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Posts posted by ChrisCap

  1. Almost 2 weeks since R4’s launch and I have to say this raid is kind of dreadful. My guild and I spent months running SM’s for tech fragments to upgrade implants on multiple alts or gold augment materials and HM’s to dust off the rust and work as an organized team however nothing could have prepared us for the mess that is R4.



    First and for most before I negatively pan this raid, I would like to point out this is a fun raid when all the pieces align. The encounters are challenging, breaking up the formula with more mechanics and team work. That said, this is still a mess but, it didn’t have to be. The groups clearing it right now all have several key components in common:



    1) they aren’t using the same classes from start to finish, lots of class swapping.

    2) running Zero tank or 1 tank/1heal group for maximum DPS sounds optimal except Swtor raids have never been released this way, overtime you can cheese with better gear but to just sit out tanks and heals or tell them to play dps is discouraging.

    3) All kills as I’ve seen so far in posted screen shots or on star parse are utilizing a Pyrotech for the Last Fight.



    These 3 components are the most common I’ve seen over the successful groups who have either taken down SM R4 or recently the team that took down HM R4 running 1 tank and healer + pyrotech. Seems something is really off and it has to be the fact we can’t gear for HM R4 to run another wise optimal traditional group.



    SM R4 token doesn't make any sense whatsoever when your own internal testing team took down R4 in Blue 340 gear…Seriously why is their 2 R4 tokens and 2 gear paths locked behind 1 difficulty? It doesn’t make any sense, realistically the R4 tokens should just be universal allowing you to buy 332 gear (blue) and upgrade it utilizing all currencies in game, that way all content remains relevant while funneling all through R4. The true reward of 340 purple gear should absolutely be locked behind HM boss kills which again creates the incentive for the few that would. Doesn’t this sound like “natural progression” or does an ops team of 8 class's swapping every boss and eventually ditching tanks and healers for a range/AoE heavy group gaining both gear progressions simultaneously sound like “natural progression”



    “I FEEL LIKE IM TAKING CRAZY PILLS” what is wrong with this raid?? You mean to say killing the first boss in R4 HM awards everyone a token for 332 while a lucky 2 get a 340 piece on top of the 332 pieces. So 2/8 get 340 and 8/8 get 332 at the same time. 10 pieces of loot for 1 HM kill and absolutely nothing for SM yet your own testing team needed 340 blue to complete R4 HM…. Why?! And how did this get passed to live??



    In closing, my guild is taking a beating on Dominique SM getting her 9/8% while in HM we can get to phase 2 on first boss but we have to run 6/2 set up with zero tank which feels unnatural with players who haven’t DPS munch but spent the last few months+ gearing gold augs for tank equipment. You either allow us to buy 332 blue gear and upgrade using all currencies available or nerf R4 to put it line with other 8-man raid teams using a traditional 2/4/2 set up or don’t and watch the unsubs as you did with Gods, one of the worst raids in the game that “no one asked for”

  2. Almost 2 weeks since R4’s launch and I have to say this raid is kind of dreadful. My guild and I spent months running SM’s for tech fragments to upgrade implants on multiple alts or gold augment materials and HM’s to dust off the rust and work as an organized team however nothing could have prepared us for the mess that is R4.



    First and for most before I negatively pan this raid, I would like to point out this is a fun raid when all the pieces align. The encounters are challenging, breaking up the formula with more mechanics and team work. That said, this is still a mess but, it didn’t have to be. The groups clearing it right now all have several key components in common:



    1) they aren’t using the same classes from start to finish, lots of class swapping.

    2) running Zero tank or 1 tank/1heal group for maximum DPS sounds optimal except Swtor raids have never been released this way, overtime you can cheese with better gear but to just sit out tanks and heals or tell them to play dps is discouraging.

    3) All kills as I’ve seen so far in posted screen shots or on star parse are utilizing a Pyrotech for the Last Fight.



    These 3 components are the most common I’ve seen over the successful groups who have either taken down SM R4 or recently the team that took down HM R4 running 1 tank and healer + pyrotech. Seems something is really off and it has to be the fact we can’t gear for HM R4 to run another wise optimal traditional group.



