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Posts posted by DrussWithAxe

  1. Ye ye .... i am pretty sure u CAN'T do any HM's without heal dude..... you talkin here about your expiriances but wheres some spoiler to prove ur words? With good group, with fully pve gear and good gear its easy right! But never without heal....... oh sorry u instantly have columi/rakata gear on lvl 50 ? u r locky guys cause we didnt.... i was 20 times in every HM and now yes i am well PVE geared guy and now its easy for me to make HM..... think before talk dude...
  2. pls someone KILL thoose trolls... the game is wonderfull and great and u just trolling tards... OP means it same like me i guess any onyone who oposse SWTOR .. why the f*ck are u still posting here? go play ur stupid Pandas and let us play our beloved game.... i dont have high end computer, i have some issues and i still dont complain and continue sub's, so why u are crying all time? u r just stupid kids c ya...



    BW make a great job for us and i cant w8 for more content...

  3. The problem is not about leting not much ppl play but about waves system... thats bad cause it makes ppl w8 all time in ignorance and expectation..... i guess there can be no problem when they let us know diretly when we can acces the game and dont let us w8 like that...


    For my own, i dont care when i get in... its few days to play so its ok,,, as u says we w8 years and now its few days so why rage?

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