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Posts posted by Atrummos

  1. dude your probably the only jugg that can pull vengeance off, sad to see you go ]:


    Eh, I'm not in the least upset about it. I've been on less and less due to real life commitments.


    For those that would like to know, though, my reasoning for leaving is simple: It's not that I can't play with lag or bad ping, it's I choose to let my actions speak instead of shouting words. I don't like having to pay for anything that is not of a suitably high standard. I remember playing on US servers with the shuddering on worlds like Alderaan that gave me a headache. I'm not going to pay for something and say 'Oh, I guess I can live with that.'


    If I have to make comprises, I won't be enjoying the game.


    As I said, to those I've played with and against, I truly wish you all well. Whether you stick with the game or move on is not important in the slightest.


    Additionally, it was time for me to unsub as mine was due to roll over tomorrow and I pay 6 months at a time. I shall save my monies for the time being until I find some other way to waste them =P


    In the meantime I'll be FtP and likely seen running circles of the PvP area on the fleet doing nothing important whatsoever ... should probably give my credits to someone, though lol

  2. I unsubscribed both of my accounts (mine and my wife's) just then. Saddens me, as I enjoyed playing with many of you (and hated playing against some of you just enough to make it enjoyable).


    I wish everyone all the best in their future endeavours, whether they be gaming-related ones, or real life ones.


    Take care all.


    P.S. I will miss you, Huttball.

  3. The purpose of making this a 'tournament', as others have said, is not to award prizes but to encourage more ranked pvp on this server.


    The 'no bagging out' policy is to encourage more than the same 3-4 guilds from queueing up. Also, it might be hard for some to realise, but the majority of people who play this GAME do it for fun and place no value on their achievements inside the game when they log out. I know I for one do not include 'Playing SWTOR ranked' on my resumes when applying for jobs.


    There are some people who enjoy destroying the server's stability and undermining the work of those good people but we should pay them no mind -- there are a number of great people on this server both republic and imperial. Those who undermine the work of others are obviously unhappy with their lives and need to feel good by trying to bring others down. As has been posted many times, do not get drawn into an argument with them. That validates them. They are like that annoying kid in school who continually tries to hang out with the cool kids. Ignore them, they'll go away. Talk to or about them and they'll think they are popular and will continue being annoying.


    I do hope to see this ranked tournament get off the ground for a bit of fun before 2.0 comes out.


    Thanks to Woofi, Saedus and Vindrik for being the driving force behind it at this point.

  4. Just thought I'd drop my 2 cents in on this topic.


    To clear a few things up:


    *I am part of a PvP guild

    *I solo queue most nights until about 10pm my time (as that is when kids are in bed and I am able to play for a while without AFKing)

    *I regularly see people from other PvP guilds solo queueing almost as often as I see them in groups.


    This is my perspective on this whole issue, but feel it has been lost somewhere in the QQ about premades. The main reason why I joined a PvP guild and like grouping with like-minded people is not because I like to 'roflstomp' people or make their gaming experience a nightmare but it is because playing on the team of the god awful mouthbreathers is like smashing my face against a brick wall; not fun in the slightest.


    I honestly believe most genuine people who play and enjoy PvP do it for the challenge; but those same people when they are forced to group with the absolutely atrocious won't continue to play. And, I am sad to say it, but most people who complain about 'premades' (case in point this one from last night while PuGing someone thought it a great idea to comment 'Damn those XXXXXX [insert premade group's guild name] cross-healing each other' - as if healing is a no-no or something) are the terribads that those in premades are trying to avoid.


    Logically, if they are running in a group of 4 they only need to worry about carrying 4 of the bads instead of 6-7.


    Additionally, many of you are likely wondering 'Why don't you just do ranked?'. Couple of reasons, really: time, harder to have 8 people of the right class balance and make-up to form a team (yes, certain classes / specs are preferable over others ... it's not all get 8 people and run rated situation), no teams to go up against - on my server there are few PvP guilds that do rated anymore as the player-base is so low and there is no cross-server queues so pride gets in the way after a few losses.


    TL;DR Sometimes people run in 'premades' or groups of friends, as I like to call them, because they are trying desperately to minimize their chances of playing with the inept to save themselves the frustration.

  5. That gap is too far and the force fields too high for any jump to work and I'm fairly certain that said force fields don't drop until the bridge is all the way across anyway.


    So, for whatever reason that individual got across the gap Force Leap probably was not the cause.


    The gap is not too far at all. People will often try to get back over to the other side (from a defender's viewpoint) via a sorc pull or even an intercede. This is dangerous to do, though, as a competent jumper will notice and jump over himself for a nice handy cap.