    SM R4 token doesn't make any sense whatsoever when your own internal testing team took down R4 in Blue 340 gear…Seriously why is their 2 R4 tokens and 2 gear paths locked behind 1 difficulty? It doesn’t make any sense, realistically the R4 tokens should just be universal allowing you to buy 332 gear (blue) and upgrade it utilizing all currencies in game, that way all content remains relevant while funneling all through R4. The true reward of 340 purple gear should absolutely be locked behind HM boss kills which again creates the incentive for the few that would. Doesn’t this sound like “natural progression” or does an ops team of 8 class's swapping every boss and eventually ditching tanks and healers for a range/AoE heavy group gaining both gear progressions simultaneously sound like “natural progression”



    “I FEEL LIKE IM TAKING CRAZY PILLS” what is wrong with this raid?? You mean to say killing the first boss in R4 HM awards everyone a token for 332 while a lucky 2 get a 340 piece on top of the 332 pieces. So 2/8 get 340 and 8/8 get 332 at the same time. 10 pieces of loot for 1 HM kill and absolutely nothing for SM yet your own testing team needed 340 blue to complete R4 HM…. Why?! And how did this get passed to live??



    In closing, my guild is taking a beating on Dominique SM getting her 9/8% while in HM we can get to phase 2 on first boss but we have to run 6/2 set up with zero tank which feels unnatural with players who haven’t DPS munch but spent the last few months+ gearing gold augs for tank equipment. You either allow us to buy 332 blue gear and upgrade using all currencies available or nerf R4 to put it line with other 8-man raid teams using a traditional 2/4/2 set up or don’t and watch the unsubs as you did with Gods, one of the worst raids in the game that “no one asked for”

  3. This fight is just uncalled for


    Seriously, we can make the checks dropping our tanks and that's uncalled for. Why make a raid only to promote this toxic guild BS benching our tanks who don't have or never dps'ed only to bring extra dps/heals. The floor moves too fast, 2 big bombs is just an FU to the group who has to already deal with splitting so far and wide. Than you lock 2 sets of gear in VM. How are we suppose to get the stats to actually do VM? I'm sitting here in 331 gear and gold augs which is just dumb when we clear the SM for nothing, no rewards and the tokens should just be 1 R4 universal token that buys 332 gear and upgrades instead of 2 different tokens and a 3rd item token for 340 gear.


    This either gets a nerf and the floor timing lowered so ppl can actually process and move or you make it so these SM tokens can buy 332 gear and upgrade it running SM than walk into VM like every other MMO....Get gear in one mode to than get better in the second mode....progression. Stop trying to be different and just copy what works, your team is lazy and clearly you hate the players if you think this boss is working as intended causing guild drama just to sit our tanks in order to push a boss phase.

  4. I just got MM SoV.

    I'm operative heal with blue hm op/mm fp 323 (a mixture of 322-326) gear.

    Bask Sunn literally ONE SHOT me when I was at 100% HP.

    I'm not exaggerate. He one shot me at full health which never happened in 6.0.


    I can't heal MM Umbara final boss because my healing stat is way lower than in 6.0. I knew I can't heal it even before I saw the 250k random damage.


    Not only do I heal less, my energy also burns WAY FASTER. I can't count the times I was at 0 energy because there were two burst heals in a short time-the same situation I had no problem managing my energy before.


    This no-mod gears and lv80 "balancing" are broken as hell.


    BTW I refuse to heal Copero and Nathema this week, thank you very much. The Copero second boss is already broken before, I don't want to see how much worse it is now.




