knowlege only by age, so if you are 35 (lets day) and i'm 23. If you are a dev you are peobavly de assembler guy that thinks he is superior to other object oriented devs just because you can write un c with ease.


    And plz, again, tell me more about mac & apple before iPhone how they almost disqpear because of they incompatible soft, high prices and low productivity, how they move out of powerpc cpus to intel just because intel was more popular and thus more money for apple, tell me plz of how emac g3 performance was or his gamecube macs exploting of overheating, oh and please tell me more about those mac super computer that they sayd where more Powerfull than any personal computer while in the same sentence they said the specs and the cost ( usd 75000) and half the crow standar on their feet and leave, how their *** was sue to death by amd and intel because of that statment. And it was proven in cort that a 13435usd pc with and intel xeon cpu was faster on any aspect than the 75000usd mac, then they had tu cut the price in half


    Oh plz onyx, the elder of the tribe enlightend me with your knowlege plz

  10. What if there was not the same size drop-off in population as occurred and BioWare had not created that last wave of expansion servers?


    It's easy to say now what they should have done but, in the early stages of the release when no-one really knew what they had on their hands, there were some pretty damn lengthy server cues. We might still be dealing with sharding and waiting to log in.


    In all honesty, patience and some thought on the part of the customers would have provided the best way to manage the issue but, it's not something to be counted upon.



    i prefert 10 times to wait 5 to 20 minutes to log into my server than having a dead/ghost server and having to wait 45 minutes for a HM or 15 for a wz or unable to do heroics because there isn't enough ppl on the server and planet.


    How i stated on my above post, i love this game but the lack of population is rly killing it for me, every day i thinking more in quiting, not because i hate the game or i dont find it fun, its because there is no one on the servers to play with. You say guild? yea i raid twice or trice a week but thats it. 3 days, 2 to 3 ours each day, the rest of the days i found my self loging in, check AH then login out.

  11. Peak time at EU... HEX DROID server 70ppl at fleet imp side.


    45 minutes i have spaming for LF any HM (i'm healer specd)


    log on my alt, 2 persons on hoth (on of those is me xD)


    10 min queue for pvp.



    Bioware i know there are heavy pop servers at the time at your european servers.


    I have a exelent game in my hands, its name is Star Wars: The Old Republic. But guest what? i can't play it because its a mmo without enough gamers inside. I found my self only loging 2 times a week to raid (all cleared HM content).


    And i know that you are preparing for 1.2 launch and you will probaly adress this later than that. I'm willing to wait, but if you dont merger servers or there isn't and increase in pop I'm going to quit, and maybe come back once you merge servers or there is more ppl to group with.


    1 month back the imperial fleet at my server had 280 players and a second intance of it with anather 80+ players, but now we only have 1 intance with 80 players. Its not fun anymore.


    Plz bioware, for the love of your game, DO SOMETHING about it, i'm willing to pay for transfering if that's your concern.


    Stephen Reid, it will rly boos morale here if you give a word about this. I'm sure you are waitin for 1.2 to hit and see how many ppl comes back but if those ppl don't come back or they are not enought to ensure a proper gameplay plz, I ask you to please give us some information about this, we dont need a HARD ETA, just something to keep us playing.

  12. If you're trying to claim that windows ripped off MAc then that's utterly hilarious. The reality is Apple AND Microsoft ripped off Xerox and the GUI they had developed.


    IF you're trying to claim that computers only exist because of Apple then all I can do is laugh at that.


    The only things that exist thanks to apple are ppl like "DarkSamink" all the other ideas exept their freaking logo "apple" they steal it from other companys, the ipod, the iphone, the ipad.


    The only real thing they invented are the notebooks/laptops back in the 90s but STEVE JOBS WASNT IN CHARGE OF APPLE IT SELF. oh the irony, the only thing they ever came up to at it wasnt from steve jobs

  13. LOL, they might not "make" it now, but back when they first started they did LOL. MS never made anything themselves, hell Bill Gates had to steal from Jobs when he first made an OS. So you can keep telling me Jobs stole this, Jobs stole that, but don't you forget that Bill Gates stole a lot of stuff too.



    You know that Steve jobs said this:


    "Good artists copy great artists steal"





    Anyway, steve jobs is dead and never donated anything, Bill gates donated more than half his fortune and he is still kicking (a few moths or years ago he donated 30000000000u$s and when he dies he is going to donated all his fortune leaving his kids 1m)


    SO plz stop defending a dead ******e that didn't even reconize his own doughter and never helped her

  14. LOL never say Apple made the idea i Said Apple made it more popular.


    No, you where saying microsoft stole the idea from apple


    The ignorance you have has no limits, go read somethiung and then come back.. Just reading things like this makes me wonder why you have a mac


    You DO know that without the Mac, Windows might never have been here? IE Bill Gates NEEDED Steve Jobs. No Steve Jobs(if he never existed) = maybe no Windows


    Also bootcamp isn't something u run. Oh wait poster above me already said that.....


