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Posts posted by Sefron

  1. Hello,


    I was wondering when the server transfer option was going to be made available to players wishing to transfer either to the new AU servers, or between US/EU as current.


    I ask this because 1: I have not seen any news regarding new plans for transfers in some time, also, I started on a server of my own, but my mates chose another due to the fact the one I was on to begin with was full 99% of the time back in the big que days.


    Please provide an update, any feedback is better than nothing.



  2. Yes low everything. I can easily provide screenshots. I'm not denying that prob;ems exist I'm just saying it appears they don't exist for everyone even with older hardware.


    The op asked if upgrading his hardware would improve performance. I provided my input as to why I don't think it will.


    Thanks, appreciate the feedback. It helps me understand more about some of the reasons behind why everyone gets different results.

  3. I upgraded to a EVGA 550 TI from Newegg (picked a lower TI model as I had a deal in my email to get it for 120 USD plus a 15 mail in rebate). Since then I run it on High and in areas with shock and all that going maintain 60FPS. When recording I drop to like 30-35, depending. Granted with all this I'm still running on a Core Duo processor.. so this is amazing.


    Well thats good news for you.


    What card did you have before the upgrade?

  4. I'm running on a Sony Vaio Laptop that is 3 years old


    windows 7 64 bit

    Intel Core 2 Duo P8700 2.53GHz

    4.00 GB Ram

    On board video card


    I run 70-80 FPS everywhere. No matter what situation as long as I've played for less than 2 hours because then I start to overheat and my FPS slowly drains til I give my computer a 1 hour break.


    These system specs are complete crap compared to everyone having problems. Maybe there is an issue with resource allocation on video cards as opposed to on board video. Maybe there is some other resource allocation problem. I'm not sure all I know is my specs are worse and I have fewer issues so I don't think the graphics card upgrade is worth it imo


    You have had great luck... that's a 1 in a million.


    Back to discussion for people without super-computers within an old one.

  5. mmm yea, that's what I was expecting.


    I have been watching some PvP vids that some of the more popular PvP MB's and they have a super-smooth looking WZ's on high, even while fraps is on... I have tried to msg some of them on youtube, but have yet to get anything back.


    If I could get over 25 FPS in WZ (and having my graphics on max/low does not effect the performance at all) I would be happy.


    If that means I need to spend $500 on a new card, so be it... but I need some confirmation it's not going to be a waste


    My net is fine as far as I know, speeds are fine and ports are open, it's def a FPS over network issue.


    In regards to the mem leak - did he re-install Windows or the game? because my Win 7 64 is as clean/well performing.

  6. mmm yea, that's what I was expecting.


    I have been watching some PvP vids that some of the more popular PvP MB's and they have a super-smooth looking WZ's on high, even while fraps is on... I have tried to msg some of them on youtube, but have yet to get anything back.


    If I could get over 25 FPS in WZ (and having my graphics on max/low does not effect the performance at all) I would be happy.


    If that means I need to spend $500 on a new card, so be it... but I need some confirmation it's not going to be a waste

  7. This thread is for serious discussion on what you have experienced with your current graphics card. More directly, the people who have ‘bit the bullet’ and went out and purchased a new graphics card to make up for the lack of QC/testing that went into zones with more than 5 people at a time *cough


    This Tom’s link shows some very simple (not in PvP unfortunately) graphics card performance comparison chart with a few different Q3/4 graphics cards of 2011 running tests and showing some of the varying FPS amongst the cards.



    Me myself, I have an i7 920 (getting old now) 6 GB DDRIII, Vertex SSD and unfortunately the now well out-dated HD 5850. Now while my rig plays all the well tested/stable engine game such as Skyrim on max full everything @ about 60-70 FPS, this game lets it down the most.



    So please, for those of you who have gone out and spent your hard earned money to compensate for the lack of proper development, please post your card, and general FPS and more importantly… did the performance justify the spend?


    Please discuss.


    EDIT: This post is the in PvP Forum because my PvE runs perfectly... it's simply other players friendly/enemy that cause the performance to drop.

  8. Hey, I never make emo threads, I sit and listen to everyone elses :(


    I cant do open world PvP for dailys... I worked out I need to spend around $3k on a new rig before I can walk around w/o my eyes feeling like they are about to fall out of my head from s..l..o..w. down.


    WZ's are cool tho, 20 FPS is more than enough to pwn... just a slow process.


    Also - 5 wins/7 losses my Quest log as usual is "1/3" "1/9" cool game mechanics imho ;)

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