    I hope more Healers like you come forward. This needs to be rebalanced and, BioWare has to address this sooner than later

  5. A Traitor Among The Chiss

    The Nathema Conspiracy

    Spirit of Vengeance

    Ruins of Nul


    4/9 dungeons are absolutely unplayable


    Just got done failing Nathema final boss for over an hour with a full ilev 326 group. The damage output compared to the healing is undoable and BioWare doesn't seem to care. This whole patch and gear changing only to limit the pool of ppl willing to gear not to mention the level 80 hike on all dungeons post SoR expansion are too hard. Not even HM KP was this difficult and I healed that in a full run with a mix of 322/324 gear. This is just uncalled for and I don't know if I'm willing to maintain a sub through 7.0


    Before this patch I healed every MM multiple times over and now this feels like a struggle bus. What do I need 328/330 Rakata gear to heal MM now? Come on BioWare! Seriously, Last week a similar geared group I was in failed in Crisis on the Tank Boss due to massive 250k-280k hits on a single blast not to mention adds and AoE fire also 6m+ hp's. Nul is still unplayable, yet every FP Post SoR I was able to heal in MM with under a 326 ilev. Currently I'm fully geared in 326+ both implants at 330 and can't heal the final bosses on anything Post SoR in 7.0 except Conclave which is the only one that feels normal.


    Limiting the players that would be able to do content all while no restrictions on the que so I can't tell you how many 250/286/306 geared 80's I see in MM and expect to be carried. Then you create the worst gearing progression in the game just to sell more CM items but don't even include the weapons in the dressing mode and in 7.1 you're gonna give the privilege of modded gear back to the hands of the top 1% who will have access.


    I can't anymore, I try and try to support you guys but you change everything and test nothing. At least with WoW the devs that do make changes are the ones who have a sub and know the pain of the players first hand. I highly doubt none of you ever tested 7.0 and even when I was in the pts It was next to impossible to get a fully geared group to test FP's post SoR which in the current state are unplayable or undoable w/o cheesing certain mechanics.


    All Post SoR Fp's need to rebalanced, HP's need to be reduced and damage output reduced. 250k hits from the Spider tank are un called for. Not even anything in HM EC or DP/DF hit that hard. Right now I use 3 Sorcs to heal and when I que into an unplayable FP I trade my gear to the next healer and reque. Is that what I have to do to enjoy 7.0?


    End Rant

  6. t's TOO much RNG to be an MMO. Like seriously for those of you who enjoy this change you should just play iOS/Google play games for the same cheap thrill of opening loot crates tied to xp farming cause that's "FREE" currently and does not require a monthly sub. This is the worst thing they could ever do guilds who don't need, nor care about the rest of the peons around them as we can network among ourselves, raid for the BIS gear, and achieve feats/rewards the normal player couldn't. This homogenized approach to bring so call balance waters down the entire process of what makes an MMO.


    It's OK if everyone doesn't have the best pve gear, it's OK if everyone doesn't have the best pvp gear, it's OK if you didn't get that special mount no longer available, it's OK if you never even killed Revan. You should always be gated to content you didn't play. This is gonna hurt guilds, slow down progression to a crawl, and create a false sense of accomplishment since those with a high command rank will have better gear vs those who earned it playing a *********** MMO. WOW did a lot of casual implementation to create a second generation community among old timers, however the very best gear was still gated to those who were willing to work for it. I'm sorry if I sound like a QQ'ing elitist but these changes hurt entire guilds of friends and families while giving all the incentive to the solo player.


    BW not only jumped the shark, they **** the bed as well. I have no more reason to play this game anymore. It's no longer SWTOR it's became a Recycled Space Diablo Like Looter with 0 intuitive endgame, 0 ambition, and with limited effort they can now just increase the level 5 more times and reset all content again, and again which sounds a lot like Diablo. Which I love don't get me wrong, however Diablo doesn't require a sub to play, and it's gearing resets every season. This game is horrible, and if you have a voice I strongly let BW hear it with your wallet and unsub or fill up that forum till they change this factor. If you kill a boss you should get gear, if you raid the hardest content then you should have the best gear. If you play ranked pvp, then you should have the best rewards, that's why people play MMO's.

  7. At this point maybe we should just all unsub for a week in protest, I'm sure BW would have no choice then to respond if 500+ subs just cut their subscription. Those who are unwilling to unsub out of principle shouldn't buy a single cartel market item this week, and for the F2P user base I would just not log on. BW needs to see an opposition to this "event" which let's be real here it's the ultimate FU to us fans who kept playing, paying & defending it.


