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Posts posted by Zosimah

  1. I normally avoid threads like this one but since you brought up the topic I'll respond. I am in the guild that "ruined" your event, at least we are the guild that was called out by name on Oricon. My guild has around 9-10 members on any given day and there were a whopping four of us involved in the world PvP on Oricon. Four (4). That's it. If four of us ruined your event it was the will of the force for it to fail.


    Kill trading in an area often populated by skilled and well geared people is rarely a good idea anyway. We came around to run an end of the week HM Council kill and saw a bunch of flagged Pubs...so we killed them. They came at us again...and we killed them again. This is not uncommon in the areas outside DF/DP.


    I didn't see anyone trying to explain things. If they had, I would most likely have gone away if I had realized it wasn't folks engaging in legit world PvP. What little was said in /s was mostly taunts and whining.


    It's world PVP, that's how it works. Take your shameful kill trading and go somewhere else. What's the point in the achievement / title if you have to trade kills to get it?

  2. Should have purchased a physical copy. ;D


    I have the physical disks...and they don't work. To use the early run of CE DVDs, you have to make alternate directories, rename files, manually alter permissions, rename files again, start the download over (because the launcher on the disks doesn't work), then repair, and rename the final directory. Yeah, the physical disks are so much better.

  3. Terminova, we aren't allowed to back them up. Posting links to those sites/programs which enable cheating will get the thread closed or locked and possibly the poster banned. We can't post the names of people cheating as that isn't allowed either. I'm really happy that you don't have to deal with these problems on your server(s), but sadly many of us do and we are displeased at the ostrich approach Bioware appears to be taking with the worst of the problems.


    It's great that the developers are working on the problems on their end (warzone team size, Error 9000 disconnects, etc). A good many players would like to see more done to not only combat but stop pretending player initiated cheats don't exist.

  4. I wouldn't say we are hardest hit, and it's really only members of one guild, save the speed hacks. The issue is the PvP community is only so big and so you run into these folks constantly as Imperial players do mostly Huttball against other Imperial players.


    In addition to the direct problems, the behavior leads to other team members leaving then an amazingly fast revolving door as players join/leave. Of course, they don't simply win the match, they go to 5 goals and then farm for the rest of the match. People are finally refusing to allow themselves to be valor fodder. This continues to lower the entertainment value for the rest.

  5. I just unsub'd because of this issue. My server has a well known group of hackers. They can be seen running in full rakata PvE gear and 1k+ Expertise. One of them is well known for hitting people for 16k+ dmg. Another of his guildies has been seen doing in excess of 3.2 million dmg and 1 million healing in the same Alderan match.


    The general routine is the same. They die a few matches in a row, they are about as difficult/easy to kill as others of their class and gear. Then they come back in the next match and you can't get them below 90% health and they laugh then start 1-2 shotting people. It synch's up with them turning off their live stream. They talk about in their guild vent, teach others how to do it and laugh that Bioware can't do anything about it.


    I gave up on even caring about speed hacking. It's so common that it's just an accepted part of the game now. I understand lag "warping" and that's just part of an mmo. Speed hacking is quite obviously different.


    My friends and I have reported it with screenshots, dates/times, etc. We have been told that it's a "UI Bug" and the scoreboard at the end of matches isn't actually accurate.


    I haven't decided yet what I will do about the server community forum that I host. It would be a shame to can them at this point, but it's hard to justify the expense and time involved if I'm not even playing the game because of something like this.

  6. I'm over on Empire on Giradde the Hutt. I can't compare to other servers, but I'm having a blast. Players are getting to know each other and most of the comments in trade are light hearted teasing based off of PvP or flashpoint "funnies." It's a fairly positive community and it's not hard to fill groups at most levels (I've never had a problem at any level, but YMMV).


    We also have a growing community base on our own server forum. http://www.giraddathehutt.com It's not perfect or overly active atm, but it's new and at least shows that there are folks on the server that care about the community and its development.


    The Hutt istself is a PvE East Coast server. However, we have lots of timeszones represented so we have a fairly large "prime time" window.

  7. Giradda the Hutt isn't bad. I can't quote numbers, but groups fill fairly easy and there's a nice mix of timezones so there's a fairly large "prime time" window. Empire seems to be the dominant faction and there are lots of guilds so you should be able to find the guild for you with a little trial and error. It's definitely not too late to reroll. There are lots of folks leveling their first and many folks leveling alts right now. It doesn't seem hard to get anything done.


    There's also the Unofficial Server Forum for the Hutt. http://www.giraddathehutt.com Come on over and get in on the ground floor. We'd love to have you.

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