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Posts posted by Mourngrim

  1. I'm sorry... Who is designing this stuff?


    I mean, seriously, you would think that no books existed on the art of Star Wars that the designers could then draw some inspiration from. this stuff is some of the most hideous excuse for armor design I have set eyes on. Not much of it even bring Star Wars to mind.


    I printed and showed these "concepts" to an entire QA staff of 70 gamers, and only 2 of them thought Star Wars when they saw it (and that's because they had already seen these on the forums). Most thought it was some f2p game of very low quality...


    If I hadn't already cancelled my sub near a month ago, I definitely would be now. Everything about this game screams "this is not the BioWare I grew up with... "

    Even in professional circles, the same is being said of BioWare... soon to be just another lost label among the many that EA has corrupted over the years.


    It was a good run while it lasted BioWare...

  2. I think mourngrim's issue that that the Devs seems to be saying one thing and doing another. They suggest that there are not truly new races because they would need add so much content to allow for the player to experience what it's like to be an alien. BUT they are adding different species to each side (which should experience some issues) and have revealed no new content for totally altering story lines to account for this. I will grant that this is an assumption. For all we know there have been dialogue changes to account for these changes (though given the devs track record I very much doubt this). And if these changes haven't been made there is absolutely no reason not to include more species...




    Why is this so hard for some certain few to understand...

    Is reading comprehension that foreign a concept nowadays?

    (This is directed at a VERY specific few in this thread)

  3. You titled the thread "So we can't play Wookiees Why?"



    And are complaining people are talking about how Wookiees would be problematic?



    Not sure if serious....



    "Wookiees (for example)...."


    The focus is not about Wookiees, but about the ability to play ANY of the other not so humanoid races. Reading comprehension is something of a lost cause I guess.

  4. "In the future I can see a day where we would do a Trandoshan or Wookiee type story but it would have to be just that. Not a simple graphic swap where now your smuggler is a giant lizard man and nobody notices but a full class story where you learn what it means to be this strange alien and deal with the rest of the galaxy and their reactions. For the present, however, our heroes are our projections of self, headed into a galaxy of wonders and adventures." -D. Erickson



    With the Sith Jedi, for exapmle, they did just that...a graphic swap. You wont play a story where you come to understand what it means to be Sith in a Republic world, where you are possibly reviled by most you come in contact with, where you may find yourself slaying your very own kind, already being a rare being. It is ok for the Sith to be a companion to a Jedi (as is currently in game), but they have broken from what Erickson says above, by allowing this race to be played as a main character on the republic side...


    So if we are going to break away from the reasoning given above...lets add characters that are in game now and not playable, and not simply rehash the same species by allowing them to be a different class.

  5. There's quite a culture shock in most imp storylines when not playing a decidedly human character. Even being a Rattataki gets me snarls and boos from others; and that's just a bald white human. All the non-human races get it, and look how close they are to the paleskinned fleshy meatbags. So imagine playing through as a Trandoshan and then let's see how those overly xenophobic people react. Hell, I doubt I'd be allowed to make port in Dromund Kaas, let alone actually walk into the city what with me breathing their air. I would soon have my Trandoshan butt flayed and hung up as a trophy


    And this is exactly what I mean. what you describe is what should be the case playing a Sith on the republic side, but that will not be the case. So if that wont be the case for the Sith Jedi, then there really is no point in banning other alien species from play (obvious technical reasons being an exception).

  6. I think the point of this thread was to discuss the reasoning behind not including ANY new playable species. Instead of just focusing on the wookiee example... which we all agree presents some very unique challenges... I think we are really discussing the decision to not include species that have already been placed in the game (i.e. Mon calamari, torgruta, kel dor, nautolan, cathar, transdoshan, etc). If the only reason was "we didn't want to spend the time redoing the helmets" then I say fine... Don't redo helmets. Most of the species are humanoid they wouldn't require any other major gear modifications and Twi'lek head-gear issue don't seem to stop people from playing them I don't see this as a valid argument. I wouldn't hesitate to play one of these characters now knowing that somewhere down the line we'd see new gear. Just my thoughts. Cheers!


    Thank you. this was my point, but there are a dedicated and obvious few who are intent on making this about something else entirely.

  7. As much as I'd like to play a Wookiee, that really would get old... very quickly.


    Maybe they could combine that with the companion translating for them in cutscenes, since most people probably wouldn't speak wookiee.


    Well, do you believe that most people speak the multitude of languages that our characters are not only exposed to, but have full on conversations with during play? No translators around that i can see, on any of my toons, yet I for some reason can understand Wookiee, Huttese, Natuolan,(forgive the misspelling of languages) and several other alien languages from characters that i interact with throughout my adventures...

  8. because no one wants to listen to their character howl through the entire game


    Mmmm, I would agree, if you spent that much time listening to your character. But fact is, it would only be during responses on the wheel. you spend a lot of time listening to characters speak alien gibberish and having to read the text anyhow...so whats the difference. Not that I don't agree to some extent...

  9. yes, I agree on the language thing, that's fine. Wookies was an example though. the point is, what excuse is there for not playing ANY of the other exotic races, that do speak basic? the original reason given was the need to have others react to the characters in the appropriate "hey, extreme alien coming through" way. With the Sith being a republic character, it would require the same kinds of "*** is that doing here" responses... instead, the story will play as though the Sith is just as normal as any other republic character.


