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Posts posted by Fidzlefou

  1. Also our abilitys to break stun should give us at least 4 seconds of immunity to stuns. Nothing pisses me off more then to break stun to imediately be stunned again.


    Then It's 100%-0% health stunlock , the main reason why I don't pvp alot anymore.

  2. The problem was it could be used by Juggs as a leap plateform in huttball (just like the holodancer). Notice also you cant do emotes on it anymore.:(


    They didnt fix the problem, they just removed the item and gave you a vanity pet isntead. Quicker, easier fix.


    This droid was a good source of RP while waiting for X.

  3. Is it a prebuilt computer, like a dell or whatever? If so just get an aftermarket cooler, like a Coolermaster Hyper 212 for like $25 and install it.


    It might take some time doing, because you have to affix a metal bracket on the bottom of the motherboard, but its well worth it.


    Best 25 $ I EVER invested in a compter part.

  4. Bioware PvP was developed by people who obviously never played MMOs before and thus decided to let players roll characters on both sides of the same server and hence, mass coordinated cheating.


    Solution: Force players to chose One side and offer free character transfers to different servers if you have chars on both sides of the same.


    In no way is it the CUSTOMERs fault that Bioware is run by people with Degrees from colleges rather than passionate players and coders. The entire industry has taken a crap since diploma'd management without passion for the product took over these artistic ventures.




    I keep telling people, This was a SINGLE PLAYER CONSOLE GAME at some point in the past. It Was slapped with MMO tag for profits and thats why ""every"" MMO feature in the game is absent or bugged. (PvP, guilds, WZ). Not to mention the absence of Hi-res textures, geez just like a Console game, isnt that a coincendence ?

  5. Dont get me wrong. I thoroughly enjoyed the game 1-50. Its just that 2 dozen 50s like to fall asleep at Republic Fleet and not do any FP's, Ops, or World Bosses.


    And doing the same 3 pvp maps or [even worse] hutball 99% of the time is more torture than anything.


    Crafting is dead at 400/400.

    and getting gear at 50 [which is kinda the only thing to do] seems to be like pulling teeth.


    Lots of content unlocks at 50. But its like no one wants to do it.

    a lot of the PVP gear looks the same. A lot of it no one knows how to get (those other Commendations that never drop from anywhere). No one does Hardmodes or Ops for you to get Raid gear... its just... wth are people doing at 50? am i missing something?


    and the rise of the rakhghouls? *claps.... sarcastically* not interested (unless it drops the mythical nonexistant Purple Color crystal for republic).


    You forgot the space combat, nothing to do there at 50.

  6. Try this at your own risks.


    If Windows 7


    C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local the locate the SWTOR folder , MAKE A BACKUP OF THE SWTOR FOLDER (make a copy on you desktop.)


    Then delete the folder and restart the game.Note: all game settings will be set back to DEFAULT


    If its still not working, you can copy back and replace the current folder with your backup and try something else.


    again... Try this at your own risks. It fixed alot of patching issue I had in BETA, but I've never tried in a LIVE version.



  7. I like how you think your customers are stupid. Instead of taking responsibility for improper software design, testing, and debugging you call every bug an exploit and try to punish us for your poor designs.


    90% of the stuff that is coming to light now was reported in the forums during the beta. You just got lazy and locked and deleted most of the threads.


    "This game screams rushed and sloppy to any experienced gamer."


    Sure, your servers were rock solid but what good is a rock solid server if the software it's serving is a turd.



    one thing they learned from WoW is no matter how bugged the game is , make sure it's accessible to the players.

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