    If they wanted to give back to the player base, maybe all the awards should be retroactive to your current legacy, then if you decide to fill in the blanks to finish off the champion/eternal/legendary requirements it would be your choice, on any toon rather feeling forced to start fresh after 5yrs of dedication. Seriously we should all be on the same page and realize we have that power. I'm tired of HK themed items which require next to nothing in development, less than 2h of story content a month, unnecessary nerfs to classes, and now a community event which forces you to start fresh for more meaningless awards stripped from the CM, oh and 2 more companions without any personality, story, or reason to be in the game.


    Fight back, fight with your wallet, fight for common sense and don't let an EA property get away with this. I love how BW teased this idea of the rewards we could expect from these so called DvL boxes such as:

    Tulak Hord’s Armor Set

    Satele Shan’s Armor Set

    Revan Reborn’s Armor Set

    Black/Black and White/White Dye

    MSM J-37 Jetpack

    Volatile Conqueror’s Lightsaber

    Cathar Honor Sword

    Unstable Arbiter’s Lightsaber

    Two new Weapon Tunings, Dark-attuned and Light-attuned

    And more!


    Notice "Armor set", yea at first glance I assume we would pop an actually armor set out of the crate which in fairness I would like but no everything is split into Upper/Lower/Supplementary.....This is a great way to show 5yr's worth of subbing with a nice copy/paste job modeling a Diablo 3 like season element which works in a grindy ARPG. Maybe I've just lost it lol

  8. I have a question, Why aren't flashpoint decorations dropping? Before 4.0 I use to farm Flashpoints for certain decorations like the cryogen med tank from Lost Isle, or the Statue of the Emperor from False Emperor, The Slave Statue from Korriban Incursion, etc. Before 4.0 I was solo farming 50's, had a friend for the 55's, and ran a guild group for the 60's which I noticed the lev(60) flashpoints at the time had a much lower drop rate in comparison to what felt like a 75% drop rate in the older flashpoints.


    Since the patch and the recycle of all flash points I've not seen a single decoration drop from the last boss or bonus. I've run so many, and not a single decoration. If a dev reads this or a player who knows more, does someone know what happen to these decorations on the loot tables?


    Also the forgotten relics/manaan token don't drop either from the last boss, can't finish my armor set or buy the large obelisk. Oddly enough I see a few of these decorations in the GTN and have been tracking the names of the sellers since 4.0, and one in particular is selling 2 slave statues for 10m each, and since the early access of 4.0 he's been the only one selling them. So I have to assume this guy is lucky or not a single one has dropped for anyone else since the release of 4.0

  9. So, I'll admit when I first read the sorc nerfs to healing which at first I knew it was comming and felt like I can overcome it. I've been on my server of Twin Spears now for 34days played total, and with that said I know just how OP we were. From 8/16 man raids to BG's, even just solo questing I have to say were the flavor of the month. I can admit that we needed a bug fix, a fix that wouldn't allow us to out put two back to back 1.3sec Dark Infusion healing 10-12k in the mater of seconds. A bug fix that could have been easy to remove and still keep the class smooth.........NOPE! Instead my Dark Infusion which I hooked a 2TB external and was running a log last night and holy hell. It's ugly and I'm done. To all the trolls, and hard core BW freaks let me tell you I've been playing MMO's for about 10yrs. From the dark days of EQ, to the glory days of WOW, and never have I've been apart of the am-mature hour that EA-ware has produced.


    Again I'm admitting fully that due to the bug we were OP, so before 1.2 and just painting a pic for you in math .I had 2009willpower, 35%crit, 58%surge, 10%alc, 628+ heals. Now when I threw up a Resurgence and proc Force Binding I could hit a tank for 2/Dark Infusions at 6.6k at a total of 13k in just 2 fast clicks=OP!!! (so this needs to be fixed): also note the 2009willpower is huge compared to most, well I have Ear/Imp/Trinks all with +28 willpower augments. Also If I felt like going higher I could pop my Artifice power trink for a massive 702+ healing or pop my surge/crit trink that would send me 80% surge, and 40%crit for a 7+k heal. Again OP.