    The only 'nerf' needed here is to nerf stupidity. Nobody should stand in the middle of the two shielded areas after dying. It's just asking for someone to leap you.

  6. Is it just me or does the respawn take FOREVER?


    You die and sit behind the door for sooo long, I have not timed it but it feels like you are there forever, and even then you have a nice long run to anywhere the action is.


    The concept is interesting, a little bit different with the explosion part but yet another WZ that completely favors great movement speed.


    I wish there was a more "storming the castle" type WZ, but of course that would be too complicated or imbalanced or something blah blah.


    I fraps my games regularly. Timed the respawn for guildies complaining of the same thing. The full lock-out timer was 30 seconds.


    It appears as if the principle design of this warzone is a deathmatch. If you always hold your pillar and the other team always holds theirs it becomes a DPS race in middle. Death hurts in this one.

  7. It has come to my attention about the forums and posting on "my" part. I would like to openly say that I'm not writing the last few posts on this topic. In case some of you have not realized, I don't play on Dalborra anymore. I have quit, and the reasons are my own. As for the drama that happens here so frequently, I for one, didn't start this here. My account as bioware would say it is "compromised". I recently contacted customer service about this issue but no luck to have these fairy recent posts removed (because they aren't mine.) About Dalborra as much fun and hate happens on it, I'm not on it anymore! So I won't be posting on the forums for Dalborra, if I don't even play on it. Duh! But it's probably a factor that no one knew that I have gone. Anyhow, reminder that I'm not playing anymore. And I'm pretty over the petty drama that happens so often. I get more drama just playing this game than in real life. Sigh. All in all, I will not apolagize for the posts, they aren't mine and I won't take responsibility. As for some of the people that don't like me on Dalborra, that's fine! Doesn't bother me. People gotta hate something, ya? As for the people that I enjoyed and had some great fun with, I wish you the best of luck in your game play and hope that you have great holiday time too! (Christmas! Omg how fun, ya?) I usually write my posts in that amazing pink :p, but I'm typing this in a blue. Because this will be my last post. Any more from me, is in fact not me. I have changed my password multiple times and had to wait a long time calling customer service but no luck. So! Hmm, as my final words of good bye, I'd like to formally say, nice to play with you all or have some harsh moments with some people. Love me, hate me, as someone once said, you're still thinking about me! ;) . Good luck Notorious on future raids etc, you guys were so fun! Even if you teased me so much and said some embarrassing things in vent (Cheat! Looking at you!) Good luck rest of imperial side guilds and people not in guilds. Good luck to republic side as well! (Shiroyasha fun playing hide and seek with you! :D) And thanks Tiemie for pocket healing me and showing me up in one of your videos, had a laugh and embarrasment. Spk thanks for doing dailies with me! And saving Carthy and I that one time on illum! Hahaha. Who else.. ah yeah thank you Arya, etc, etc, etc. I could go on forever, but those reading this will probably grow old and die by the time I'm done. So thanks all for the fun. Nice to meet and play with you or against. Always a new adventure on Dalborra. Daffy out :cool:


    Daffy, we never spent a lot of time on the same team (at least not while I was in Face and then SnX), but I sincerely wish you well on your new server and in your life away from the game.


    It is sad to see you go; I was only commenting on not seeing you about in quite some time just the other day. I hope you find happiness on your new server.


    Take care! (And Merry Christmas)


    P.S. Whomever it was that 'hacked' your account to, in effect, slander you by pretending their words were yours is cowardly and I hope they get what they deserve.

  8. It clearly skews to higher experienced folks but beyond that seems a bit random.


    My understanding was that it is not based on your Valor Rank but more on the progression through that rank. For instance, in my guild on my server we have an Elite Warlord player that never gets to be ops leader in warzones any more as he is max rank but cannot progress through that rank.


    So, someone who is 1000 points towards their next Valor Rank will get the ops leader over someone on max level.


    I hope I explained that well.

  9. This is more than likely a poster from my server; Dalborra.


    For two weeks now we have had bugged warzones where you are the only person in it. You three cap/score and then get full rewards.


    Sounds good, yes? Sounds funny, yes?


    Here's the catch...


    You get permanently stuck an operation group that you can never leave if you are unlucky and pop into this warzone.


    You get glitched and can not see your guild; in fact, no body can see you are in a guild.


    You are unable to hand in / collect quests


    You can not be invited to a group.


    And for over a week (last week) there was no level 50 pvp at all.


    So, this is not a troll. Probably just a frustrated Dalborrian.

  10. It's so funny to see people cry about this when Rage/Focus has been able to do that damage since......ever.


    While you are correct in your statement that rage/focus has been CAPABLE of doing that damage previously it was harder to do so because smash was not instant.


