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Posts posted by Ritch_A

  1. I still continue to out dps the mara and sniper in our ops using this hybrid but its a lot closer now and in a few fights they do actually beat me which pre 2.0 never happened. All in all a PT is still up there but you have to work a lot harder to get any decent numbers out of the class.
  2. The hybrid spec is actually pretty awesome in PVE. The problem is managing heat and 3 dots as well as Proto Flamethrower and PPA. If you can keep full dot uptime and use triple stacked flamethrowers on cooldown you'll be not only competing with Snipers and Mara's but also putting them to shame. That said though it takes a lot of practise and without the UI mods games like WoW has it becomes easily the hardest spec/class to play properly.


    The "good" PT players can still hit big numbers in raids it just gone from 3 button dps to 6.


    I will agree though that the burst has completely gone from the PT class as it now takes me twice as long to kill the Anomalies in the HM Terror from Beyond fight.


    Finally, this does affect PVP more since its all about burst and randomly hitting buttons as opposed to trying to sustain high dmg for a long period like PVE.

  3. IF the cgc nerf that Pyro got that was in effect as the PTS closed it really is significant. It's about a 40% dmg decrease per tick. I was pulling easily more dps with AP then Pyro and the new "buff" to Thermal Det doesn't make up for the amount of wasted skill points to get that high in Pyro (It's actually worse).


    I would say that Pyro is now solely a PVP tree since its got some great survivability talents in there and great burst but the sustained dmg that CGC gave us has gone.

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