    Now LOL after loking at the log for the first time, why it can't be in game like that other game....lets look at my new stats. Well raid buff I have 1970willpower cause someone didn't tell us augments were getting split and adding more HP's seemed like the move to ensure this system would be abused, or maybe just lazy, or idk BW has a generator of reasons at this point they address in (yellow). Crit/Surg/Alc the same but I'm at a 624+ heal so no biggie there. So lets throw some healz 1970willpower, 35%crit, 58%surge, 10%alc and 624+healz. Casting Resurgence on main tank in Nightmare KP and look at these numbers. 5.8k. 3.2k, 3.6k, 3.8k, 5.5k, 5.8k. So not to shabby but no 6k even once unless I poped a trink then I hit a 6.1, and 6.3, again not to bad. But My dark Infussion is at a 2.3sec cast!!!!!! I watched my tank, and sometimes the person near him Die cause I couldn't save them. Bubbles don't absorb enough, Dark Heal even with the force binding proc of 60% chance to crit only outputs a 3.2, 3.4, 2.8, 3.4........No different then before and when I'm getting hit in Light armor for 15,876k and have 19,126HP yea healing myself is a pain, but a tank who has 22-23k it just too hard when here I am watching the slowest heal ever and that tank can kiss his ***** goodbye cause time and time again I failed. So I tried quick heals like Dark Heal and yea lol, Heal Pots heal better then that. So my AOE healing is nice. 450-780 ticks is big, prob the best and only real heal we have now only issue is it's a situtional heal that can't always be preformed and has to be called out so ppl know where to stand heal and move out of the way. It seems to be the only way since trying to keep a tank alive is work, and I don't mind a challange but this seems vinditive. Like to say the Empire is 50% sorc is prob true but I picked this class cause I enjoy healing and the story. I don't pvp at all and those that were exploting or just too hard to kill based on skill and a bug QQ'ed for the nerf well thanks to you all my sever will be down yet another healer. I'm unsubbing today and thanks EA-ware for the 30day's free and the pet but to be honest I would rather a check for 200$ since this game is unplesent and in my 34days played I can't think of a day I really had fun w/o my guildies, or firends on cause this game feels more like a chore rather then a hobby.


    In short I like this game and it's sad you had to take lazy way of making contenet hard by clipping off classes that most raids were built on. Instead of fixing the bug and maybe bring up the healers to a common middle to work with. Nope EA-ware can add this title to the free to play in 6month catagory since this is the final nail for me and I really want my money back for buying your Collector's Edition Box cause thats all it was, nothing really special or cutting edge just a big box. Plus the few months worth of money spent trying to give a damn and kept saying, they'll get it right. Hopfully. Maybe. Well I'm not faithfull especially after Mass Effect 3, and DA2. I don't have 7yrs to wait like I did with that other game and yea call me whatever you want. Or troll me idc, I'm not some noob or part of the group of ppl who QQ right away, but I couldn't stay silent on this at all. It felt disappointing more then anything and hear to say goodbye and good luck EA-ware.

  10. So, I'll admit when I first read the sorc nerfs to healing which at first I knew it was comming and felt like I can overcome it. I've been on my server of Twin Spears now for 34days played total, and with that said I know just how OP we were. From 8/16 man raids to BG's, even just solo questing I have to say were the flavor of the month. I can admit that we needed a bug fix, a fix that wouldn't allow us to out put two back to back 1.3sec Dark Infusion healing 10-12k in the mater of seconds. A bug fix that could have been easy to remove and still keep the class smooth.........NOPE! Instead my Dark Infusion which I hooked a 2TB external and was running a log last night and holy hell. It's ugly and I'm done. To all the trolls, and hard core BW freaks let me tell you I've been playing MMO's for about 10yrs. From the dark days of EQ, to the glory days of WOW, and never have I've been apart of the am-mature hour that EA-ware has produced.