    This is not me bashing BioWare, its just me observing the change in stance, and wondering why instead of unlocking the same races already in game, how about adding in some of the races that are in the game and NOT playable at present. ...

  10. In patch 1.2, players will get to unlock currently existing species for use with classes that were previously restricted. for example, the Sith Jedi.


    Daniel Erickson made the case for not being able to play some of the more exotic species due to not wanting to shoe horn these odder species into a story that is humanoid centric. That if they added, say Wookiees (for example), that they would need to make it so that NPC reactions, and those of story characters were appropriate to such a creature, and not just let them be treated as being "human"


    But now, with the legacy system, Sith will be able to be Jedi. Cosmetically that is, because I am hard pressed to believe they did anything to customize this race/class combinations story to be different than the story currently experienced by the allowed races. A Sith, freely roaming republic space, and treated as normal gallivanting across republic worlds...isn't that just as strange, if not more so, than us playing a Wookie? the current Jedi story will not accurately reflect the bias, and outright hatred that many of the republic would feel towards such a being.


    So why is this ok for this species, and not any others? Seems the original reasoning for not allowing races such as Wookies to be playable, has just been tossed out the window. And if so...how about they start actually adding in truly NEW races in the legacy unlocks...and not the same ones already in game and playable now?



  11. 4. None of them involved the kind of cinematic, choice driven storytelling Bioware implemented in this game. That is completely new to MMOs, and thank goodness, because after playing SWTOR I won't play a game with Quest Text as storytelling mechanism again.


    Choice driven...? the idea at first seemed very interesting, until you actually realize that the choices mean very very little. The outcome is the same, because the story is set in stone. there are no real alternate endings...other than perhaps letting letting someone live might lead to some future email from them with an item of little value or creds. The system as originally conceived may have been something to cheer, but as it was implemented and released... it really doesn't add anything. of course, this is just my humble opinion.

  12. The challenge BW had was to create an end game that was some type of extension of what their game is all about: Story and Companions... unfortunately, end game isn't anything like leveling and you lose all the momentum one has in their story at level cap.


    Just becomes another blah MMO end game grind... nothing distinguishing at all!


    There in lies an issue!




    They hyped the games as being all about story...but the story goes from abundant in the start to nada at the end. They needed to weave that story "magic" to somehow permeate the end game..but it doesn't, not even a little. it just ends, and you are left wondering what happened to all the fun I was having up to this point? Well, they stressed story, but dropped it completely at endgame.


    I'm not gonna sit and complain, I cancelled my sub. I enjoyed the single player aspect of the game, which this game heavily leans towards. I leveled to 30 all but 2 classes, but news of the legacy system, and options for new races because of it has made me regret that, so I wont level the 2 other classes till I return to the game in 3 or 4 months, when they hopefully bring the story back to the forefront in some way.

  13. I wouldn't waste your time. It's definitely not worth it except for this awesome gem:



    I actually laughed out loud at that.



    Ummm, no, I don't think so. I don't see any satire in this, he was pretty thorough, and made it clear he wasn't writing it for anyone but BW, after attempting other ways. And he hits a lot of things square on the head too. Not sure why you keep insisting its not real, I'm feeling pretty sure it is.

  14. Yes it was, seen plenty of articles about it costing upwards of $500mil.


    Until Bio comes out and says exactly what it costs, we are both wrong.


    They did, and they put it at $200, 000,000. In any case, i agree with you, but just correcting the cost to what they have stated a week or so ago.

  15. Under EA's direction


    Per the Dr.'s themselves, there is no seperation of EA/Bioware, they are one and the same. So to attempt to put blame on one without the other is moot. It's all sad as far as I'm concerned, because regardless of who is to blame for the shoddy mess, it's those of us who have been on the wagon for these past several years, and supported with our wallets by pre-ordering, that get the shaft. the game is good, for what it is, a re-skinned version of WoW, with a few minor additions/takes on old mechanics. I am immediately reminded of why i left wow years ago, and this game only brought that feeling back to the front. For those of you who are enjoying it, please continue to do so. for those that are not, including myself, Pack up and move on. constantly posting in a futile attempt to sway people to your view is, well...futile. I'll keep checking in, see whats improved, but for now, I'm an x-SWTOR player.

  16. I'm a South Australian - my partner and I have ordered the SE via Amazon.

    We have pre-order early game access and are playing at the moment.


    Both amazon accounts list a post December 25th delivery at the time of writing this post.


    I will be giving amazon another 12 hours to update my order and tell me it has shipped (Priority International Courrier 2-5 days delivery) meaning if the stars align I will have both boxes by the 21st Aussie (20th American).


    Failing the update, I will be cancelling my pre-order with Amazon and purchasing a digital key, which will be sent to me on the 20th so I can continue playing.


    My ONLY concern is that cancelling my Amazon pre-order may kill my early access... I'm not sure if anyone can confirm this...


    It will not cancel your early access, two others iknow have already done this, and they still got invites and are currently playing while i slave away at work...

  17. pre ordered my copy of the collectors edition from Amazon 5am on 7/21. I recieved early access yesterday, and I now have a toon joined with my old WOW raiding guild. life is good. and the wife is complaining :rolleyes:



    what I want to know is why only Origin gets to send them out early, and i have to be locked from the game for several days after launch because Amazon cant ship prior to the 20th?

    I've already decided to cancel it if it doesn't ship by the 19th, but it just plain sux that BioWare is doing this.

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