    Good players saved their push/stun etc for when they saw the stacks of singularity and witnessed the 'jump' animation of the smash.


    Now, you are either lucky with your timing or you get hit... and hard... in the face...


    Smash has become the braindead dps spec and it does sadden me, as vengeance was in need of some love (not the nerf it received).


    And, to clarify, I play a Sith Warrior, but fulfill the role of pvp tank, not smash spec

  11. I rather they fix what they break with previous patchs before they and more stuff to break stuff more and compound the issues


    You and me, both, bud.


    Like, for instance, on Dalborra server, no one can PvP at all as the game crashes and kicks to character screen (has done this for days).


    So, while I wish BW would do something... anything ... for the PvPers, be thankful that most of you can, you know, log into a game you pay money to play and actually do what you like.


    Others, like myself, are sadly being forced to pay to... well... write on the forums.

  12. Anyone know if this issue has been fixed yet.. hate to go a friday night with out doing a warzone..


    Sorry Kript, game as of almost 5pm AEST still not working. I logged in, complained a little in general chat; had someone argue that there's nothing wrong and everything works fine. Told them to queue solo for 50 pvp and we'd talk after their match... made my day when they went offline shortly after and came back to suddenly realise why I argued =P


    Besides doing that, there is nothing for me in SWTOR atm. Very disappointing, tbh. Ticketed the bug, no action... everything seems normal.


    I'll check back in later, but not counting on a fix till maybe next patch or perhaps the one after that /shrug

  13. Lordoss, sadly, I think the 'bad pugs' isn't just limited to Pub-side. So many PvE gear wearing people on my teams of late.


    It's very depressing though fun to wager on how many times they'll die.


    Good to see you back, btw. Now change your sig!

  14. Before I begin I will point out that I don't normally post in these threads and try my hardest to ignore all the 'kiddies' or 'bads' or whatever the term is nowadays for those that complain instead of trying to improve. But I am posting here because I hope to see other PvP communities continue as the one on my server has.


    I do hope all the people here 'complaining' about Ranked WZs being uneven do realize that we are currently in PRE-SEASON. What that basically means is that we are all live-testing the RWZs for BW. Ratings mean little to nothing right now.


    On my server the current 'top dog' is a guild called Cake is Real. You don't see people jumping on the forums to complain to nerf them or to match the rest of the teams so we don't play against them. People like myself enjoy coming up against the current top teams so we can learn their strategies and adapt to counter them.


    Please people, remember this is pre-season. Remember it is a game and should be played to have fun (and don't start the complaints about stuns being no fun etc as stuns are not that bad - just don't waste your CC break on every stun you get hit with).


    Of course, I do believe BW will implement cross server queueing for RWZs based on rank (where possible). I also think they have done a great job with rolling the RWZs from the PTS to live servers in such short time for live testing with minimal issues.


    I wish you all the best of luck in your future pvp matches.

  15. ... and guard needs to have its effectiveness reduced at least down to 30%. Having it at 50% on top of allowing taunts to stack with it adding it to 80% is just stupid....


    I disagree entirely. Guard is fine. Healers working together is fine (and in fact good play on their part).


    However, I believe a suitable 'fix' to the healer / guard issue comes not from teams that, say, run 2 healers and a dedicated tank but from the groups running 3 healers and dps in tank stance.


    That is something that gripes me. And, to be fair, you can't blame the players for doing so. It is the most viable method of running with 3 healers as the DPS lose minimal damage in tank stance and can help relieve the pressure on the healers being focus fired.


    And no, Bioware, the way to fix that is NOT to nerf tanks' damage output again. That will only hurt those tanks running as a dedicated tank, playing their role as it was meant to be played.


    The only real way to eliminate the endless 'dps in tank stance' players we see in WZs is to make a talent further up the tank tree that either increases the amount of damage siphoned via guard, or have tank stance require a certain number of points up the tank tree.


    Nerfing healing and/or tanks is not the answer.

  16. Very helpful, I recall at least one of those pulls being on a Jug.


    I know about resilience and deflection for stopping force leaps and pulls, I spam these on firepits. They're easier to spot though. Does unstoppable have any kind of give away so I know when not to cc/pull?


    But I'm 100% sure I've activated spinning kick on a shadow without either of those up.


    Concerning 'unstoppable' there is indeed a clear indication the person is under it's effects (and it's not, as some have suggested to try a CC and see if it works, as that wastes a GCD and a useful CC). When a Jugg charges and is specced to become 'unstoppable' they receive a hard to notice gold/orange ring at their feet but also a large, easy to notice gold/orange shield the size of their torso.


    If you see this, count to 4 then CC. Enjoy.

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