    Again I'm admitting fully that due to the bug we were OP, so before 1.2 and just painting a pic for you in math .I had 2009willpower, 35%crit, 58%surge, 10%alc, 628+ heals. Now when I threw up a Resurgence and proc Force Binding I could hit a tank for 2/Dark Infusions at 6.6k at a total of 13k in just 2 fast clicks=OP!!! (so this needs to be fixed): also note the 2009willpower is huge compared to most, well I have Ear/Imp/Trinks all with +28 willpower augments. Also If I felt like going higher I could pop my Artifice power trink for a massive 702+ healing or pop my surge/crit trink that would send me 80% surge, and 40%crit for a 7+k heal. Again OP.


    Now LOL after loking at the log for the first time, why it can't be in game like that other game....lets look at my new stats. Well raid buff I have 1970willpower cause someone didn't tell us augments were getting split and adding more HP's seemed like the move to ensure this system would be abused, or maybe just lazy, or idk BW has a generator of reasons at this point they address in (yellow). Crit/Surg/Alc the same but I'm at a 624+ heal so no biggie there. So lets throw some healz 1970willpower, 35%crit, 58%surge, 10%alc and 624+healz. Casting Resurgence on main tank in Nightmare KP and look at these numbers. 5.8k. 3.2k, 3.6k, 3.8k, 5.5k, 5.8k. So not to shabby but no 6k even once unless I poped a trink then I hit a 6.1, and 6.3, again not to bad. But My dark Infussion is at a 2.3sec cast!!!!!! I watched my tank, and sometimes the person near him Die cause I couldn't save them. Bubbles don't absorb enough, Dark Heal even with the force binding proc of 60% chance to crit only outputs a 3.2, 3.4, 2.8, 3.4........No different then before and when I'm getting hit in Light armor for 15,876k and have 19,126HP yea healing myself is a pain, but a tank who has 22-23k it just too hard when here I am watching the slowest heal ever and that tank can kiss his ***** goodbye cause time and time again I failed. So I tried quick heals like Dark Heal and yea lol, Heal Pots heal better then that. So my AOE healing is nice. 450-780 ticks is big, prob the best and only real heal we have now only issue is it's a situtional heal that can't always be preformed and has to be called out so ppl know where to stand heal and move out of the way. It seems to be the only way since trying to keep a tank alive is work, and I don't mind a challange but this seems vinditive. Like to say the Empire is 50% sorc is prob true but I picked this class cause I enjoy healing and the story. I don't pvp at all and those that were exploting or just too hard to kill based on skill and a bug QQ'ed for the nerf well thanks to you all my sever will be down yet another healer. I'm unsubbing today and thanks EA-ware for the 30day's free and the pet but to be honest I would rather a check for 200$ since this game is unplesent and in my 34days played I can't think of a day I really had fun w/o my guildies, or firends on cause this game feels more like a chore rather then a hobby.


    In short I like this game and it's sad you had to take lazy way of making contenet hard by clipping off classes that most raids were built on. Instead of fixing the bug and maybe bring up the healers to a common middle to work with. Nope EA-ware can add this title to the free to play in 6month catagory since this is the final nail for me and I really want my money back for buying your Collector's Edition Box cause thats all it was, nothing really special or cutting edge just a big box. Plus the few months worth of money spent trying to give a damn and kept saying, they'll get it right. Hopfully. Maybe. Well I'm not faithfull especially after Mass Effect 3, and DA2. I don't have 7yrs to wait like I did with that other game and yea call me whatever you want. Or troll me idc, I'm not some noob or part of the group of ppl who QQ right away, but I couldn't stay silent on this at all. It felt disappointing more then anything and hear to say goodbye and good luck EA-ware.

  11. So, I'll admit when I first read the sorc nerfs to healing which at first I knew it was comming and felt like I can overcome it. I've been on my server of Twin Spears now for 34days played total, and with that said I know just how OP we were. From 8/16 man raids to BG's, even just solo questing I have to say were the flavor of the month. I can admit that we needed a bug fix, a fix that wouldn't allow us to out put two back to back 1.3sec Dark Infusion healing 10-12k in the mater of seconds. A bug fix that could have been easy to remove and still keep the class smooth.........NOPE! Instead my Dark Infusion which I hooked a 2TB external and was running a log last night and holy hell. It's ugly and I'm done. To all the trolls, and hard core BW freaks let me tell you I've been playing MMO's for about 10yrs. From the dark days of EQ, to the glory days of WOW, and never have I've been apart of the am-mature hour that EA-ware has produced.