    Uhm, no LOL, unlike Microsoft(Which I have no problem with at all) Apple makes there own Hardware(Computers etc) and Software(OS, etc) Where Microsoft only makes Software. So ur statement is wrong and stupid. Apple could live on without MS but MS couldn't have even started without Apple I suggest reading the history of the two company's before trying to prove someone wrong, but u just look dumb.


    APPLE MAKES HARDWARE??? LOL??? they pick up the phone, calls foxxcon and say "hey dude, make me 15millon i5 2500k, kthxbb"


    The only thing they do that microsoft doesnt is DESING CASES


    bb men, going to play some games without bootcamp with my high end pc that cost MUCH MUCH MUCH less than a mac and runs better xD, k?

  15. LOL Again, i never said Apple could exist WITHOUT xerox where the hell u reading cuz i never said that crap




    LOL nooo you're* funny


    Xerox had the mouse true, but they couldn't make it right, Jobs BOUGHT the rights to its design and then made it BETTER.


    LOL stole it haha


    RLy, you are going to tell me that you never said that?

  16. So i guess MS stole Apples idea for an MP3 player then? The Zune or whatever? It don't make a difference. The thing bout Xerox and Apple? Apple just made it work a whole lot better whether they bought it or "Stole" it. LOL


    So you argument just got owned and you are switching topics?




    The frist mp3's players started at 1999 with multiple companys making them.


    A company named Fraunhofer was responsable of the ENCODE behin what you call a .mp3 today. Apple didnt do a thing, they just said "You want a iphone that can't make calls? here you go, ipod. know you can carry a iphone and a ipod" The frist ipods where garbage and ppl buy it becose there where the only mayor brand doing it.

  17. Re-read my post and think about way u said. Did i ever say without Xerox Apple wouldn't exist? No. So don't assume stuff



    Here you go


    Xerox PARC



    The Xerox Star Workstation introduced the first GUI Operating systems.

    Engelbart's work directly led to the advances at Xerox PARC. Several people went from SRI to Xerox PARC in the early 1970s. In 1973, Xerox PARC developed the Alto personal computer. It had a bitmapped screen, and was the first computer to demonstrate the desktop metaphor and graphical user interface (GUI). It was not a commercial product, but several thousand units were built and were heavily used at PARC, as well as other XEROX offices, and at several universities for many years. The Alto greatly influenced the design of personal computers during the late 1970s and early 1980s, notably the Three Rivers PERQ, the Apple Lisa and Macintosh, and the first Sun workstations.

    The GUI was first developed at Xerox PARC by Alan Kay, Larry Tesler, Dan Ingalls and a number of other researchers. It used windows, icons, and menus (including the first fixed drop-down menu) to support commands such as opening files, deleting files, moving files, etc. In 1974, work began at PARC on Gypsy, the first bitmap What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) cut & paste editor. In 1975, Xerox engineers demonstrated a Graphical User Interface "including icons and the first use of pop-up menus".[3]

    In 1981 Xerox introduced a pioneering product, Star, incorporating many of PARC's innovations. Although not commercially successful, Star greatly influenced future developments, for example at Apple, Microsoft and Sun Microsystems.[4]


    Educate your self before talking about things you don't even have a clue.

  18. LOL nooo you're* funny


    Xerox had the mouse true, but they couldn't make it right, Jobs BOUGHT the rights to its design and then made it BETTER.


    LOL stole it haha




    THEY DID THE WHOLE FREAKING UI, QWERTY KEYBOARD and MOUSE, THE deskopt mac/pc as you know it was because of XEROX and a women


    Jobs dint bought a thing, they just walk in and made the same thing with and apple in it and name it LISA after his doughter.


    Men there is even a movie of it.


    Educate your self plz


    This mac users all they see is what they buy

  19. And i told you one last thing, as a .net, java, asp, sql, abap, c, c#, c++ and objective-C I can tell you one thing, No developer out there, not a seroiusly one at least, buys a mac for his one projects or has a freaking mac at the office exept if he is actualy doing something FOR macs.


    Macs have 0 compatibility out of the box with microsoft, but microsoft has done the imposible to be compatible with apple, they just dont like it.



    And you rly forget something, What was APPLE before Iphone?


    I'm 23y old and I'm have been building my own PC's since 12. Started developing at 15, and i only have a mac mini because of some "only mac" work. Fundation librarys outside mac? forget it apple will never let that happen.

  20. Ah but they are.


    Yes? they can be used for gaming?


    Plz, a vid of bf3 at ultra x4 AA 16as 1080p runing at steady 60fps with vsync turned on with less than 2300u$S (lcd included)


    Just tell me how much a setup like this will cost me if i want a PC with and apple in the case


    cf hd6970's

    i5 2500k @ 4.5ghz @ 1.2v

    8gb corsair vengance

    asus m8z68

    500gb raid 0 WD black

    2tb WD Black

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