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Posts posted by Cormanth

  1. At this moment I already spent so many materials, that even IF i would get a recipe, I guess i should ask close to 500k a 1mil for 1 item, to earn back the investment costs.


    I have to agree with this statement completely. Considering the high cost involved with trying to RE an item, it kinda forces crafters to then turn around and put a hefty pricetag on those items to recoup some of their losses. I have personally spent over 100k just trying to RE a single GREEN to BLUE. In the grand scheme of things I have spent much, much more than that, but I think 100k was probably the highest I've spent on a single item. Does that mean I should be charging 10k for each of those items I sell, hoping to sell 10 of them so I can break even? What if every crafter who's gone through this priced their items accordingly? Would there be any crafted items for sale? Would anyone even want to buy them? Does anyone even want to buy them now, considering the availability of comparable items from loot/pvp/commendations?


    If this were a real market situation, with the amount of time and money you have to invest in research (reverse engineering), you would either need to have a really hot product that everyone wants to buy, or you would have to put an outrageous price on the item and hope that you sell enough. Otherwise your business is doomed to failure before it even starts.

  2. I've pretty much given up on crafting for now unless I need something that I already have a blue schematic for. Reverse Engineering has become too much of a grind, with the low success rate, to be enjoyable. And if there's one thing I cannot stand in MMOs, it's the grind. Reverse Engineering something should be based on skill and understanding, rather than randoms and which way the wind happens to be blowing (by the way, I have noticed a slightly higher success rate when RE'ing in a densely populated zone).


    Point is, with the amount of time, credits and resources you have to dump into reverse engineering to get a useable schematic, coupled with the high availability of commendation/loot/pvp comparable items... I just don't see the point in spending day after day trying to reverse engineer an item only to run out of resources... having to go collect resources again (and don't get me started on the mission resources).


    I have actually gotten so frustrated with the constant failures in RE that I have shut the game down and walked away for the day. I don't personally see any aspect of a game that has that kind of effect on players to be a good quality.

  3. Check your character sheet.


    If you mouse-over that different stats/bonuses in your character sheet, you'll get a tooltip explaining what each is based on. In the bottom section you have 2 panes showing your effectiveness. There is a drop-down for each pain to choose what type of stats you want to see. If you're a force user, choose Force, if you're a healer, choose Healing. Then put your mouse over the stats and it will show you what attributes (power, surge, crit, alacrity, etc.) applies to that stat and how much each adds to it.


    It took me a few days to figure this out, but it really gives you a much better understanding of the attributes and how they apply.

  4. I don't buy anything except skill upgrades and I'll run some underworld trading missions and I only have 15k credits at level 20. All I do is quests with very little warzones.


    You're level 20. Don't expect to be rich at this level. At level 20 I had approximately 20k, then I started crafting (as we all know that eats your income). By the time I hit 30 I had over 100k. I was able to maintain a healthy crafting schedule, buy a speeder license, increase my inventory size (twice for a total of 25k) buy a few upgrades... and I still had about 30k left. I made back everything I spent in a day. Now I'm making roughly 100k a day.


    You want to know what the secret is? There is no secret. I crafting, due research missions, hunt, run nearly every mission I come across (excluding most Flashpoints) and I loot just about every mob I kill. Sell your trash loot and you'll make a bundle. I have not done any pvp, nor have I sold anything on the market. I buy items regularly and occasionally waste money on items that I don't need. And yet I still make about 100k profit a day.


    By the time you hit level 30, you'll probably be averaging 40 - 60k a day in credits if you loot and sell everything you kill. If you have a problem with having to constantly loot mobs, turn on the auto-loot options and you won't have to deal with it so much.


    P.S. I forgot to mention, my skills are now costing me about 22k each (averaging 2 - 3 per level) and I still finish each day with about 120k in my pocket.

  5. I give Bioware a firm B+ today.


    Communication was a little lacking today... more so than yesterday.


    I would have liked to have seen more players getting in today, but I completely understand the logic behind the delay.


    I give BW a solid A in all categories except communication, which pulls their overall grade down to a B+.


    Maybe a little extra credit will help bring their grade back up tomorrow.

  6. Originally Posted by Zajen

    unless you all pre-orderd at the exact same time.


    True or False?

    Real friends would wait for you.


    Real friends would create a temp character on a different server, learn what they could of the game and what needs to be done. That way when their friends are ready to play, they could be able to help them get going quicker and answer questions those friends might have.

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