    Again I'm admitting fully that due to the bug we were OP, so before 1.2 and just painting a pic for you in math .I had 2009willpower, 35%crit, 58%surge, 10%alc, 628+ heals. Now when I threw up a Resurgence and proc Force Binding I could hit a tank for 2/Dark Infusions at 6.6k at a total of 13k in just 2 fast clicks=OP!!! (so this needs to be fixed): also note the 2009willpower is huge compared to most, well I have Ear/Imp/Trinks all with +28 willpower augments. Also If I felt like going higher I could pop my Artifice power trink for a massive 702+ healing or pop my surge/crit trink that would send me 80% surge, and 40%crit for a 7+k heal. Again OP.


    Now LOL after loking at the log for the first time, why it can't be in game like that other game....lets look at my new stats. Well raid buff I have 1970willpower cause someone didn't tell us augments were getting split and adding more HP's seemed like the move to ensure this system would be abused, or maybe just lazy, or idk BW has a generator of reasons at this point they address in (yellow). Crit/Surg/Alc the same but I'm at a 624+ heal so no biggie there. So lets throw some healz 1970willpower, 35%crit, 58%surge, 10%alc and 624+healz. Casting Resurgence on main tank in Nightmare KP and look at these numbers. 5.8k. 3.2k, 3.6k, 3.8k, 5.5k, 5.8k. So not to shabby but no 6k even once unless I poped a trink then I hit a 6.1, and 6.3, again not to bad. But My dark Infussion is at a 2.3sec cast!!!!!! I watched my tank, and sometimes the person near him Die cause I couldn't save them. Bubbles don't absorb enough, Dark Heal even with the force binding proc of 60% chance to crit only outputs a 3.2, 3.4, 2.8, 3.4........No different then before and when I'm getting hit in Light armor for 15,876k and have 19,126HP yea healing myself is a pain, but a tank who has 22-23k it just too hard when here I am watching the slowest heal ever and that tank can kiss his ***** goodbye cause time and time again I failed. So I tried quick heals like Dark Heal and yea lol, Heal Pots heal better then that. So my AOE healing is nice. 450-780 ticks is big, prob the best and only real heal we have now only issue is it's a situtional heal that can't always be preformed and has to be called out so ppl know where to stand heal and move out of the way. It seems to be the only way since trying to keep a tank alive is work, and I don't mind a challange but this seems vinditive. Like to say the Empire is 50% sorc is prob true but I picked this class cause I enjoy healing and the story. I don't pvp at all and those that were exploting or just too hard to kill based on skill and a bug QQ'ed for the nerf well thanks to you all my sever will be down yet another healer. I'm unsubbing today and thanks EA-ware for the 30day's free and the pet but to be honest I would rather a check for 200$ since this game is unplesent and in my 34days played I can't think of a day I really had fun w/o my guildies, or firends on cause this game feels more like a chore rather then a hobby.


    In short I like this game and it's sad you had to take lazy way of making contenet hard by clipping off classes that most raids were built on. Instead of fixing the bug and maybe bring up the healers to a common middle to work with. Nope EA-ware can add this title to the free to play in 6month catagory since this is the final nail for me and I really want my money back for buying your Collector's Edition Box cause thats all it was, nothing really special or cutting edge just a big box. Plus the few months worth of money spent trying to give a damn and kept saying, they'll get it right. Hopfully. Maybe. Well I'm not faithfull especially after Mass Effect 3, and DA2. I don't have 7yrs to wait like I did with that other game and yea call me whatever you want. Or troll me idc, I'm not some noob or part of the group of ppl who QQ right away, but I couldn't stay silent on this at all. It felt disappointing more then anything and hear to say goodbye and good luck EA-ware.

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